Substance use among adolescents and emerging adults continues to be an important public health problem associated with morbidity and mortality. Mobile health (mHealth) provides a promising approach to deliver just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) to prevent escalation of use and substance use-related consequences. This pilot study aims to describe the iterative development and initial feasibility and acceptability testing of an mHealth smartphone app, called MiSARA, designed to reduce escalation in substance use. We used social media advertisements to recruit youth (n=39; aged 16-24 years, who screened positive for past-month binge drinking or recreational cannabis use) with a waiver of parental consent. Participants used the MiSARA app for 30 days, with feasibility and acceptability data reported at a 1-month follow-up. We present descriptive data regarding behavior changes over time. The results show that most participants (31/39, 79%) somewhat liked the app at least, with most (29/39, 74%) rating MiSARA as 3 or more stars (out of 5). Almost all participants were comfortable with self-reporting sensitive information within the app (36/39, 92%); however, most participants also desired more interactivity (27/39, 69%). In addition, participants' substance use declined over time, and those reporting using the app more often reported less substance use at the 1-month follow-up than those who reported using the app less often. The findings suggest that the MiSARA app is a promising platform for JITAI delivery, with future trials needed to optimize the timing and dose of messages and determine efficacy. The findings suggest that the MiSARA app is a promising platform for JITAI delivery, with future trials needed to optimize the timing and dose of messages and determine efficacy. Digital health usability assessments can help explain how well mobile health (mHealth) apps targeting young people with sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information performed and whether the intended purpose was achieved. However, few digital health assessments have been conducted to evaluate young people's perceptions regarding mHealth system interactions and content relevance on a wide range of SRH topics. In addition, the majority of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have focused on push messaging platforms; therefore, the mHealth field lacks sufficient RCTs investigating on-demand mHealth SRH platforms. The objective of this study was to explore young people's experiences using an on-demand SRH mHealth platform in Kenya. We used qualitative data related to the usability of an mHealth platform, Adolescent/Youth Reproductive Mobile Access and Delivery Initiatives for Love and Life Outcome (ARMADILLO), collected at the end of the intervention period. A total of 30 in-depth interviews (IDIs) were h mHealth SRH interventions must be sensitized to the interactions on mHealth platforms or any other digital health apps if implemented in a nonresearch setting for optimal use by the targeted audience. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is linked to excessive calorie consumption, physical inactivity, and being overweight. Patients with NAFLD can halt or decelerate progression and potentially reverse their condition by changing their lifestyle behavior. International guidelines recommend the use of lifestyle interventions; however, there remains a discordance between published guidelines and clinical practice. This is primarily due to a lack of NAFLD-specific interventions to support weight loss and improve liver function. This study aims to use intervention mapping to systematically develop a digital intervention to support patients with NAFLD to initiate and maintain changes in their dietary and physical activity behavior to promote weight loss. Intervention mapping consisted of 6 steps step 1 involved a needs assessment with primary and secondary health care professionals (HCPs) and patients with NAFLD; step 2 involved identification of the social cognitive determinants of change and behavioraad of future research to establish intervention effectiveness. Intervention mapping provided a systematic methodological framework to guide a theory- and evidence-informed co-design intervention development process for patients and HCPs. The digital intervention with remote support by a lifestyle coach was acceptable to patients with NAFLD and feasible to deliver. Issues with initial access, optimization of information content, and promoting the value of remote lifestyle coach support require further development ahead of future research to establish intervention effectiveness.Sepsis is a dynamic state that progresses at variable rates and has life-threatening consequences. Staging patients along the sepsis timeline requires a thorough knowledge of the evolution of cellular and molecular events at the tissue level. Here, we investigated the kidney, an organ central to the pathophysiology of sepsis. Single-cell RNA-sequencing in a murine endotoxemia model revealed the involvement of various cell populations to be temporally organized and highly orchestrated. Endothelial and stromal cells were the first responders. At later time points, epithelial cells upregulated immune-related pathways while concomitantly downregulating physiological functions such as solute homeostasis. Sixteen hours after endotoxin, there was global cell-cell communication failure and organ shutdown. Despite this apparent organ paralysis, upstream regulatory analysis showed significant activity in pathways involved in healing and recovery. This rigorous spatial and temporal definition of murine endotoxemia will uncover precise biomarkers and targets that can help stage and treat human sepsis.Early-life microbiota has been linked to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases. It has been hypothesized that maternal vaginal microbiota is an important initial seeding source and therefore might have lifelong effects on disease risk. To understand maternal vaginal microbiota's role in seeding the child's microbiota and the extent of delivery mode-dependent transmission, we studied 665 mother-child dyads from the COPSAC2010 cohort. The maternal vaginal microbiota was evaluated twice in the third trimester and compared with the children's fecal (at 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year of age) and airway microbiota (at 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months). Based on the concept of weighted transfer ratios (WTRs), we have identified bacterial orders for which the WTR displays patterns indicate persistent or transient transfer from the maternal vaginal microbiome, as well as orders that are shared at later time points independent of delivery mode, indicating a common reservoir.