This is the first report of cannibalistic evisceration in a live victim who survived the attack, posing a unique reconstructive challenge. Bilateral globe removal was avoided to provide time for the patient's emotional recovery. Although this was an exceptional surgical scenario, traditional oculoplastic principles remained crucial to achieving a successful outcome. The patient survived and was pleased with his surgical outcome, refusing further reconstruction or prosthesis fitting. To report a case of subarachnoid hemorrhage-negative Terson syndrome following intracranial artery treatment with flow diverter stents. A 40-year-old Asian woman presented with floaters in her right eye after treatment of an intracranial aneurysm with flow diverter stents. Vitreous hemorrhage and sub-inner limiting membrane (sub-ILM) hemorrhage were present in her right eye. On fluorescein angiography, contrast perfusion and vascular occlusion were not noted. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) did not show any evidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). We hypothesize that the bleeding was due to Terson syndrome associated with intracranial treatment with the flow diverter stents. During follow-up, the vitreous hemorrhage and sub-ILM hemorrhage disappeared, and the floaters in her vision improved. This is the first reported case of vitreous hemorrhage and sub-ILM hemorrhage that should be considered to be Terson syndrome, after flow diverter stents treatment in the absence of SAH. This is the first reported case of vitreous hemorrhage and sub-ILM hemorrhage that should be considered to be Terson syndrome, after flow diverter stents treatment in the absence of SAH. To provide an update on different management approaches for Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) infections of the eye and orbit. A total of 9 eyes from 8 patients were found to meet study criteria. Of these 9 eyes, 6 eyes (66%) involved , 2 (22%) involved , and 1 (11%) involved . In 8 (88%) eyes, NTM infection was treated with a combination of antibiotics and removal of involved foreign body or tissue (e.g. scleral buckle, intraocular lens, orbital implant, or granuloma). One case was observed on topical therapy alone due to low suspicion for clinically significant infection. In 1 patient, a second culture-positive infection was found in the contralateral eye requiring treatment. Depending on the clinical presentation, optimal treatment of ocular and orbital NTM infections may require combination anti-mycobacterial antibiotics (topical and systemic), surgical removal of implanted material or tissue, or both. Depending on the clinical presentation, optimal treatment of ocular and orbital NTM infections may require combination anti-mycobacterial antibiotics (topical and systemic), surgical removal of implanted material or tissue, or both. To describe the clinical presentation and ocular manifestations of intravitreal bortezomib. Retrospective chart review of five patients who inadvertently received intravitreal injection of bortezomib, instead of bevacizumab, showed that all patients presented hyperacutely within 24-72 hours of the injection with pain and severe vision loss. Examination revealed a fibrinous anterior uveitis, corneal edema, and choroidal effusion associated with a shallow anterior chamber and secondary angle closure glaucoma. Significant vitritis was notably absent. Severe retinal vascular attenuation and optic atrophy, and sometimes even retinal infarction or detachment, followed. Four of the five patients rapidly progressed to no light perception vision. Vitreous gram stain and cultures were negative in all eyes. Intravitreal bortezomib is severely toxic to the eye. Special safeguards should be instituted for the dispensing of intravitreal medications. Intravitreal bortezomib is severely toxic to the eye. Special safeguards should be instituted for the dispensing of intravitreal medications. Previously, secondary prevention of herpes zoster required live-attenuated vaccination, which is contraindicated in immunocompromised populations. More recently, a recombinant subunit vaccine (Shingrix, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Iatrogenic varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection is theoretically impossible as it does not contain a live virus. We present a case of acute retinal necrosis (ARN) and disseminated zoster after receiving the recombinant subunit vaccine. A 65-year-old woman with past medical history of multiple myeloma treated with a previous autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant and now with daratumumab and pomalidomide developed disseminated zoster and subsequently acute retinal necrosis weeks after receiving the zoster subunit vaccine. Molecular testing confirmed the presence of VZV, and the absence of herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmosis. The VZV was found to be genotypically wildtype amised populations has been supported up to this point by studies demonstrating its relative safety. Though post-vaccination VZV infection or reactivation appears to be rare, clinicians should be aware of this potential complication to the recombinant subunit vaccine.PlexinA1 (PlxnA1) is a transmembrane receptor for semaphorins, a large family of proteins that act as axonal guidance cues during nervous system development. However, there are limited studies on PlxnA1 function in neurobehavior. The present study examined if PlxnA1 deficiency leads to behavioral abnormalities in BALB/cAJ mice. PlxnA1 knockout (KO) mice were generated by homologous recombination and compared to wild type (WT) littermates on a comprehensive battery of behavioral tests, including open field assessment of spontaneous ambulation, state anxiety, and grooming, home cage grooming, the wire hang test of muscle strength, motor coordination on the rotarod task, working memory on the Y maze alternation task, cued and contextual fear conditioning, anxiety on the elevated plus maze, sociability to intruders, and sensory processing as measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI). Measures of motor performance, working memory, fear memory, and sociability did not differ significantly between genotypes, while PlxnA1 KO mice displayed excessive self-grooming, impaired PPI, and slightly lower anxiety.