The proposed method can decrease fine needle deflections in the lower abdomen, which has the potential for accurate and safety procedures without real-time CT imaging. The proposed method can decrease fine needle deflections in the lower abdomen, which has the potential for accurate and safety procedures without real-time CT imaging.Recent breakthroughs in transcriptome analysis and gene characterization have provided valuable resources and information about the maize endosperm developmental program. The high temporal-resolution transcriptome analysis has yielded unprecedented access to information about the genetic control of seed development. Detailed spatial transcriptome analysis using laser-capture microdissection has revealed the expression patterns of specific populations of genes in the four major endosperm compartments the basal endosperm transfer layer (BETL), aleurone layer (AL), starchy endosperm (SE), and embryo-surrounding region (ESR). Although the overall picture of the transcriptional regulatory network of endosperm development remains fragmentary, there have been some exciting advances, such as the identification of OPAQUE11 (O11) as a central hub of the maize endosperm regulatory network connecting endosperm development, nutrient metabolism, and stress responses, and the discovery that the endosperm adjacent to scutellum (EAS) serves as a dynamic interface for endosperm-embryo crosstalk. In addition, several genes that function in BETL development, AL differentiation, and the endosperm cell cycle have been identified, such as ZmSWEET4c, Thk1, and Dek15, respectively. Here, we focus on current advances in understanding the molecular factors involved in BETL, AL, SE, ESR, and EAS development, including the specific transcriptional regulatory networks that function in each compartment during endosperm development.Potential environmental consequences of oil leakages (i.e., continuous uncontrolled releases at low flow rate over a long period of time) need to be taken into consideration in the ongoing development of plug and abandonment (P&A) activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Regulations of P&A wells employ a "zero leakage" target; however, environmental risk monitoring strategies for permanent abandonment are not yet in place. Predicting and estimating the consequences of adverse environmental impacts through a modeling approach can play a key role in evaluating and monitoring environmental risk. In this paper, we present a modeling study of the fate and effects of an oil leakage from abandoned wells using a theoretical scenario on the Norwegian continental shelf. Environmental impact factors (EIFs) derived from the Dose related Risk and Effect Assessment Model (DREAM), previously designed to characterize the effects of produced water discharges, were used to assess impacts of leakages from abandoned wells.ement published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).Rice is a major food crop to approximately half of the human population. Unfortunately, the starchy endosperm, which is the remaining portion of the seed after polishing, contains limited amounts of micronutrients. Here, it is shown that this is particularly the case for thiamin (vitamin B1). Therefore, a tissue-specific metabolic engineering approach was conducted, aimed at enhancing the level of thiamin specifically in the endosperm. To achieve this, three major thiamin biosynthesis genes, THIC, THI1 and TH1, controlled by strong endosperm-specific promoters, were employed to obtain engineered rice lines. The metabolic engineering approaches included ectopic expression of THIC alone, in combination with THI1 (bigenic) or combined with both THI1 and TH1 (trigenic). Determination of thiamin and thiamin biosynthesis intermediates reveals the impact of the engineering approaches on endosperm thiamin biosynthesis. The results show an increase of thiamin in polished rice up to threefold compared to WT, and stable upon cooking. These findings confirm the potential of metabolic engineering to enhance de novo thiamin biosynthesis in rice endosperm tissue and aid in steering future biofortification endeavours.Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widespread, persistent environmental pollutants known to elicit a wide range of negative effects on wildlife species. There is scarce information regarding the toxicity of PFAS on amphibians, but amphibians may be highly susceptible because of their permeable skin and dependence on fresh water. Acute toxicity studies are a first step toward understanding responses to PFAS exposure, providing benchmarks for species-specific tolerances, informing ecological risk assessment (ERA), and designing chronic toxicity studies. We conducted standardized 96-h lethal concentration (LC50) toxicity tests for perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) with 9 widely distributed amphibian species native to eastern and central North America. We also conducted LC50 tests with perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) for 2 species and determined whether toxicity of PFOS and PFOA varied between life stages for 3 species. Acute toxicity varied among PFAS and speciesnd help predict influences on amphibian communities, thereby informing future ERAs for PFAS. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2021;17684-689. © 2021 SETAC. Serglycin (SRGN) is an intragranular, sulfated proteoglycan in hematopoietic cells that affects granule composition and function. To understand how SRGN affects platelet granule packaging, cargo release, and extra-platelet microenvironments. Platelets and megakaryocytes from SRGN mice were assayed for secretion kinetics, cargo levels, granule morphology upon activation, and receptor shedding. Metabolic, SO labeling identified SRGN as a major sulfated macromolecule in megakaryocytes. SRGN colocalized with α-granule markers (platelet factor 4 [PF4], von Willebrand factor [VWF], and P-selectin), but its deletion did not affect α-granule morphology or number. Platelet α-granule composition was altered, with a reduction in basic proteins (pI ≥8; e.g., PF4, SDF-1, angiogenin) and constitutive release of PF4 from SRGN megakaryocytes. P-Selectin, VWF, and fibrinogen were unaffected. Serotonin (5-HT) uptake and β-hexosaminidase (HEXB) were slightly elevated. Thrombin-induced exocytosis of PF4 from platelets was defective; however, release of RANTES/CCL5 was normal and osteopontin secretion was more rapid.