that perceived learning satisfaction predicts learning engagement among nursing students in this online learning course. Elder abuse is a prominent social issue and is a particularly grave problem in increasingly aging societies. Provision of appropriate elder abuse education programs for undergraduate nursing students, who are the future healthcare providers, can aid the detection of elder abuse by strengthening their practical knowledge. The purpose of this study was to conduct an importance-performance analysis (IPA) on the educational content related to elder abuse among undergraduate nursing students in Korea. Cross-sectional design with a questionnaire survey. Nursing department in the Chungcheong region of South Korea. A total of 324 undergraduate nursing students participated. The IPA and Borich needs assessment of undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of elder abuse education were conducted. The IPA analysis indicated that quadrant I demonstrated high levels of both importance and performance. The results of the Borich needs assessment, which analyzed the order of priority of the educational needs, also indicated that the factors that ranked high in the order of priority belonged to quadrant 1 (strengthening maintenance) and quadrant 4 (concentrated investment), consistent with the IPA results. The results of the locus for focus model identified the elder abuse education topics' first and second priority groups. Educational themes such as "understanding of laws regarding elder abuse and ways of reporting it" were revealed to be the highest priority, and themes such as "human rights of the elderly" and "types and cases of elder abuse" received the second priority. Courses regrading elder abuse that include the educational needs, identified the by undergraduate nursing students, are required to improve the professional ability of nurses who care for the elderly. Courses regrading elder abuse that include the educational needs, identified the by undergraduate nursing students, are required to improve the professional ability of nurses who care for the elderly.The halophyte ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) converts its mode of photosynthesis from C3 to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) during severe water stress. During the transition to CAM, the plant induces CAM-related genes and changes its diurnal stomatal behavior to take up CO2 efficiently at night. However, limited information concerning this signaling exists. Here, we investigated the changes in the diurnal stomatal behavior of M. crystallinum during its shift in photosynthesis using a detached epidermis. M. crystallinum plants grown under C3 conditions opened their stomata during the day and closed them at night. However, CAM-induced plants closed their stomata during the day and opened them at night. Quantitative analysis of endogenous phytohormones revealed that trans-zeatin levels were high in CAM-induced plants. In contrast, the levels of jasmonic acid (JA) and JA-isoleucine were severely reduced in CAM-induced plants, specifically at night. CAM induction did not alter the levels of abscisic acid; however, inhibitors of abscisic acid synthesis suppressed CAM-induced stomatal closure. These results indicate that M. crystallinum regulates the diurnal balance of cytokinin and JA during CAM transition to alter stomatal behavior.In this work we critically assess the soil-to-plant transfer factors (TF) for 137Cs and 40K in edible fleshy organs of tropical plants that are often components of the human diet. Radionuclide concentrations in soil and plants were obtained from previous investigations developed in Brazil, after the Goiânia radiological accident occurred in 1987. Transfer factors were determined in specific plant compartments (main root, main stem, bark, old and new branches, twig, old and new leaves, mature and green edible organs) of tropical species such as lemon (Citrus aurantifolia), orange (Citrus sinensis), guava (Psidium guajava), chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens), pomegranate (Punica granatum), papaya (Carica papaya), banana (Musa paradisíaca), and manioc (Manihot esculenta). For 137Cs, soil-to-fruit transfer factor ranged from 0.80 × 10-2 (banana) to 3.65 × 10-1 (pomegranate); for 40K, this factor was from 4.42 × 10-1 (orange) to 1.74 (chili pepper). Considering all the plant compartments analysed, the transfer factors for 40K are between 24.5 (guava) and 90.5 (papaya) times higher than for 137Cs. For both radionuclides, considerable differences in soil-to-plant transfer were found when new growing parts of the plant (green edible organ, leaf, and twig) are considered with respect to those older parts (mature edible organ, old leaf and branches). Considering all the species analyzed, the relationship TF(40K)/TF(137Cs) does not seem to follow a characteristic pattern. However, if we compare the value of this relationship for two organs of the same plant, the result is approximately constant, regardless of the species considered. This confirms earlier evidence that both radionuclides are similarly distributed in the different organs of the studied species. The differences in the transfer factors according to the ripening status of edible organs must be particularly considered when estimating the dose from ingestion of fruits and their derivatives in dose assessment models. When it comes to critical early post-acute TIA/stroke phase, there is a lack of a comprehensive multi-parametric telemonitoring system. The COVID-19 emergency, its related global mobility restrictions and fear of hospitalization further highlighted the need of a comprehensive solution. We aimed to design and test a pragmatic e-Health system based on multiparametric telemonitoring to support of TIA/stroke patients in sub-acute phase during the COVID-19 pandemic. We proposed a telemonitoring system and protocol for TIA/minor stroke patients during COVID-19 pandemic for patients at risk of stroke recurrence. This system involves the use of portable devices for BP/HR/SpO /temperature sensing, panic-button, gateway, and a dedicated ICT platform. The protocol is a 14-day multiparametric telemonitoring, therapy, and emergency intervention based on vital sign alteration notifications. We conducted a proof-of-concept validation test on 8 TIA/minor stroke patients in the early post-acute phase (< 14 days from ischemic event).