Hopf bifurcation analysis is also carried out in the absence of diffusion, which shows the existence of periodic solution of the system around the Disease Free Equilibrium Point and the Endemic Equilibrium Point when the ratio of the rate of intrinsic growth rate of predator to prey crosses a certain threshold value. The system remains locally asymptotically stable in the presence of diffusion around the disease free equilibrium point once it is locally asymptotically stable in the absence of diffusion. The Analytical results show that the effect of diffusion can be managed by appropriately choosing conditions on the parameters of the local interaction of the system. Numerical simulations are carried out to validate our analytical findings.Interspecies hybridization is driven by a complex interplay of factors where introgression plays an important role. In the present study, the transfer of genetic material, between two quite distant fish species from different genera, through spontaneous hybridization was documented with dedicated molecular and bioinformatics tools. We investigate the genomic landscape of putative stickleback-relative introgression by carefully analyzing the tractable transposable elements (TE) on the admixed genome of some individuals of two sympatric stickleback species inhabiting northwestern Russia, namely the three-spined (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the nine-spined (Pungitius pungitius) sticklebacks. Our data revealed that unique TE amplification types exist, supporting our proposed hypothesis that infers on the interspecific introgression. By running a restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) with eight samples of G. aculeatus and P. pungitius and subjecting further the results to a contrasting analysis by variated bioinformatic tools, we identified the related introgression-linked markers. The admixture nature observed in a single sample of the nine-spined stickleback demonstrated the possible traces of remote introgression between these two species. Our work reveals the potential that introgression has on providing particular variants at a high-frequency speed while linking blocks of sequence with multiple functional mutations. However, even though our results are of significant interest, an increased number of samples displaying the introgression are required to further ascertain our conclusions.Cigarette product waste contains toxic chemicals, including human carcinogens, which leach into and accumulate in the environment and represent a current environmental problem neglected for too long. This study aimed to select filamentous fungi capable of decreasing tobacco extract toxicity as an alternative to a future bioremediation process. The 38 isolates obtained from Culture collection of microorganisms to biotechnological and environmental importance - CCMIBA (Brazil) were cultivated in yeast extract (10 g.L-1) and dextrose (10 g.L-1) containing cigarette tobacco extract (200 mL.L-1) for seven days at 28 °C on a rotary shaker at 150 rpm. The fungal growth rate was determined to infer fungal tolerance to tobacco extract, and supernatants from cultivated fungi were used to run the toxicity test using Allium cepa assay. The Fusarium sp. strain I.17, isolated from cigarette waste, was the only lineage capable of growing in 20% (v/v) of cigarette tobacco extract, allowed the onions to root, and was selectedar phylogeny of the isolate Fusarium sp. strain I.17. These results suggest that Fusarium sp. strain I.17 can be used as a potential microorganism to toxicity treatment of cigarette wastes, minimizing the environmental impact of direct burning.Citrus bacterial canker (CBC) is a known disease caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp citri, which affects many species and varieties of Rutaceae. It causes evident damage on the epigeal parts of plant (leaves and branches) and, in particular, on the fruits, causing their fall and/or deterioration, making them unsuitable for sale. EPPO has signaled its presence in many Asian countries and in the Middle East, in South and Central America and in some regions of the African continent, but not yet in Europe. There are several possible ways of introducing this pathogen into the Mediterranean Basin and, among these, there is the trade of plant material for propagation and planting and the flow of tourism between the risk areas and the Mediterranean countries. This research demonstrates how the risk of invasion through ornamental Rutaceae is evident and identifies - in a participatory way through the involvement of stakeholders - some possible tools of phytosanitary protection. The methodological approach, with multi-criteria analysis, recognizes the interest in forms of protection represented by voluntary certification tools, rather than the introduction of new taxation that can finance the protection system.Water scarcity and unreliable weather conditions frequently cause smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe to plant maize (Zea mays L.) varieties outside the optimum planting timeframe. This challenge exacts the necessity to develop sowing management options for decision support. The study's objective was to use a hybrid approach to determine the best planting windows and maize varieties. The combination will guide farmers on planting dates, dry spell probability during critical stages of the crop growth cycle and rainfall cessation. To capture farmer's perception on agroclimatic information, a systematic random sampling of 438 smallholders was carried out. An analysis of climatic data during 1949-2012 was conducted using INSTAT to identify the best planting criterion. The best combination of planting criterion and maize varieties analysis was then achieved by optimizing planting dates and maize varieties in the DSSAT environment. It was found that 56.2% of farmers grew short-season varieties, 40.2% medium-season varieties and 3.6% long-season varieties. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pembrolizumab.html It was also established that the number of rain days and maize yield had a strong positive relationship (p = 0.0049). No significant association was found amongst maize yield (p > 0.05), and planting date criteria, Depth (40mm in 4 days), the AREX criterion- Agricultural Research Extension (25 mm rainfall in 7 days) and the MET Criterion-Department of Meteorological Services (40 mm in 15 days). Highest yields were simulated under the combination of medium-season maize variety and the AREX and MET criteria. The range of simulated yields from 0.0 t/ha to 2.8 t/ha formed the basis for the development of an operational decision support tool (cropping calendar) with (RMSE) (0.20). The methodology can be used to select the best suitable maize varieties and a range of planting time.