Automotive millimeter-wave (MMW) radar is essential in autonomous vehicles due to its robustness in all weather conditions. Traditional commercial automotive radars are limited by their resolution, which makes the object classification task difficult. Thus, the concept of a new generation of four-dimensional (4D) imaging radar was proposed. It has high azimuth and elevation resolution and contains Doppler information to produce a high-quality point cloud. In this paper, we propose an object classification network named Radar Transformer. The algorithm takes the attention mechanism as the core and adopts the combination of vector attention and scalar attention to make full use of the spatial information, Doppler information, and reflection intensity information of the radar point cloud to realize the deep fusion of local attention features and global attention features. We generated an imaging radar classification dataset and completed manual annotation. The experimental results show that our proposed method achieved an overall classification accuracy of 94.9%, which is more suitable for processing radar point clouds than the popular deep learning frameworks and shows promising performance.Background Complex, ongoing social factors have led to a context where metabolic syndrome (MetS) is disproportionately high in Aboriginal Australians. MetS is characterised by insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, high blood-sugar and low HDL-C. This descriptive study aimed to document physical activity levels, including domains and intensity and sedentary behaviour, and MetS risk factors in the Perth Aboriginal (predominately Noongar) community. Methods The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), together with a questionnaire on self-reported MetS risk factors, was circulated to community members for completion during 2014 (n = 129). Results Data were analysed using chi-squared tests. The average (SD) age was 37.8 years (14) and BMI of 31.4 (8.2) kg/m2. Occupational, transport-related and leisure-time physical activity (PA) and sedentary intensities were reported across age categories. The median (interquartile range) daily sedentary time was 200 (78, 435), 240 (120, 420) and 180 (60, 300) minutes for the 18-25, 26-44 and 45+ year-olds, respectively (p = 0.973). Conclusions An in-depth understanding of the types, frequencies and intensities of PA reported for the Perth Aboriginal community is important to implementing targeted strategies to reduce the prevalence of chronic disease in this context. Future efforts collaborating with community should aim to reduce the risk factors associated with MetS and improve quality of life.Boarhounds are hunting dogs bred for hunting wild boar, including terriers, dachshunds, and hounds. Hunt trials evaluate the individual hunting potential and trainability of the boarhounds in ten different competitions. The aim of this study was to determine the factors influencing the hunt trials for boarhounds in a large cohort of hunting dogs. The analysis was conducted based on the results of hunt trials for boarhounds conducted in 2005-2015. The database contained 1867 individuals belonging to 39 breeds. Effects of sex, age, breed group, and breed were estimated by non-parametric analysis of variance. Sex influenced (p less then 0.01) the total score, and in almost all competitions dogs performed better than bitches. Age affected (p less then 0.01 or p less then 0.05) all competitions, indicating that the dogs perform better with age. The results analyzed by the breed group showed that the dachshunds performed better in courage (p less then 0.01) and searching (p less then 0.05). Breed influenced (p less then 0.01) almost all scores except obedience and tracking on the lead. The best performing breed was Alpine Dachsbracke. In conclusion, all analyzed factors influenced the results of the hunt trials. The factors with the largest impact were breed and age, which reflect both the hunting potential and the level of training of the boarhounds.Disbond arrest features combined with a structural health monitoring system for permanent bondline surveillance have the potential to significantly increase the safety of adhesive bonds in composite structures. A core requirement is that the integration of such features is achieved without causing weakening of the bondline. We present the design of a smart inlay equipped with a micro strain sensor-system fabricated on a polyvinyliden fluorid (PVDF) foil material. This material has proven disbond arrest functionality, but has not before been used as a substrate in lithographic micro sensor fabrication. Only with special pretreatment can it meet the requirements of thin film sensor elements regarding surface roughness and adhesion. Moreover, the sensor integration into composite material using a standard manufacturing procedure reveals that the smart inlays endure this process even though subjected to high temperatures, curing reactions and plasma treatment. Most critical is the substrate melting during curing when sensory function is preserved with a covering caul plate that stabilizes the fragile measuring grids. The smart inlays are tested by static mechanical loading, showing that they can be stretched far beyond critical elongations of composites before failure. The health monitoring function is verified by testing the specimens with integrated sensors in a cantilever bending setup. The results prove the feasibility of micro sensors detecting strain gradients on a disbond arresting substrate to form a so-called multifunctional bondline.Large-scale RNA sequencing and genome-wide profiling data revealed the identification of a heterogeneous group of noncoding RNAs, known as long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). These lncRNAs play central roles in health and disease processes in diabetes and cancer. The critical association between aberrant expression of lncRNAs in diabetes and diabetic kidney disease have been reported. LncRNAs regulate diverse targets and can function as sponges for regulatory microRNAs, which influence disease phenotype in the kidneys. Importantly, lncRNAs and microRNAs may regulate bidirectional or crosstalk mechanisms, which need to be further investigated. These studies offer the novel possibility that lncRNAs may be used as potential therapeutic targets for diabetes and diabetic kidney diseases. Here, we discuss the functions and mechanisms of actions of lncRNAs, and their crosstalk interactions with microRNAs, which provide insight and promise as therapeutic targets, emphasizing their role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic kidney disease.