Adaptive behavior relies on the selection of relevant sensory information from both the external environment and internal memory representations. In understanding external selection, a classic distinction is made between voluntary (goal-directed) and involuntary (stimulus-driven) guidance of attention. We have developed a task-the anti-retrocue task-to separate and examine voluntary and involuntary guidance of attention to internal representations in visual working memory. We show that both voluntary and involuntary factors influence memory performance but do so in distinct ways. Moreover, by tracking gaze biases linked to attentional focusing in memory, we provide direct evidence for an involuntary "retro-capture" effect whereby external stimuli involuntarily trigger the selection of feature-matching internal representations. We show that stimulus-driven and goal-directed influences compete for selection in memory, and that the balance of this competition-as reflected in oculomotor signatures of internal attention-predicts the quality of ensuing memory-guided behavior. Thus, goal-directed and stimulus-driven factors together determine the fate not only of perception, but also of internal representations in working memory.The relationship between oxidative stress and cardiac stiffness is thought to involve modifications to the giant muscle protein titin, which in turn can determine the progression of heart disease. In vitro studies have shown that S-glutathionylation and disulfide bonding of titin fragments could alter the elastic properties of titin; however, whether and where titin becomes oxidized in vivo is less certain. Here we demonstrate, using multiple models of oxidative stress in conjunction with mechanical loading, that immunoglobulin domains preferentially from the distal titin spring region become oxidized in vivo through the mechanism of unfolded domain oxidation (UnDOx). Via oxidation type-specific modification of titin, UnDOx modulates human cardiomyocyte passive force bidirectionally. UnDOx also enhances titin phosphorylation and, importantly, promotes nonconstitutive folding and aggregation of unfolded domains. We propose a mechanism whereby UnDOx enables the controlled homotypic interactions within the distal titin spring to stabilize this segment and regulate myocardial passive stiffness.Engineered gene drives are being explored as a new strategy in the fight against vector-borne diseases due to their potential for rapidly spreading genetic modifications through a population. However, CRISPR-based homing gene drives proposed for this purpose have faced a major obstacle in the formation of resistance alleles that prevent Cas9 cleavage. Here, we present a homing drive in Drosophila melanogaster that reduces the prevalence of resistance alleles below detectable levels by targeting a haplolethal gene with two guide RNAs (gRNAs) while also providing a rescue allele. Resistance alleles that form by end-joining repair typically disrupt the haplolethal target gene and are thus removed from the population because individuals that carry them are nonviable. We demonstrate that our drive is highly efficient, with 91% of the progeny of drive heterozygotes inheriting the drive allele and with no functional resistance alleles observed in the remainder. In a large cage experiment, the drive allele successfully spread to all individuals within a few generations. These results show that a haplolethal homing drive can provide an effective tool for targeted genetic modification of entire populations.Deployability, multifunctionality, and tunability are features that can be explored in the design space of origami engineering solutions. These features arise from the shape-changing capabilities of origami assemblies, which require effective actuation for full functionality. Current actuation strategies rely on either slow or tethered or bulky actuators (or a combination). To broaden applications of origami designs, we introduce an origami system with magnetic control. We couple the geometrical and mechanical properties of the bistable Kresling pattern with a magnetically responsive material to achieve untethered and local/distributed actuation with controllable speed, which can be as fast as a tenth of a second with instantaneous shape locking. We show how this strategy facilitates multimodal actuation of the multicell assemblies, in which any unit cell can be independently folded and deployed, allowing for on-the-fly programmability. In addition, we demonstrate how the Kresling assembly can serve as a basis for tunable physical properties and for digital computing. The magnetic origami systems are applicable to origami-inspired robots, morphing structures and devices, metamaterials, and multifunctional devices with multiphysics responses.A special class of random walks, so-called Lévy walks, has been observed in a variety of organisms ranging from cells, insects, fishes, and birds to mammals, including humans. Although their prevalence is considered to be a consequence of natural selection for higher search efficiency, some findings suggest that Lévy walks might also be epiphenomena that arise from interactions with the environment. Therefore, why they are common in biological movements remains an open question. Based on some evidence that Lévy walks are spontaneously generated in the brain and the fact that power-law distributions in Lévy walks can emerge at a critical point, we hypothesized that the advantages of Lévy walks might be enhanced by criticality. However, the functional advantages of Lévy walks are poorly understood. Here, we modeled nonlinear systems for the generation of locomotion and showed that Lévy walks emerging near a critical point had optimal dynamic ranges for coding information. This discovery suggested that Lévy walks could change movement trajectories based on the magnitude of environmental stimuli. We then showed that the high flexibility of Lévy walks enabled switching exploitation/exploration based on the nature of external cues. Finally, we analyzed the movement trajectories of freely moving Drosophila larvae and showed empirically that the Lévy walks may emerge near a critical point and have large dynamic range and high flexibility. Our results suggest that the commonly observed Lévy walks emerge near a critical point and could be explained on the basis of these functional advantages.