Clinicaltrials/pdf_generate.php?trialid=17249&EncHid=&modid=&compid=%27,%2717249det%27. Exacerbations are critical events in chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD). The frequency of COPD exacerbations is associated with the prognosis, including mortality, but no useful biomarker has been established. The present retrospective study investigated 481 COPD patients. Clinical features in the stable period were compared between patients who experienced severe exacerbation (n = 88, 18.3%) and those who never experienced severe exacerbation (n = 393, 81.7%). In the patients who experienced exacerbations, clinical features were also compared between frequent exacerbators (exacerbation rate ≥ 2 times/year, n = 27, 30.7%) and infrequent exacerbators (1 time/year, n = 61, 69.3%). Compared to COPD patients who never experienced exacerbations, body mass index (BMI), serum albumin, and pulmonary functions were significantly lower, and the cardiovascular disease comorbidity rate, COPD assessment test score, modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale, and use of long-term oxygen therapy, long-acting β adrenergic agonist therapy, inhaled corticosteroid therapy, and macrolide therapy were significantly higher in COPD patients with exacerbations (all p < 0.01). In patients who experienced exacerbations, frequent exacerbators had significantly lower % forced expiratory volume in 1.0s and a higher risk of critical exacerbations, percentage of blood eosinophils, history of mechanical ventilation use, and use of long-term oxygen therapy and of macrolide therapy than infrequent exacerbators (all p < 0.01). On multivariate analysis, the percentage of blood eosinophils was the parameter most correlated with exacerbation frequency (β value [95% confidence interval] 1.45 [1.12-1.88], p < 0.01). Blood eosinophil in the stable period is the factor most correlated with the frequency of severe exacerbations. The patients in this study was registered retrospectively. The patients in this study was registered retrospectively. Strain episodes, defined as phases of higher workload, stress or negative emotions, occur everyday in the operating room (OR). Accurate knowledge of when strain is most intense for the different OR team members is imperative for developing appropriate interventions. The primary goal of the study was to investigate temporal patterns of strain across surgical phases for different professionals working in the OR, for different types of operations. We developed a guided recall method to assess the experience of strain from the perspective of operating room (OR) team members. The guided recall was completed by surgeons, residents, anesthesiologists, circulating nurses and scrub technicians immediately after 113 operations, performed in 5 departments of one hospital in North America. We also conducted interviews with 16 surgeons on strain moments during their specific operation types. Strain experiences were related to surgical phases and compared across different operation types separately for each profession Thus, phases with high concentration requirements may highly vary across OR team members and no single phase of an operation can be defined as a "sterile cockpit" phase for all team members. Members of the OR teams experience strain differently across the phases of an operation. Thus, phases with high concentration requirements may highly vary across OR team members and no single phase of an operation can be defined as a "sterile cockpit" phase for all team members. The current corona virus pandemic is acting as a stressor or trauma, which not only threats physical health status, but also threats mental health status and well-being of people. Currently, COVID-19 pandemic is a life-threatening unpredictable condition accompanied with a large number of uncertainties. The present study has mainly aimed to assess mental health and the relevant social factors during this pandemic in Fars province. This cross-sectional study was performed on 922 participants in Fars province, Iran, using internet-based data collection technique. All the included participants filled out the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Moreover, demographic variables and some social factors were evaluated by asking some questions. All the participants were ensured of the confidentiality of the collected data, and willingly completed the questionnaire. Among the participants, there were 629 women (68.2%) and 293 men (31.2%). The mean age of the participants was 36.98 ± 11.08 years old. Four hundrhe policy makers and media must present reliable and valid information to people as soon as possible. The present study revealed that the number of those people with suspected poor mental health in Fars province significantly increased compared to a previous study using the same questionnaire. Furthermore, the participants who had less trust in media and policymakers were more prone to mental health problems. Therefore, it can be concluded that supporting people in these life-threatening pandemic crises is of great importance, so the policy makers and media must present reliable and valid information to people as soon as possible. The quality of life of chronically ill individuals, such as hay fever sufferers, is significantly dependent on their health behavior. This survey aimed to explain the health-related behavior of allergic individuals using the protection motivation theory (PMT) and the transtheoretical model (TTM). The influencing variables stated by PMT were operationalized based on data from semistructured pilot interviews and a pretest with 12 individuals from the target population. The final questionnaire inquired perceived seriousness and severity of hay fever, response efficacy, response costs, self-efficacy, and the use of various hay fever management measures in relation to the TTM stages. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to investigate the relationships between the PMT constructs and the examined health behavior. A total of 569 allergic individuals completed the online questionnaire. Only 33.26% of allergic individuals were in the maintenance stage for treatment under medical supervision, and almost 60% preferred hay fever self-management.