Applying risk assessment and management tools to plutonium disposition is a long-standing challenge for the U.S. government. The science is complicated, which has helped push risk assessment and management tools in new creative directions. Yet, communicating effectively about increasingly complicated risk-science issues like plutonium disposition requires careful planning and speakers who can address why specific tools are selected, the past record of applying these tools, why assumptions sometimes are applied instead of reliable data, and how uncertainty is characterized. Speakers addressing risk issues must also overcome obstacles in communication arising from expert-audience differences in knowledge and legal restrictions on disclosing information. This perspective seeks to highlight and illustrate five key risk questions, about probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and performance assessment (PA) in the context of managing plutonium defense nuclear waste objectives, experience, gaps, transparency, and difficulty of applying and communicating using each tool. While the general public needs to be involved, some issues require a level of expertise that is typically beyond local communities and therefore an expert panel should support community access.This paper describes the development and validation of a novel 31-locus, six-dye STR multiplex system, which is designed to meet the needs of the rapidly growing Chinese forensic database. This new assay combines 20 extended-CODIS core loci (D3S1358, D5S818, TPOX, CSF1PO, TH01, vWA, D7S820, D21S11, D8S1179, D18S51, D16S539, D13S317, FGA, D1S1656, D2S441, D2S1338, D10S1248, D12S391, D19S433, and D22S1045), nine highly polymorphic loci in Chinese Han population (D3S3045, D6S1043, D6S477, D8S1132, D10S1435, D15S659, D19S253, Penta D, and Penta E), and two gender determining markers, amelogenin and Y-Indel, which could amplify DNA from extracts, as well as direct amplification from substrates. To demonstrate the suitability for forensic applications, this system was validated by precision and accuracy evaluation, concordance tests, case sample tests, sensitivity, species specificity, stability, stutter calculation, and DNA mixtures, according to the guidelines described by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) and regulations published by the China Ministry of Public Security. The validation results indicate the robustness and reliability of this new system, and it could be a potentially helpful tool for human identification and paternity testing in the Chinese population, as well as facilitating global forensic DNA data sharing.Achilles tendinopathy and patellofemoral pain are common running injuries associated with increased Achilles tendon (AT) forces and patellofemoral joint (PFJ) stresses. This study examined AT forces and PFJ stresses at different running speeds in high-performing endurance runners. Twenty runners ran overground at four running speeds (3.3, 3.9, 4.8, and 5.6 m/s). AT forces and PFJ stresses were estimated from kinematic and kinetic data. Repeated measures ANOVA with partial eta squared effect sizes was conducted to assess differences between running speeds. Increased peak AT forces (19.5%; p less then 0.001) and loading rates (57.3%; p less then 0.001) from 3.3 m/s to 5.6 m/s were observed. Cumulative AT loading was greater in the faster speeds compared to the slower speeds. Faster running speeds resulted in increased peak plantar flexor moments, increased peak plantar flexion angles, and a more flexed knee and an anterior center of pressure position at touchdown. Peak PFJ stress was lower in the slowest speed (3.3 m/s) compared to the faster running speeds (3.9-5.6 m/s; p = 0.005). PFJ stress loading rate significantly increased (43.6%; p less then 0.001). Greater AT loading observed could be associated with strategies such as increased plantar flexor moments and altered lower body position at touchdown which are commonly employed to generate greater ground contact forces. Greater AT and PFJ loading rates were likely due to shorter ground contact times and therefore less time available to reach the peak. Running at faster speeds could increase the risk of developing Achilles tendinopathy and patellofemoral pain or limit recovery from these injuries without sufficient recovery.Evolutionary shifts from bee to vertebrate pollination are common in tropical mountains. Reduction in bee pollination efficiency under adverse montane weather conditions was proposed to drive these shifts. Although pollinator shifts are central to the evolution and diversification of angiosperms, we lack experimental evidence of the ecological processes underlying such shifts. Here, we combine phylogenetic and distributional data for 138 species of the Neotropical plant tribe Merianieae (Melastomataceae) with pollinator observations of 11 and field pollination experiments of six species to test whether the mountain environment may indeed drive such shifts. We demonstrate that shifts from bee to vertebrate pollination coincided with occurrence at high elevations. We show that vertebrates were highly efficient pollinators even under the harsh environmental conditions of tropical mountains, whereas bee pollination efficiency was lowered significantly through reductions in flower visitation rates. Furthermore, we show that pollinator shifts in Merianieae coincided with the final phases of the Andean uplift and were contingent on adaptive floral trait changes to alternative rewards and mechanisms facilitating pollen dispersal. Our results provide evidence that abiotic environmental conditions (i.e. mountain climate) may indeed reduce the efficiency of a plant clade's ancestral pollinator group and correlate with shifts to more efficient new pollinators.The aim of the study was to evaluate whether high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) intake (20% beverages) impacts antioxidative structures and inflammation in the gingival tissue and masseter muscle of rats. Kefir was tested for its potential utility on changes induced by HFCS. Animals were randomly divided into four groups as control, kefir, HFCS, and HFCS plus kefir. HFCS was given as 20% solutions in drinking water while kefir supplementations were given by gastric gavage for 8 weeks. It has been clearly determined that the HFCS diet increased expressions of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α proinflammatory structures via lymphocyte infiltration by suppressing antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase in both tissues. Kefir improved these undesirable changes in rats fed with HFCS. The results of this current study, the first investigation to examine the effects of kefir on masseter muscle and gingival tissue, may provide new access to the restorative effects of kefir consumption on oral health disorders caused by high fructose in the diet.