Interestingly, we found a strong phylogenetic signal in OTU associations with host plant species identity, biotopes (roots or soils), and contamination concentrations (lowest, intermediate and highest). The genus Rhizophagus was the most dominant taxon representing 74.4% of all sequences analyzed in this study and showed clear association with the highest contamination level. The clear association of Rhizophagus with high contamination levels suggests the importance of the genus for the use of AMF in bioremediation, as well as for the survey of key AMF genes related to petroleum hydrocarbon resistance. By favoring plant fitness and mediating its soil microbial interactions, Rhizophagus spp. could enhance petroleum hydrocarbon pollutant degradation by both plants and their microbiota in contaminated sites.Bisphosphonates (BPs) are classified into two groups, according to their side chain structures, as nitrogen-containing BPs (NBPs) and non-nitrogen-containing BPs (non-NBPs). In this study, we examined the effects of NBPs and non-NBPs on inflammatory responses, by quantifying the inflammatory mediators, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and nitric oxide (NO), in cultured neonatal mouse calvaria. All examined NBPs (pamidronate, alendronate, incadronate, risedronate, zoledronate) stimulated lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced PGE2 and NO production by upregulating COX-2 and iNOS mRNA expression, whereas non-NBPs (etidronate, clodronate, tiludronate) suppressed PGE2 and NO production, by downregulating gene expression. Additionally, [4-(methylthio) phenylthio] methane bisphosphonate (MPMBP), a novel non-NBP with an antioxidant methylthio phenylthio group in its side chain, exhibited the most potent anti-inflammatory activity among non-NBPs. Furthermore, results of immunohistochemistry showed that the nuclear translocation of NF-κB/p65 and tyrosine nitration of cytoplasmic protein were stimulated by zoledronate, while MPMBP inhibited these phenomena, by acting as a superoxide anion (O2-) scavenger. These findings indicate that MPMBP can act as an efficacious agent that causes fewer adverse effects in patients with inflammatory bone diseases, including periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.Candidiasis can be present as a cutaneous, mucosal or deep-seated organ infection, which is caused by more than 20 types of Candida sp., with C. albicans being the most common. These are pathogenic yeast and are usually present in the normal microbiome. High-risk individuals are patients of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), organ transplant, and diabetes. During infection, pathogens can adhere to complement receptors and various extracellular matrix proteins in the oral and vaginal cavity. Oral and vaginal Candidiasis results from the overgrowth of Candida sp. in the hosts, causing penetration of the oral and vaginal tissues. Symptoms include white patches in the mouth, tongue, throat, and itchiness or burning of genitalia. Diagnosis involves visual examination, microscopic analysis, or culturing. These infections are treated with a variety of antifungals that target different biosynthetic pathways of the pathogen. For example, echinochandins target cell wall biosynthesis, while allylamines, azoles, and morpholines target ergosterol biosynthesis, and 5-Flucytosine (5FC) targets nucleic acid biosynthesis. Azoles are commonly used in therapeutics, however, because of its fungistatic nature, Candida sp. evolve azole resistance. Besides azoles, Candida sp. also acquire resistance to polyenes, echinochandins, and 5FC. This review discusses, in detail, the drug resistance mechanisms adapted by Candida sp.A fundamental step for cell growth and differentiation is the cell adhesion. The purpose of this study was to determine the adhesion of different cell lineages, adipose derived stromal cells, osteoblasts, and gingival fibroblast to titanium and zirconia dental implants with different surface treatments. Primary cells were cultured on smooth/polished surfaces (titanium with a smooth surface texture (Ti-PT) and machined zirconia (ZrO2-M)) and on rough surfaces (titanium with a rough surface texture (Ti-SLA) and zirconia material (ZrO2-ZLA)). Alterations in cell morphology (f-actin staining and SEM) and in expression of the focal adhesion marker were analysed after 1, 7, and 14 days. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA with a statistical significance at p = 0.05. Cell morphology and cytoskeleton were strongly affected by surface texture. Actin beta and vimentin expressions were higher on rough surfaces (p less then 0.01). Vinculin and FAK expressions were significant (p less then 0.05) and increased over time. Fibronectin and laminin expressions were significant (p less then 0.01) and did not alter over time. Strength of cell/material binding is influenced by surface structure and not by material. Meanwhile, the kind of cell/material binding is regulated by cell type and implant material.Cancer is a major health problem. Most of the treatments exhibit systemic toxicity, as they are not targeted or specific to cancerous cells and tumors. Adenoviruses are very promising gene delivery vectors and have immense potential to deliver targeted therapy. Here, we review a wide range of strategies that have been tried, tested, and demonstrated to enhance the specificity of oncolytic viruses towards specific cancer cells. A combination of these strategies and other conventional therapies may be more effective than any of those strategies alone.Edible Llayta are cyanobacterial colonies consumed in the Andes highlands. Llayta and four isolated cyanobacteria strains were tested for cyanotoxins (microcystin, nodularin, cylindrospermopsin, saxitoxin and β-N-methylamino-L-alanine-BMAA) using molecular and chemical methods. All isolates were free of target genes involved in toxin biosynthesis. Only DNA from Llayta amplified the mcyE gene. Presence of microcystin-LR and BMAA in Llayta extracts was discarded by LC/MS analyses. The analysed Llayta colonies have an incomplete microcystin biosynthetic pathway and are a safe food ingredient.