Educational level, Charlson's Comorbidity Index, and prediagnostic mental disorders were the strongest factors determining the SADP trajectory groups. In references, three trajectories ("constantly low" (80% of all), "constantly moderate and decrease gradually" (12%), and "very high then decrease overtime" (8%)) were identified. Approximately 80% of CRC survivors return to a low level of SADP at 5 years postdiagnosis. Prediagnostic status of mental disorders, somatic comorbidity, and low educational level are good indicators of future high SADP levels for them. CRC survivors will benefit from early rehabilitation programs with identified risk factors. Approximately 80% of CRC survivors return to a low level of SADP at 5 years postdiagnosis. Prediagnostic status of mental disorders, somatic comorbidity, and low educational level are good indicators of future high SADP levels for them. CRC survivors will benefit from early rehabilitation programs with identified risk factors.The objective of this study was to determine if parity affected the effect of pegbovigrastim (PEG) treatment on white blood cell (WBC) counts in grazing dairy cows. Additionally, the association of prepartum body condition score (BCS) and non-esterified fatty acid (Pre-NEFA) concentration with WBC counts was investigated. The effect of early-lactation disease was included in the statistical analysis. A randomized controlled trial on four commercial grazing dairy farms was performed. Holstein primiparous (Control = 87, PEG = 89) and multiparous (Control = 181, PEG = 184) cows were randomly assigned to one of two treatments first PEG dose 8 ± 5 (mean ± SD) days before the expected calving date and a second dose within 24 h after calving (PEG) compared to untreated controls (Control). Treatment effects were evaluated with mixed linear regression models. Treatment with PEG increased WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts at 6 ± 1 (mean ± SD)