Only one isolate assigned as SCCmec type III was resistant to CHX (MIC of 8.0 μg.mL-1) and harbored the qacA gene. Resistance to chlorhexidine and mupirocin were found in isolates carrying qacA and mupA in our hospital. Since these genes are plasmid-mediated, this finding draws attention to the potential spread of resistance to mupirocin in our hospital.Sepsis is the organ dysfunction resulting from an infection associated with an unregulated host inflammatory response, which generates high mortality rates in Brazil. The aim of this stydy was to analyze the trend of early, late and post-neonatal mortality rates due to sepsis in Brazilian regions, from 2009 to 2018. This is an ecological study of time series. The trend of infant mortality from sepsis was analyzed using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10) according to the place of residence (North, Northeast, Southeast, South and Midwest). Death Certificate data were collected from the Mortality Information System database. The temporal trend was analyzed using the Prais-Winsten estimate, interpreted as increasing, decreasing or stable, through the dependent variable (logarithm of mortality rates) and interdependent variables (years of the historical series). The Stata 14.0 statistical software was used. There were 39,867 infant deaths due to sepsis (78.67% for unspecified bacterial sepsis of the neonate ). Most of the children were male, had mixed ethnicity (black and white) , were born preterm with low birth weight and most mothers were 20-34 years old. There were decreasing trends in mortality rates from 2009 to 2018 early neonatal, in the Southeast (-3.57%), North (-3.33%) and South (-2.91%); late neonatal, in the South (-4.12%), Southeast (-4.53%), North (-4.55%) and Midwest (-6.21%); and post-neonatal, in the Northeast (-1.84%), North (-3.62%), Southeast (-3.83%) and Midwest (-5.81%). The Northeast showed a stable trend in early and late neonatal mortality rates. It was concluded that most regions showed a decreasing trend in mortality rates from sepsis in all age components, despite regional differences.[This corrects the article doi 10.1590/1983-1447.2021.20200216]. To propose a methodological path to investigate the coverage and information filling of maternal-infant deaths recorded in the Ministry of Health's Mortality Information System for regional spaces. Four steps were proposed 1) Assessment of the completeness of the maternal and child variables, which was measured using the deterministic linkage technique between the Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade - SIM) and the Live Birth Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos - SINASC); 2) Application of the multiple imputation technique to achieve the total filling of the missing information of the variables; 3) Estimation of death coverage; 4) The Unknown Variable Information Index (Índice de Informação Desconhecida da Variável - IIDV) was measured, which represents the combined effect of data completeness and coverage of deaths. The proposal of the methodological path was exemplified for neonatal deaths in the municipalities of Paraíba that are part of theatal. The combination of the proposed procedures demands low operating costs and their uses are relatively simple to be applied by the managers and technicians of the vital statistics information systems. to report the preoperative localization of pulmonary nodules with the placement of a guidewire oriented by Computed Tomography. the nodules were marked using a needle in the shape of a hook or another in the shape of a Q, guided by tomography. The choice of the location for the marking was the shortest distance from the chest wall to the nodule. The marking procedure was performed under local anesthesia and a tomographic control was obtained immediately at the end. Patients were referred to the operating room. Surgical resection occurred less than two hours after the needle placement. between February 2017 and October 2019, 22 patients aged 43 to 82 years (mean 62.1) were included. The nodules had diameters that varied from 4 to 30 mm and the distance between the nodules and the pleural surface varied from 2 to 43 mm. The location and resection of the nodules were successfully performed in all cases. The guidewire was displaced in five cases. Five patients presented pneumothorax, with the space between the visceral and parietal pleura varying from 2 to 19 mm. In nine patients, an intraparenchymal hematoma of 6 to 35 mm in length was observed without signs, symptoms, or hemodynamic and ventilatory repercussions. The histopathological study was conclusive in all patients. the localization of pulmonary nodules through guidewires proved to be safe, reliable, and feasible in this series of cases. There was no need for surgical intervention to treat complications. the localization of pulmonary nodules through guidewires proved to be safe, reliable, and feasible in this series of cases. There was no need for surgical intervention to treat complications. assess patient responses and associated factors of items on a safe surgery checklist, and identify use before and after protocol implementation from the records. a cohort study conducted from 2014 to 2016 with 397 individuals in stage I and 257 in stage II, 12 months after implementation, totaling 654 patients. Data were obtained in structured interviews. In parallel, 450 checklist assessments were performed in medical records from public health institutions in the Southwest II Health Region of Goiás state, Brazil. six items from the checklist were evaluated and all of these exhibited differences (p < 0.000). Of the medical records analyzed, 69.9% contained the checklist in stage I and 96.5% in stage II, with better data completeness. In stage II, after training, the checklist was associated with surgery (OR; 1.38; IC95% 1.25-1.51; p < 0.000), medium-sized hospital (OR; 1.11; CI95%; 1.0-1.17; p < 0.001), male gender (OR; 1.07; CI95%; 1.0-1.14; p < 0.010), type of surgery (OR; 1.7; CI95% 1.07-1.14; p < 0.014) and antibiotic prophylaxis 30 to 60 min after incision (OR; 1.10; CI95% 1.04-1.17; p < 0.000) and 30 to 60 min after surgery (OR; 1.23; CI95% 1.04-1.45; p = 0.015). the implementation strategy of the safe surgery checklist in small and medium-sized healthcare institutions was relevant and associated with better responses based on patient, data availability and completeness of the data. the implementation strategy of the safe surgery checklist in small and medium-sized healthcare institutions was relevant and associated with better responses based on patient, data availability and completeness of the data.