The welding of glasses is widely used in many fields, such as optics, microfluidics, and microelectromechanical systems. In this paper, two pieces of 1 mm soda lime glass substrates were welded using a 1064 nm nanosecond laser assisted with a 14 nm titanium-coated thin film coating. Results show that after the laser irradiation, the welded area becomes highly transparent much like uncoated glass. The maximum change rate of transmittance of the welded zone is 8.88% in the wavelength range of 400-1800 nm, compared to a piece of 2 mm glass substrate. The chemical reaction process between the titanium film and the glass substrate of the highly transparent welded sample was analyzed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Welded quality and shear strength were characterized by scanning acoustic microscopy and shear tests.Curved screens are widely used in smart wearables, optics, aerospace, and other display fields. To overcome the difficulty of overall quality evaluation of large-area curved screens, this paper proposes a novel measuring method to realize the bilayer synchronous measurement based on line-structured light scanning. The integrated shape information of the large bilayer curved screen can be obtained by only a single probe in one scanning step. The two-step image processing in the image and three-dimensional data space is proposed to reduce the noise due to the weak reflection from the bilayer screen. To realize the large-area curved screen measurement, a splicing algorithm based on the optimization principle is also proposed to rectify the position deviation of each splicing step. A curved mobile phone screen was measured, and the experimental results effectively proved the validity of the proposed method. A camera lens was also measured to prove its potential for other multilayer parts.A novel method, to the best of our knowledge, of fiber transfer delay (FTD) measurement based on phase quantization and delay synthesis is proposed and demonstrated. By detecting the differential phase shifts of a set of frequency-multiplied RF signals transmission through the fiber link with and without the FTD under the test, the $2\pi $2π phase ambiguity problem can be solved. To avoid the phase quantization error near the digital quantization boundary, a self-check and error-correction method is proposed so as to greatly improve the reliability of measurement. In the experiment, the measurement repeatability around 0.018 ps within a period of 80 s is achieved for a back-to-back fiber link, and a test resolution of 0.03 ps is proved with a motorized tunable delay line. The system is available for measurement of a large FTD range up to 100 µs with no dead zone.A method of optimizing and manufacturing a diffractive blazed grating array (DBA) is proposed to create a visual security feature when illuminated by a divergent light-emitting diode source. A pure phase grating array serving as the optical security component consists of blazed grating cells with the same size, 75 µm. After a divergent spherical wave is decomposed into harmonic waves, each grating cell of the DBA locally deflects the harmonic-waves into predefined directions and forms a feature pattern on the target plane. Particularly, a two-step optimization method is further developed for optimizing the period and orientation of each grating cell. The DBA sample is fabricated by using our home-built parallel direct-write photoplotter with a resolution of 0.75 µm. Both numerical simulations and optical experiments are demonstrated to validate the proposed model. Since the optical security component developed is a surface relief structure of a single polymer material, it can be replicated for mass production by using standard roll to roll nanoimprint technology. The design algorithm proposed in this work will enable the extension of the optical security elements to a broader realm and facilitate extensive developments in other research fields of the optics community, such as light-shaping, specific illumination for lithography, and microscope systems.Terahertz (THz) optical materials containing polymeric materials have been useful for terahertz technologies. We investigated the THz optical properties of wood-plastic composites (WPCs), which are composed of polystyrene and wood powder, and their suitability as THz optical materials. We found that the refractive indexes and absorption coefficients of the WPCs increased with increasing wood powder content. WPCs are inexpensive and have tunable THz optical properties.We propose and numerically investigate a refractive index sensor based on a one-dimensional slotted photonic crystal nanobeam cavity with sidewall gratings for refractive index sensing in a gaseous environment. By using the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method, we demonstrate that our proposed sensor simultaneously possesses a high quality factor of $ 3.71 \times 10^6 $3.71×106 and a high sensitivity of 508 nm/RIU (refractive index unit) at the resonant wavelength near 1583 nm, yielding a detection limit as low as $ 1.97 \times 10^ - 6 $1.97×10-6 RIU. Moreover, the mode volume of the cavity's fundamental resonant mode is found to be as small as $ 0.022(\lambda /n)^3 $0.022(λ/n)3, resulting in a very compact effective sensing area. We finally study and assess the effect of fabrication disorder on the performances of our proposed sensor. We believe our proposed sensor will be a promising candidate for applications not only in multiplexed biochemical sensing and multielement mixture detection, but also in optical trapping of single biomolecules or nanoparticles.Very fine silicate-rich volcanic ash, generated by explosive volcanic eruptions, can efficiently be traced downwind with infrared satellite sounders. Their measurements can also be used to derive physical parameters, such as optical depths and effective radii. However, one of the key requirements for accurate retrievals is a good knowledge of the complex refractive index (CRI) of the ash under investigation. In the past, the vast majority of the studies used the CRIs from Pollack et al. [Icarus19, 372 (1973)ICRSA50019-103510.1016/0019-1035(73)90115-2], which are based on measurements of thin slices of volcanic rock, and therefore are not representative for airborne volcanic ash particles. Here, we report measurements of the CRI of volcanic ash in suspension, generated from samples collected from recent high-impact eruptions in Chile (Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Calbuco, and Chaitén), Iceland (Eyjafjallajökull and Grímsvötn), and Italy (Etna). The samples cover a wide range of $\rm SiO_2$SiO2 content (46% to 76%) as confirmed by an X-ray fluorescence analysis.