Primary segmental intestinal volvulus is a rare condition that may affect neonates. This condition occurs when a loop of bowel torses around the axis of its mesentery without any other abnormality or malrotation. In the earlier stages, the diagnosis can be challenging due to the lack of specific clinical and radiographic signs. Prompt surgical management is critical as a delay in diagnosis may result in bowel loss or death. We present a series of three cases of extremely low birth weight infants with primary segmental volvulus. A sentinel bowel loop was critical in guiding each patient's surgical management as there were no other clinical markers concerning a pending intra-abdominal catastrophe. This case series suggests that a sentinel bowel loop may be a radiographic marker for primary segmental intestinal volvulus in extremely low birth weight infants. Many studies on Parkinson's disease (PD) patients affected by Coronavirus-disease-2019 (COVID-19) were recently published. However, the small sample size of infected patients enrolled in most studies did not allow to draw robust conclusions on the COVID-19 impact in PD. We aimed to assess whether the prevalence and outcome of COVID-19 in PD patients are different from those observed in the general population. We conducted a systematic review of studies reporting data on PD patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 (PD-COVID+). We extracted prevalence, clinical-demographic data, outcome, and mortality. We also analyzed risk or protective factors based on comparisons between PD-COVID+ and control populations with PD without COVID-19 or without PD with COVID-19. We included 16 studies reporting on a total of 11,325 PD patients, 1,061 with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. The median infection prevalence ranged from 0.6% to 8.5%. PD-COVID+ patients had a median age of 74 and a disease duration of 9.4 years. es further investigation. People with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait (FOG; freezers) suffer from pronounced postural instability. However, the relationship between these phenomena remains unclear and has mostly been tested in paradigms requiring step generation. To determine if freezing-related dynamic balance deficits are present during a task without stepping and determine the influence of dopaminergic medication on dynamic balance control. Twenty-two freezers, 16 non-freezers, and 20 healthy age-matched controls performed mediolateral weight-shifts at increasing frequencies when following a visual target projected on a screen (MELBA task). The amplitude and phase shift differences between center of mass and target motion were measured. Balance scores (Mini-BESTest), 360° turning speed and the freezing ratio were also measured. Subjects with Parkinson's disease were tested ON and partial OFF (overnight withdrawal) dopaminergic medication. Freezers had comparable turning speed and balance scores to non-freezers and ht-shift amplitudes and the freezing ratio were responsive to medication in freezers, suggesting axial motor vigor is levodopa-responsive. Future work needs to test whether weight-shifting and freezing severity can be further ameliorated through training. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive muscular weakness, which occurs in one in 6,000 to 10,000 live births. The burden of SMA on Canadian patients and caregivers is not known. To characterize the burden of SMA in Canada as reported by patients and caregivers, including disease and treatment impacts, indirect costs, and caregiver burden. Surveys were distributed by Cure SMA Canada and Muscular Dystrophy Canada to individuals with SMA and their caregivers. The online surveys were anonymous and completed between January 28 and February 21, 2020. 965 patient and 962 caregiver responses met the eligibility criteria. Patients reported SMA subtypes as type I (25.0%), type II (41.3%), type III (29.3%). Using the EQ-5D, patients were shown to have impaired quality of life with an average health utility index of 0.49 (SD 0.26). The median expenditure was $4,500 CAD (IQR $1,587 - $11,000) for assistive devices; $6,800 CAD ($3,900-$13,000) on health professional services; and $1,200 CAD (IQR $600 -$3,100) on SMA-related travel and accommodation in the past 12 months. Caregivers reported needing respite care (45.7%), physiotherapy for an injury from a lift/transfer (45.7%), or other health impacts (63.3%). Caregivers reported changes to personal plans, sleep disturbances, and work adjustments, with a mean Caregiver Strain Index score of 7.5 [SD 3.3]. SMA in Canada is associated with a significant burden for patients and their caregivers. SMA in Canada is associated with a significant burden for patients and their caregivers. Current guidelines recommend supervised exercise training (SET) as a first-line treatment in patients with intermittent claudication (IC). SET has been shown to be more effective than home-based exercise therapy (HBET). However, the lack of available SET programs hampers broad SET implementation in clinical practice. The aim of this study is to assess patient satisfaction and acceptability of a structured HBET program using wearable technology and elastic band resistance exercises. A total of 20 patients with IC (Rutherford 1-3) with internet access and currently not engaged in structured exercise training were recruited in a pragmatic observational pilot study. Participants were instructed to complete 3 walking sessions and 2 elastic band resistance exercise sessions per week in their home environment during a 4-week period. Patient satisfaction and acceptability were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire (1-2=very unsatisfied, 3=neutral, and 4-5=very satisfied) evaluating the materials afeedback (mean 4.55, SD 0.5; median 5) and flexibility of training (mean 4.1, SD 0.7; median 4). Resistance training was not preferred over walking training (mean 2.65, SD 0.8; median 3). In addition, PFWD (+89 m; P=.001), MWD (+58 m; P=.03), Walking Impairment Questionnaire distance score (+0.18; P=.01), activity-related scores (+0.54; P<.001), and total quality of life (+0.36; P=.009) improved following the intervention. Other patient-related outcomes, physical fitness, and physical activity remained to be statistically unaltered. Patients with IC were satisfied and accepted technology to monitor and guide HBET, with observed short-term effectiveness regarding walking capacity and quality of life. However, elastic band resistance exercises as a part of HBET were not preferred over progressive walking. NCT04043546; https// NCT04043546; https//