Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive muscular disorder caused by X-chromosomal DMD gene mutations. Recently, a new CRISPR/Cas9-mediated DMD rat model (cDMDR) was established and is expected to show cardiac lesions similar to those in humans. We therefore investigated the pathological and pathophysiological features of the cardiac lesions and their progression in cDMDR. For our cDMDR, Dmd-mutated rats (W-Dmd em1Kykn ) were obtained. Dmd heterozygous-deficient females and wild-type (WT) males were mated, and male offspring including WT as controls were used. (1) Hearts were collected at 3, 5, and 10 months of age, and HE- and Masson's trichrome-stained specimens were observed. (2) Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings were made and analyzed at 3, 5, and 8 months of age. (3) Echocardiography was performed at 9 months of age. In cDMDR rats, (1) degeneration/necrosis of cardiomyocytes and myocardial fibrosis prominent in the right ventricular wall and the outer layer of the left ventricular wall were observed. Fibrosis became more prominent with aging. (2) Lower P wave amplitudes and greater R wave amplitudes were detected. PR intervals tended to be shorter. QT intervals were longer at 3 months but tended to be shorter at 8 months. Sinus irregularity and premature ventricular contraction were observed at 8 months. (3) Echocardiography indicated myocardial sclerosis and a tendency of systolic dysfunction. Pathological and pathophysiological changes occurred in cDMDR rat hearts and progressed with aging, which is, to some extent, similar to what occurs in humans. Thus, cDMDR could be a valuable model for studying cardiology of human DMD.We performed a medaka bioassay for the carcinogenicity of methylazoxymethaol acetate (MAM-Ac) to examine the sequential histological changes in the liver from 3 days after exposure until tumor development. The medaka were exposed to MAM-Ac at a concentration of 2 ppm for 24 hours, and were necropsied at 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 60, and 91 days after exposure. MAM-Ac induced four cases of hepatocellular adenoma and one case of hepatocellular carcinoma in 8 fish after 60 or 91 days of exposure. Histological changes in the liver until tumor development were divided into three phases. In the cytotoxic phase (1-10 days), MAM-Ac-exposed hepatocytes showed vacuolar degeneration and underwent necrosis and apoptosis, resulting in multiple foci of hepatocyte loss. In the repopulation phase (14-35 days), the areas of hepatocyte loss were filled with hepatic cysts and the remaining hepatocytes were surrounded by hepatic stellate-like cells (or spindle cells) and gradually disappeared. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/s-gsk1349572.html In the proliferation phase (42-91 days), the original hepatic parenchyma was regenerated and progressively replaced by regenerative hyperplastic nodules and/or liver neoplasms. The medaka retained a strong hepatocyte regenerative ability in response to liver injury. It is considered that this ability promotes the proliferation of initiated hepatocytes in multistep carcinogenesis and influences the development of liver tumor over a short period in medaka.Under hypoxic conditions, microRNA-210 is upregulated and plays multiple physiological roles including in cell growth arrest, stem cell survival, repression of mitochondrial respiration, angiogenesis, and arrest of DNA repair. In this study, we investigated the histopathological expression of microRNA-210 under hypoxic conditions using a femoral artery ligation model established in C57BL/6J mice to determine the pathological significance of microRNA-210. Following femoral artery ligation, ischemia was represented by decreased blood flow compared to the control, in which a sham operation was performed. On histopathology, degeneration/necrosis of the muscle fibers, inflammatory cell infiltration, and regeneration of the muscle fibers were sequentially observed from 3 h to 3 d after ligation of the artery. The degree of these effects was more severe in the area in which type I muscular fibers are dominant. The histological expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, a well-known biomarker of hypoxia, and microRNA-210 was observed in a few necrotic muscle fibers, macrophages, and myoblasts, a distribution consistent with the histopathological lesions, and their signal increased over time. The expression of microRNA-210 in macrophages and myoblasts under ischemia might be indicative of a significant role in the recovery from ischemic lesions. In addition, the in situ hybridization of microRNA-210 could potentially be used for the detection of hypoxia as a histological marker in addition to the immunohistochemistry of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α.Traditionally, safety evaluation at the early stage of drug discovery research has been done using in silico, in vitro, and in vivo systems in this order because of limitations on the amount of compounds available and the throughput ability of the assay systems. While these in vitro assays are very effective tools for detecting particular tissue-specific toxicity phenotypes, it is difficult to detect toxicity based on complex mechanisms involving multiple organs and tissues. Therefore, the development of novel high throughput in vivo evaluation systems has been expected for a long time. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a vertebrate with many attractive characteristics for use in drug discovery, such as a small size, transparency, gene and protein similarity with mammals (80% or more), and ease of genetic modification to establish human disease models. Actually, in recent years, the zebrafish has attracted interest as a novel experimental animal. In this article, the author summarized the features of zebrafish that make it a suitable laboratory animal, and introduced and discussed the applications of zebrafish to preclinical toxicity testing, including evaluations of teratogenicity, hepatotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity based on morphological findings, evaluation of cardiotoxicity using functional endpoints, and assessment of seizure and drug abuse liability.Optimizing treatment for co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder (PTSD+SUD) is critically important. Whereas treatments have been designed that target PTSD+SUD with some success, these treatments do not benefit all. Data-driven approaches that combine person- and variable-centered methods, such as parallel process latent class growth analysis (PP-LCGA) can be used to identify response-to-treatment trajectories across both PTSD symptoms and substance use. The current study employed PP-LCGA separately in two randomized clinical trials (study 1 n = 81, Mean age = 40.4 years, SD = 10.7; study 2 n = 59, Mean age = 44.7 years, SD = 9.4) to examine PTSD symptom response and percentage of days using substances across treatment trials comparing Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and SUD using Prolonged Exposure and Relapse Prevention. Results revealed four PTSD+SUD profiles for study one and three PTSD+SUD profiles for study two. For PTSD symptoms, response trajectories could be broadly classified into treatment responders and non-responders across both studies.