Crohn's disease is a chronic and unpredictable inflammatory bowel disease that leads to important psychosocial difficulties especially during sensitive developmental stages such as childhood and adolescence. While risk factors for mood disorders have been identified in the literature, those for quality of life and psychosocial functioning have not. This systematic review explored the determinants of quality of life and psychosocial adjustment to pediatric Crohn's disease. Four international databases were consulted in March 2020 PubMed, PsychInfo, PubPsych and Cochrane Library. A series of keywords were entered in each database to identify the most recent relevant studies. One hundred and sixty-eight articles were identified, of which twenty-nine met the inclusion criteria. The majority explored the determinants of quality of life, depression and anxiety, with a few focusing on psychosocial functioning. Consistently with the literature on psychological morbidity, disease activity and parental stress wc education, therapies focused on pain management or on the parent-child relationship can be considered to allow a better adjustment or prevent difficulties. Transthoracic point-of-care ultrasonography of the lungs has become a standard technique in critical care medicine for the evaluation of patients with respiratory signs or symptoms but has not been well studied in pregnancy. To compare lung ultrasound patterns in third-trimester gravidas with and without preeclampsia and assess interobserver agreement between 3 obstetrical providers and a physician expert in critical care lung ultrasound. This is a prospective observational study of 262 women with singleton pregnancies between 32 0/7 and 41 6/7 weeks' gestation. Lung ultrasound examinations were performed and interpreted by a team of obstetrical care providers and then interpreted by an expert in point-of-care lung ultrasound. The number of B-lines in each of the 4 lung fields, indicating the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space and the alveoli, was evaluated. The primary outcome was a positive study for pulmonary interstitial edema, defined as an ultrasound study with 3 or more B-lines in 2 ortant before the widespread adoption of point-of-care lung ultrasound by obstetrical healthcare providers.The Asia-Oceania Human Proteome Organization (AOHUPO; was officially founded on June 7, 2001, by Richard J. Simpson (Australia), Akira Tsugita (Japan), and Young-Ki Paik (Korea) and launched on October 1-4, 2001, at the second scientific meeting of the International Proteomics Conference held in Canberra, Australia. Inaugural council members of the AOHUPO elected were Richard J. Simpson (Australia, president), Qi-Chang Xia (China), Kazuyuki Nakamura (Japan), Akira Tsugita (Japan, VIce President), Young-Ki Paik (Korea, secretary general), Mike Hubbard (New Zealand), Max C. M. Chung (Singapore), Shui-Tien Chen (Taiwan), and John Bennett (Philippines). The first AOHUPO conference was held on March 26-27, 2002, at the Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, conjointly with the second Annual Meeting of KHUPO. Since then, biennial AOHUPO conferences have been held in Taipei (2004), Singapore (2006), Cairns (2008), Hyderabad (2010), Beijing (2012), Bangkok (2014), Sun Moon Lake (2016), and Osaka (2018). The 10th AOHUPO conference is scheduled to be held in Busan on June 30 to July 2, 2021, to celebrate our 20th anniversary.Clinical observation and ex vivo studies have established a strong association between inflammation and postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF). However, it is unclear whether the inflammatory phenotype is causally linked to this event or is an epiphenomenon, and it is not known which inflammatory meditators may increase susceptibility to POAF. The limitations of available animal models of spontaneous POAF (sPOAF) makes it difficult to select an experimental system. Here, we provide experimental and clinical evidence for mechanistic involvement of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in sPOAF. We established a mouse model of cardiac surgery with nonpaced sPOAF. IL-6 knockout mice were protected from sPOAF compared with wild-type mice. At 48 hours after surgery, the heart was separated into 6 regions and cultured. IL-6 was expressed in all regions, with highest abundance in the left atrium (LA). In PHASE III, we demonstrated that IL-6 in the LA elicited early profibrotic properties in atria via the pSTAT3/STAT3 signaling d, leading to an increased susceptibility to POAF. Measuring IL-6 in PD could be a new noninvasive biomarker for the clinical prediction of POAF.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been recently postulated as key players in metabolic disorders emerging as an alternative way of paracrine/endocrine communication. However, the nature of EVs shed by adipose tissue (AT) and their role in obesity is still very limited. Here, we isolated human morbid obese visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous (SAT) whole AT shed EVs from donors submitted to bariatric surgery to characterize their protein cargo by qualitative and quantitative/SWATH mass spectrometry analysis. We identified 574 different proteins shed by morbid obese VAT and 401 proteins in those from SAT, establishing the first obese AT EV proteome reference map. Only 50% of identified proteins in VAT vesicles were common to those in SAT; additionally, EVs shed by obese VAT showed more AT and obesity-related adipokines than SAT. Functional classification shows that obese VAT vesicles exhibit an enrichment of proteins implicated in AT inflammation and insulin resistance such as TGFBI, CAVN1, CD14, mimecan, thrombospondin-1, FABP-4 or AHNAK. Selected candidate biomarkers from the quantitative-SWATH analysis were validated in EVs from independent morbid obese and from moderate obese to lean individuals showing that morbid obese VAT vesicles are characterized by a diminution of syntenin 1 and the elevation of TGFBI and mimecan. Interestingly, TGFBI and mimecan containing vesicles could be detected and quantified at circulating level in plasma. Thus, a significant elevation of -TGFBI-EVs was detected on those obese patients with a history of T2D compared to nondiabetic, and an augmentation of mimecan-EVs in obese plasma compared to those in healthy lean individuals. Thus, we conclude that obese AT release functional EVs carrying AT and obesity candidate biomarkers which vary regarding the AT of origin. Our findings suggest that circulating EV-TGFBI may facilitate monitoring T2D status in obese patients, and EV-mimecan may be useful to track adiposity, and more precisely, visceral obesity.