To (1) identify the reasons for which pharmacists in Connecticut use the CPMRS when dispensing opioid medications and medical marijuana products, (2) determine pharmacists' perceived value of the CPMRS when dispensing opioids or medical marijuana, and (3) compare practices and the perceived value of the CPMRS among community-based pharmacists (CBPs) and medical marijuana dispensary pharmacists (MMDPs). An online survey was administered from May 2019 to June 2019 to CBPs (n= 178) and MMDPs (n= 12). The survey included items about background, use, and attitudes about current and future use of the CPMRS. Both pharmacist groups indicated that opioid use information was the most useful aspect of the CPMRS. Ninety percent of both groups checked patients' use of opioids using the CPMRS, and 81.2% of the MMDPs compared with 38.4% of the CBPs indicated that they checked for patients' use of medical marijuana. A greater percentage of MMDPs than CBPs felt that access to the marijuana use information was useful andith more detailed marijuana product information. Most pharmacists in the United States are women, and the profession is becoming more racially diverse. The recent increase in political and social movements in the United States has heightened our awareness of the importance of better understanding the experiences of underrepresented individuals and groups. Little is known about discrimination and harassment in the profession of pharmacy in the United States. The purpose of this study was to provide evidence that discrimination and harassment exist in the pharmacy profession and explore differences in discrimination and harassment using the intersectionality of race and sex. The 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Survey (NPWS) utilized an electronic survey that was distributed using a 3-contact Dillman approach by email to a randomized sample of 96,110 licensed pharmacists from all 50 U.S. states using the National Assoc