We present high-precision data for the time evolution of bubble area A(t) and circularity shape parameter C(t) for several bubbles in a quasi-two-dimensional foams consisting of bubbles squashed between parallel plates. In order to fully compare with earlier predictions, foam wetness is systematically varied by controlling the height of the sample above a liquid reservoir which in turn controls the radius r of the inflation of the Plateau borders. For very dry foams, where the borders are very small, classic von Neumann behavior is observed where a bubble's growth rate depends only on its number n of sides. For wet foams, the inflated borders impede gas exchange and cause deviations from von Neumann's law that are found to be in accord with the generalized coarsening equation. In particular, the overall growth rate varies linearly with the film height, which decrease as surface Plateau borders inflate. More interestingly, the deviation from dA/dt∝(n-6) von Neumann behavior grows in proportion to nCr/sqrt[A]. This is highlighted definitively by data for six-sided bubbles, which are forbidden to grow or shrink except for the existence of this term. It is tested quantitatively by variation of all four relevant quantities n, C, r, and A.This paper investigates the importance of molecular viscosity and diffusivity for the prediction of transitional and shock-driven mixing flows featuring high and low Reynolds and Mach number regions. Two representative problems are computed with implicit large-eddy simulations using the inviscid Euler equations (EE) and viscous Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) the Taylor-Green vortex at Reynolds number Re=3000 and initial Mach number Ma=0.28, and an air-SF_6-air gas curtain subjected to two shock waves at Ma=1.2. The primary focus is on differences between NSE and EE predictions due to viscous effects. The outcome of the paper illustrates the advantages of utilizing NSE. In contrast to the E