Chest physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing cystic fibrosis, especially during pulmonary exacerbations. This study evaluated the effects of adding a new airway clearance device to chest physiotherapy in subjects with cystic fibrosis hospitalised due to pulmonary exacerbations. This prospective open-label study was carried out at the Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre in Poland between October 2017 and August 2018. Cystic fibrosis patients aged 10 to 18 years who were admitted to the hospital and required intravenous antibiotic therapy due to pulmonary exacerbations were consecutively allocated (11) to either chest physiotherapy alone or chest physiotherapy with a new airway clearance device (Simeox; PhysioAssist). Patients performed spirometry and multiple-breath nitrogen washout for lung clearance index assessment upon admission and prior to discharge. Forty-eight cystic fibrosis patients were included (24 in each group). Spirometry parameters in both groups improved significantly after intravenpulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis.Sepsis and septic shock are considered major factors in the development of myopathy in critically ill patients, which is correlated with increased morbidity rates and ICU length of stay. The underlying pathophysiology is complex, involving mitochondrial dysfunction, increased protein breakdown and muscle inexcitability. Sepsis induced myopathy is characterized by several electrophysiological and histopathological abnormalities of the muscle, also has clinical consequences such as flaccid weakness and failure to wean from ventilator. In order to reach definite diagnosis, clinical assessment, electrophysiological studies and muscle biopsy must be performed, which can be challenging in daily practice. Ultrasonography as a screening tool can be a promising alternative, especially in the ICU setting. Sepsis and mechanical ventilation have additive effects leading to diaphragm dysfunction thus complicating the patient's clinical course and recovery. Here, we summarize the effects of the septic syndrome on the muscle tissue based on the existing literature.Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a functional renal failure that develops in patients with advanced hepatic cirrhosis with ascites and in those with fulminant hepatic failure. The prevalence of HRS varies among studies but in general it is the third most common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in cirrhotic patients after pre-renal azotemia and acute tubular necrosis. HRS carries a grim prognosis with a mortality rate approaching 90% 3 month after disease diagnosis. Fortunately, different strategies have been proven to be successful in preventing HRS. Although treatment options are available, they are not universally effective in restoring renal function but they might prolong survival long enough for liver transplantation, which is the ultimate treatment. Much has been learned in the last 2 decades regarding the pathophysiology and management of this disease which lead to notable evolution in the HRS definition and better understanding on how best to manage HRS patients. In the current review, we will summarize the recent advancement in epidemiology, pathophysiology and management of HRS.From the green alga Avrainvillea amadelpha, two new naturally halo-benzaldehyde derivatives were isolated by various chromatographic methods along with 10 known metabolites of bromophenols, sulfonoglycolipid, and steroids. Based on the 1D and 2D NMR spectra as well as on MS data, the structures of the new compounds were identified as 5-bromo-2-(3-bromo-4-hydroxybenzyl)-3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde named avrainvilleal (1), and 3-iodo-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (2). Using SRB assay, both compounds showed mild and weak cytotoxic activity against HeLa and MCF-7 cancer cell lines, compared to the good activity of their extract (IC50 values 3.1 and 4.3 μg/mL, respectively). However, avrainvilleal (1) displayed an effective scavenged DPPH radical activity with IC50 value 3.5 μM, compared to the antioxidant quercetin with IC50 value 1.5 μM. (TA) has been widely used as folk medicine since ancient times. Apart from its therapeutic properties it also has anti-spermatogenic activity, but its effectiveness and mode of action on male gonadal activity remains to be revealed. TA bark extract was dissolved in 1% dimethyl sulfoxide and applied in primary Leydig cell culture from rat testis in dose dependent manner. After 24h of treatment cellular toxicity marker, cytokines, steroid 5-alpha-reductase 1 (SRD5A1) and androgen receptor (AR) were measured. Present study first proposed the cytotoxic impacts of TA on Leydig cells via leakage of lactate dehydrogenase and inflammatory responses by altering the pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in dose-dependent-manner. Furthermore, down regulation of SRD5A1 and AR indicated inhibition of normal steroidogenesis which well corroborated with cytotoxity and inflammation related parameters to promote damage of Leydig cell function. Nevertheless, it can be speculated that the inhibition of normal steroidogenesis and thereby spermatogenesis induced by TA is possibly due to the presence of β-sitosterol. Therefore, the dose and duration of treatment should be carefully monitored in cases of its medicinal uses and longer duration should be avoided to protect reproductive health and fertility. Therefore, the dose and duration of treatment should be carefully monitored in cases of its medicinal uses and longer duration should be avoided to protect reproductive health and fertility.Emergence of antimicrobial resistance, with practically all newly developed and even more potent antibiotics like carbapenem and colistin, has become a matter of great public health concern. A number of common diseases of public health importance are becoming harder and sometimes impossible to treat due to increased resistance of pathogens. These alarming threats seek prime attention of scientific community to develop newer antibiotics with long-lasting efficacy, least side effects, and low economic burden. Unani classical texts have enormous citations on different infectious diseases. Many single drugs and compound formulations are in vogue since ages for the treatment of infectious diseases. Use of Afaviya (spices), Mufarrehat (exhilarants), Tiryaqi Advia (drugs with antidote properties) and Sirka (vinegar) is highly advocated in treating various infectious diseases. Though, enormous research activities have been undertaken worldwide to explore and develop newer antibiotics from natural resources, indicating massive magnitude of natural products in treating various infectious diseases, however, the higher plants, still largely seems to be unexplored.