To describe human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination practice among adolescent girls with cystic fibrosis (CF) and to identify reasons for non-vaccination. Cross-sectional multicentric study. Girls aged 9-17years, attending 7 French pediatric CF centers, and their accompanying adult. Administration of a self-report questionnaire. The proportion of girls having received or receiving HPV vaccination, compliance with the vaccination schedule, factors associated with vaccination, and reasons for vaccination and for non-vaccination. A total of 113 girls and 104 accompanying adults participated. The mean age was 13.6years (standard deviation 2.5; range 9-17). A total of 34 (30.9%) patients reported having received HPV vaccination. Among the 34 girls aged 15years or older, 15 (44.1%) were vaccinated. Most patients (58.8%) started vaccination between 11 and 14years of age (mean age 13.9). Most vaccine prescriptions (67.6%) were made by a CF center health care provider. Factors associated with vaccination were older age (odds ratio [OR]=1.27, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.01-1.6, P=.037 for each year older), previous vaccination by the accompanying parent of one of their children for hepatitis B (OR=8.01, 95% CI=0.96-67.02), P=.055), and parental influence on decision-making (OR=2.77, 95% CI=0.97-7.95, P=.058). Health care providers' positive advice and fear of HPV-related disease were the main reasons given to justify vaccination decisions. Insufficient knowledge and concerns about potential side effects were the main barriers. HPV vaccination remains insufficient among girls with CF. CF health care providers may play a crucial role in HPV vaccination acceptance, and their sensitization to cervical cancer prevention is mandatory. HPV vaccination remains insufficient among girls with CF. CF health care providers may play a crucial role in HPV vaccination acceptance, and their sensitization to cervical cancer prevention is mandatory.Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is used to treat many chronic and acute malignant and nonmalignant conditions. We review hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and its effect on the gynecologic health of pediatric and adolescent patients, including pretransplantation evaluation, contraception, menstrual suppression, sexual health, fertility, primary ovarian insufficiency, and graft vs host disease. Comprehensive and team-based care provides optimal anticipatory counseling, evaluation, and management of acute and ongoing gynecologic issues. Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) is a rare benign breast lesion that is is extremely rare in children and adolescents. A 13-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic with a giant mass in the left breast for 3months. Physical examination findings of the patient were normal except for the mass in the breast. The mass was removed totally, and its pathological diagnosis was pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. The patient has been followed up for 6months without disease. A 13-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic with a giant mass in the left breast for 3 months. Physical examination findings of the patient were normal except for the mass in the breast. The mass was removed totally, and its pathological diagnosis was pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. The patient has been followed up for 6 months without disease.The two-pore potassium channel TASK-3 has been shown to localize to both the plasma membrane and the mitochondrial inner membrane. TASK-3 is highly expressed in melanoma and breast cancer cells and has been proposed to promote tumor formation. Here we investigated whether pharmacological modulation of TASK-3, and specifically of mitochondrial TASK-3 (mitoTASK-3), had any effect on cancer cell survival and mitochondrial physiology. A novel, mitochondriotropic version of the specific TASK-3 inhibitor IN-THPP has been synthesized by addition of a positively charged triphenylphosphonium moiety. While IN-THPP was unable to induce apoptosis, mitoIN-THPP decreased survival of breast cancer cells and efficiently killed melanoma lines, which we show to express mitoTASK-3. Cell death was accompanied by mitochondrial membrane depolarization and fragmentation of the mitochondrial network, suggesting a role of the channel in the maintenance of the correct function of this organelle. In accordance, cells treated with mitoIN-THPP became rapidly depleted of mitochondrial ATP which resulted in activation of the AMP-dependent kinase AMPK. Importantly, cell survival was not affected in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and the effect of mitoIN-THPP was less pronounced in human melanoma cells stably knocked down for TASK-3 expression, indicating a certain degree of selectivity of the drug both for pathological cells and for the channel. In addition, mitoIN-THPP inhibited cancer cell migration to a higher extent than IN-THPP in two melanoma cell lines. In summary, our results point to the importance of mitoTASK-3 for melanoma cell survival and migration.In mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), seizures typically arise in the hippocampus or other mesial temporal lobe structures. The aetiology of MTLE epileptogenesis in still unknown, yet putative precipitating events such as trauma, complex febrile seizures, status epilepticus, inflammatory insults, or ischemia have been implicated. MTLE is commonly associated to a high degree of hippocampal sclerosis (HS) leading to frequent anti-epileptic drug refractoriness. Thus, the aim of recent therapeutic strategies has shifted from control of symptomatic seizures to putative prevention of epileptogenic processes. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) acts as a neurotransmitter, neurotrophic or neuroprotective factor in the central nervous system (CNS), also displaying anti-inflammatory and neurogenic actions. In the hippocampus, a brain area implicated in learning and memory, VIP released from basket cells and/or interneuron-selective interneurons controls GABAergic transmission and pyramidal cell activity influencing hippocampal-dependent synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation and long-term depression) and cognition. VPAC1 receptor activation enhances hippocampal synaptic transmission by fostering disinhibition, while stimulation of VPAC2 receptors favours pyramidal cell excitability. Interestingly, VIP released from interneurons has potent anti-inflammatory actions, participates in the maintenance of the blood-brain barrier integrity, and strengthens neurogenesis. VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors play differential roles in the regulation of the neuro-immune interactions. In this context, we gathered here the available information concerning the impact of VIP on neurotransmission and neuronal excitability in MTLE-HS and discuss the preventive use of selective VIP receptor ligands to abrogate epileptogenesis in MTLE-HS by controlling synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and neuronal survival, neuroinflammation, and blood-brain barrier damage.