More in general, vitamin D is supposed to play a crucial role in neuro-inflammation processes that are currently hypothesized to be involved in the pathophysiology of different psychiatric disorders, such as major depression, bipolar disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and psychosis. It is conceivable that vitamin D supplementation might pave the way towards "natural" treatments of a broad range of neuropsychiatric disorders, or at least be useful to boost pharmacological response in resistant cases. It is conceivable that vitamin D supplementation might pave the way towards "natural" treatments of a broad range of neuropsychiatric disorders, or at least be useful to boost pharmacological response in resistant cases. Oral cancer is a significant health problem worldwide. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells that mostly affects different anatomical sites in the head and neck and derives from the squamous epithelium or displays similar morphological characteristics. Generally, OSCC is often the end stage of several changes in the stratified squamous epithelium, which begin as epithelial dysplasia and progress by breaking the basement membrane and invading adjacent tissues. Several plant-based drugs with potent anti-cancer effects are considered inexpensive treatments with limited side effects for cancer and other diseases. The aim of this review is to explore whether some Brazilian plant extracts or constituents exhibit anti-tumorigenic activity or have a cytotoxic effect on human oral carcinoma cells. Briefly, OSCC and several metabolites derived from Brazilian plants (i.e., flavonoids, vinblastine, irinotecan, etoposide and paclitaxel) were used as keywords to search the literature on PubMed, GenBank and GeneCards. The results showed that these five chemical compounds found in Cerrado Biome plants exhibit anti-neoplastic effects. Evaluating the compounds revealed that they play a main role in the regulation of cell proliferation. Preserving and utilising the biodiversity of our planet, especially in unique ecosystems, such as the Cerrado Biome, may prove essential to preserving and promoting human health in modern contexts. Preserving and utilising the biodiversity of our planet, especially in unique ecosystems, such as the Cerrado Biome, may prove essential to preserving and promoting human health in modern contexts. The microbiome is now known for its important role in whole-body homeostasis. A dysbiosis of the normal microbiota is correlated with metabolic disorders. In this sense, the search for compounds able to modulate the microbiome is needed. Resveratrol, a natural compound found in grapes seems to be a promising candidate. In this study, our motivation was to evaluate the effects of the association between Resveratrol and Lactococcus lactis, a probiotic, on the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota and body weight of mice. Twenty female mice were divided into 4 groups (1) standard diet, (2) standard diet plus Lactococcus lactis, (3) standard diet plus resveratrol, and (4) standard diet plus Lactococcus lactis and resveratrol. At the end of the treatment peri-od, samples of blood, mucus, stomach, and small and large intestines were collected for analysis. Total levels of Immuno-globulin A and Immunoglobulin E, Lac+ and Lac- bacteria and Lactobacillus were measured. The main results indicate that the association between resveratrol and probiotics was able to decrease mice body weight, as compared to the other groups, in addition to decrease the number of Lac- bacteria and increasing the number of Lac+ bacteria. The levels of secretory IgA were also decreased, compared to the animals treated with only probiotics or resveratrol. We observed potential synergism between Resveratrol and Lactococcus lactis mainly in modulating the stom-ach and intestinal microbiota. We observed potential synergism between Resveratrol and Lactococcus lactis mainly in modulating the stom-ach and intestinal microbiota. Oncology and hematology is a complex and specific area that requires monitoring by a multidisciplinary team capable of personalizing the treatment of each patient. Clinical pharmacy services have the potential to contribute significantly to the effective and economical care of cancer patients. To evaluate, synthesize and critically present the available evidence on the impact of the Clinical Pharmacy in the treatment of patients with hematological cancer. A review was carried out on the bases PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS and Google Scholar. The included studies were studies that evaluated the effects of pharmaceutical interventions in clinical in oncology and hematology services and having as a population patient with hematological cancer. 17 studies were selected among 745 identified. 4.771 patients were included, with an average follow-up time of 15.3 months. Patients affected by some type of hematological cancer, undergoing chemotherapy treatment, showed better adherence and continuity when accompanied by a clinical pharmacist, added to this professional in carrying out interventions, provides control of symptoms such as cancer pain, nausea and constipation and, thus, contributes to decrease the length of hospital stay. The implementation of a Clinical Pharmacy service in oncology and hematology centers contributes significantly to the effectiveness of pharmacotherapeutic treatment, treatment costs reduction, safety increase in the use of medications and the patient's quality of life. The implementation of a Clinical Pharmacy service in oncology and hematology centers contributes significantly to the effectiveness of pharmacotherapeutic treatment, treatment costs reduction, safety increase in the use of medications and the patient's quality of life.Most anticancer agents show wide variability in pharmacokinetics (PK) and have a narrow therapeutic index which makes fixed dosing suboptimal. To achieve the best therapeutic outcomes with these agents, many studies have postulated using PK or therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-guided dosing. However, multiple factors contribute to the variability in PKs making the application of TDM in practice challenging. Also, despite the known association with clinical outcomes, standard guidelines on PK-guided dosing are lacking for most agents. Understanding the factors that contribute to PK variability and their impact is essential for dose individualization. The purpose of this review is to discuss the factors that contribute to the PK variability of anticancer agents and the challenges faced in practice when individualizing doses for certain widely used agents. Searching the literature has identified several gaps and efforts are needed to ensure better targeting of cancer therapeutics.