on and to improve social connectedness. To investigate European guideline treatment target achievement in cardiovascular risk factors, medication use, and lifestyle, after myocardial infarction (MI) or ischaemic stroke, in women and men living in Norway. In the population-based Tromsø Study 2015-16 (attendance 65%), 904 participants had previous validated MI and/or stroke. Cross-sectionally, we investigated target achievement for blood pressure (<140/90 mmHg, <130/80 mmHg if diabetes), LDL cholesterol (<1.8 mmol/L), HbA1c (<7.0% if diabetes), overweight (body mass index (BMI) <25 kg/m2, waist circumference women <80 cm, men <94 cm), smoking (non-smoking), physical activity (self-reported >sedentary, accelerometer-measured moderate-to-vigorous ≥150 min/week), diet (intake of fruits ≥200 g/day, vegetables ≥200 g/day, fish ≥200 g/week, saturated fat <10E%, fibre ≥30 g/day, alcohol women ≤10 g/day, men ≤20 g/day), and medication use (antihypertensives, lipid-lowering drugs, antithrombotics, and antidiabetics), using regreet for all risk factors. Improvement in follow-up care and treatment after MI and stroke is needed. Radiation therapy plays an important role in adjuvant treatment for surgically treated cervical cancer with adverse pathological findings. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Eloxatin.html This was the first study to evaluate current practices of adjuvant radiation therapy among centres affiliated with the Korean Radiation Oncology Group. A survey containing specific questions on the demographics in 2019, indications of adjuvant treatment, radiation therapy field, prescription radiation therapy dose, boost radiation therapy and chemotherapy was sent out by e-mail to 93 centres. The overall response rate was 62.4%. Regarding radiation therapy techniques, intensity-modulated radiation therapy was adopted in most institutions (41/58, 70.7%). Various risk group criteria were selected for adjuvant radiation therapy and concurrent chemoradiation therapy. One or two risk factors among tumour size, depth of invasion and lymphovascular invasion were considered for adjuvant radiation therapy by 20.7 and 60.3% of the respondents, respectively. The following crite consensus on radiation therapy guidelines in the context of adjuvant treatment for cervical cancer.Earlier this year, the Royal College of Physicians in the UK published national guidelines on the management of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness, updating their 2013 guidance 'particularly in relation to recent developments in assessment and management and … changes in the law governing … the withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration'. The report's primary focus is on patients who could live for many years with treatment and care. This update, by a neurologist, an imaging neuroscientist, and a lawyer-ethicist, questions the document's rejection of any significant role for neuroimaging techniques including functional MRI and/or bedside EEG to detect covert consciousness in such patients. We find the reasons for this rejection unconvincing, given (i) the significant advances made in the use of this technology in recent years; and (ii) the wider scope for its use envisaged by the earlier (2018) guidelines issued by the American Academy of Neurology. We suggest that, since around one in five patients diagnosed with prolonged disorders of consciousness are in fact conscious enough to follow commands in a neuroimaging context (i.e. those who are 'covertly conscious' or those with 'cognitive motor dissociation'), and given the clinical, ethical and legal importance of determining whether patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness are legally competent or at least able to express their views and feelings, the guidance from the Royal College of Physicians requires urgent review. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in hospitalizations for non-COVID-19-related conditions. We explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiac operations and interventions undertaken in England. An administrative database covering hospital activity for England, the Health Episodes Statistics, was used to assess a total of 286697 hospitalizations for cardiac operations and interventions, as well as 227257 hospitalizations for myocardial infarction (MI) and 453799 for heart failure (HF) from 7 January 2019 to 26 July 2020. Over the 3 months of 'lockdown', total numbers and mean reductions in weekly rates [n (-%)], compared with the same time period in 2019, were coronary artery bypass grafting [-2507 (-64%)]; percutaneous coronary intervention [-5245 (-28%)]; surgical [-1324 (-41%)] and transcatheter [-284 (-21%)] aortic valve replacement; mitral valve replacement; implantation of pacemakers [-6450 (-44%)], cardiac resynchronization therapy with [-356 (-42%)] or without [-491 (-46%)] defibrillation devices, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators [-501 (-45%)]; atrial fibrillation ablation [-1902 (-83%)], and other ablations [-1712 (-64%)] (all P < 0.001). Over this period, there were 21038 fewer procedures than in the reference period in 2019 (P < 0.001). These changes paralleled reductions in hospitalizations for MI [-10794 (-27%)] and HF [-63058 (-28%)] (both P < 0.001). The COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial reductions in the number of cardiac operations and interventions undertaken. An alternative strategy for healthcare delivery to patients with cardiac conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic is urgently needed. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial reductions in the number of cardiac operations and interventions undertaken. An alternative strategy for healthcare delivery to patients with cardiac conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic is urgently needed. The objective of this study was to use a decision-analytic model to examine the potential economic impact of establishing a remunerated programme for pharmacists prescribing for minor ailments (PPMA) in Ontario, Canada. A novel decision tool was developed to assess the economic impact of pharmacists prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), contact dermatitis (CD) and conjunctivitis by performing a cost-minimization analysis from a public payer perspective. Two prescribing strategies were compared (1) PPMA, where patients may seek care from pharmacists or physicians, and (2) the usual care model (UCM), where all patients receive care from physicians. Two remuneration models for the PPMA strategy were also compared (1) a prescription-detached scenario (PDS), where pharmacists were remunerated CAD$18.00 for each consultation, and (2) a Prescription-Attached Scenario (PAS), where pharmacists were only remunerated if a decision to prescribe was made. At a service uptake rate of 38% for the PDS, the PPMA model led to savings of $7.