com/BioComputingUP/MobiDB-lite.The normal course of aging alters the harmonious, symmetrical, and balanced facial features found in youth, not only impacting physical attractiveness but also influencing self-esteem and causing miscommunication of affect based on facial miscues. This evidence-based paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research on the etiology and progression of facial aging by explaining the aging process from the "inside out"; that is, from the bony platform to the skin envelope. A general overview of the changes occurring within each of the main layers of the facial anatomy are presented, including remodeling of the facial skeleton, atrophy or repositioning of fat pads, changes in muscle tone and thickness, and weakening and thinning of the skin. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of specific aging regions by facial thirds (upper, middle, and lower thirds). This review may help aesthetic physicians in the interpretation of the aging process and in prioritizing and rationalizing treatment decisions to establish harmonious facial balance in younger patients or to restore balance lost with age in older patients.How do nuances of scientists' attention influence what they discover? We pursue an understanding of the influences of patterns of attention on discovery with a case study about confirmations of protein-protein interactions over time. We find that modeling and accounting for attention can help us to recognize and interpret biases in large-scale and widely used databases of confirmed interactions and to better understand missing data and unknowns. Additionally, we present an analysis of how awareness of patterns of attention and use of debiasing techniques can foster earlier discoveries.We proposed a combined cardiothoracic-MRI (CaTh-MRI) protocol for the comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular structures, lung parenchyma, and pulmonary arterial tree, in COVID-19 patients with progressive worsening of clinical conditions and/or suspicion of acute-onset myocardial inflammation. A 25-minutes fast protocol was also conceived for unstable or uncooperative patients by restricting the number of sequences to those necessary to rule out myocardial and to assess pulmonary involvement. In patients requiring CMR characterization of myocardial damage, the addition of lung and thoracic vessel evaluation is of clinical benefit at a minimal time expense. Coiled coils are widespread protein domains involved in diverse processes ranging from providing structural rigidity to the transduction of conformational changes. They comprise two or more α-helices that are wound around each other to form a regular supercoiled bundle. Owing to this regularity, coiled-coil structures can be described with parametric equations, thus enabling the numerical representation of their properties, such as the degree and handedness of supercoiling, rotational state of the helices, and the offset between them. These descriptors are invaluable in understanding the function of coiled coils and designing new structures of this type. The existing tools for such calculations require manual preparation of input and are therefore not suitable for the high-throughput analyses. To address this problem, we developed SamCC-Turbo, a software for fully-automated, per-residue measurement of coiled coils. By surveying Protein Data Bank with SamCC-Turbo, we generated a comprehensive atlas of ∼50,000 coiled-coil regions. This machine learning-ready data set features precise measurements as well as decomposes coiled-coil structures into fragments characterized by various degrees of supercoiling. The potential applications of SamCC-Turbo are exemplified by analyses in which we reveal general structural features of coiled coils involved in functions requiring conformational plasticity. Finally, we discuss further directions in the prediction and modeling of coiled coils. SamCC-Turbo is available as a web server (https// and as a Python library (https//, whereas the results of the Protein Data Bank scan can be browsed and downloaded at https// Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Implementing and combining methods from a diverse range of R/Bioconductor packages into 'omics' data analysis workflows represents a significant challenge in terms of standardisation, readability and reproducibility. Here we present an R/Bioconductor package, named struct (Statistics in R using Class-based Templates), which defines a suite of class-based templates that allows users to develop and implement highly standardised and readable statistical analysis workflows. Struct integrates with the STATistics Ontology (STATO) in order to ensure consistent reporting and maximises semantic interoperability. We also present a toolbox, named structToolbox, which includes an extensive set of commonly used data analysis methods that have been implemented using struct. This toolbox can be used to build data-analysis workflows for metabolomics and other omics technologies. struct and structToolbox are implemented in R, and are freely available from Bioconductor (http// and http//, including documentation and vignettes. Source code is available and maintained at https// struct and structToolbox are implemented in R, and are freely available from Bioconductor (http// and http//, including documentation and vignettes. Source code is available and maintained at https// Cryogenic Electron-Microscopy offers the unique potential to capture conformational heterogeneity, by solving multiple 3 D classes that co-exist within a single cryo-EM image dataset. To investigate the extent and implications of such heterogeneity, we propose to use an optimal-transport based metric to interpolate barycenters between EM maps and produce morphing trajectories. While standard linear interpolation mostly fails to produce realistic transitions, our method yields continuous trajectories that displace densities to morph one map into the other, instead of blending them. Our method is implemented as a plug-in for ChimeraX called MorphOT, which allows the use of both CPU or GPU resources. The code is publicly available on GitHub (https//, with documentation containing tutorial and datasets. User manual for MorphOT is available at Bioinformatics online. User manual for MorphOT is available at Bioinformatics online.