This article reviews a webinar of the European Society for Vascular Surgery and the Endovascular Trauma and Resuscitation Management Society, dedicated to using endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in haemodynamically unstable patients, briefly covering the main conclusions of the reports and underlining prospects of this method. Possibilities of using aortic balloon occlusion arise interest of various-specialty medical experts, and the number of scientific works in this field has increasingly been growing, thus explaining the need for measures and studies on the subject concerned.Presented herein is a clinical case report concerning successful simultaneous surgical treatment of a female patient with a complication after transcatheter treatment for chronic dissection of the descending portion of the thoracic aorta. The woman was subjected to elective transcatheter isolation of chronic dissection of the descending thoracic aorta using a stent graft with complete coverage of the zone of the origin of the left subclavian artery. Repeat control imaging studies several months after the intervention revealed residual blood flow through the false channel, directed retrogradely from the distal edge of the stent graft to the left subclavian artery. Besides, the patient was also found to have local dissection of the distal part of the ascending aorta (zone 0). An operative intervention was performed sternotomy, prosthetic repair of the ascending portion of the aorta and part of the aortic arch, as well as transposition of the left subclavian artery to the left common carotid artery. The control imaging studies confirmed radical removal of the false aneurysm of the ascending aorta and the presence of total thrombosis of the false channel at the level of the stent graft.The article deals with problems of endovascular treatment of acute tandem and isolated occlusions of arteries of the anterior cerebral circulation, as well as the problem of reocclusions and new occlusions of these target arteries in the early postoperative period after thrombectomy. To determine the effect of reocclusions and new, previously not identified occlusions of the carotid artery and middle cerebral artery after cerebral thrombectomy on the outcomes of ischaemic stroke, as well as to substantiate feasibility of endovascular policy without simultaneous carotid stenting in thrombectomy in case of tandem occlusions of arteries of the anterior cerebral circulation. We studied the results of endovascular treatment of 52 patients with acute ischaemic stroke, including 26 patients with combined occlusions of the internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries (group 1) and 26 patients with isolated occlusion of the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery or its equivalent (group 2). The groups were compaperiod of ischaemic stroke. Reocclusion of the middle cerebral artery after performed thrombectomy related to its isolated occlusion increased the probability of patients' disability. Newly identified in the postoperative period occlusion of the internal carotid artery in thrombectomy from the middle cerebral artery also increased the risk of disability. Surgical policy aimed at thrombectomy from the middle cerebral artery in the presence of tandem occlusions of the internal carotid artery and middle cerebral artery without emergency carotid stenting is safe and efficient in acute period of ischaemic stroke. Reocclusion of the middle cerebral artery after performed thrombectomy related to its isolated occlusion increased the probability of patients' disability. Newly identified in the postoperative period occlusion of the internal carotid artery in thrombectomy from the middle cerebral artery also increased the risk of disability.Analysed in the article are the results of ultrasonographic examination of patency of venous stents implanted in 86 patients with obstructive lesions of the iliofemoral segment of deep veins. The authors proposed an algorithm of triplex scanning, making it possible to optimize ultrasonographic examination, as well as increasing the accuracy of assessing the state of the stent and patency of the stented segments of veins. The first stage was to examine the state of the stented venous segment in the mode of grey-scale scanning (B-mode), for which purpose the study was performed in the longitudinal and transverse projections. This made it possible to determine the qualitative state of the stent as either presence or absence of its migration and deformation, completeness of expansion, extravasal compression. The second stage was to locate the venous stent in the mode of colour Doppler mapping (CD-mode), thus making it possible to assess stent patency. The third stage was examination in the spectral Doppler mode with the use of the distal compression test. Ultrasonographically detected phasic, respiration-synchronized blood flow with an increase of its linear velocity proximal to the stent in distal compression (positive compression test) is suggestive of no obstructive alterations in the stent's lumen. Determination of the blood flow velocity makes it possible to evaluate the stent patency or stenotic alterations. Monophasic low-velocity blood flow in the ipsilateral common femoral artery may also be indirectly indicative of impaired stent patency (pronounced stenosis, thrombosis, occlusion). The proposed algorithm of ultrasonographic triplex study of patency of venous stents may be used in out-patient conditions repeatedly and safely for the patient. The problems concerning assessment of the state of myocardial perfusion in patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction after successful revascularization still remain of current importance. Contrast-enhanced echocardiography remains the least studied and most promising ultrasound technology for the diagnosis of the no-reflow phenomenon. The study was aimed at evaluating echocardiographic and angiographic characteristics of the no-reflow phenomenon detected by means of contrast-enhanced echocardiography in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The study included a total of forty-three 40-to-82-year-old patients in acute period of myocardial infarction. The patients were divided into two groups 32 patients with satisfactory myocardial reperfusion after revascularization according to the findings of contrast-enhanced echocardiography and 11 patients with impaired perfusion. The patients in the group with impaired perfusion demonstrated a greater size of the left ventricular (LV) asynergy (40.