Criterion validity for instruments measuring asymmetrical scapular posture, range of motion, and the lateral scapular slide test was insufficient. Quality of evidence for measurement properties of all other instruments was graded lower. There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend any instrument for the clinical examination of scapular function. Measurement instruments to assess scapular dyskinesis are prone to misinterpretation and should therefore not be used as such. . There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend any instrument for the clinical examination of scapular function. Measurement instruments to assess scapular dyskinesis are prone to misinterpretation and should therefore not be used as such. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(11)632-641. doi10.2519/jospt.2020.9265. Central sensitization is a physiological mechanism associated with enhanced sensitivity and pain responses. At present, central sensitization cannot be determined directly in humans, but certain signs and symptoms may be suggestive of it. Although central sensitization has received increasing attention in the clinical literature, there is a risk that certain distinctions are being lost. This paper summarizes current knowledge of the physiology of central sensitization and its possible manifestations in patients, in order to inform a debate about the relevance of central sensitization for physical therapists. It poses 6 challenges associated with the application of central sensitization concepts in clinical practice and makes suggestions for assessment, treatment, and use of terminology. Physical therapists are asked to be mindful of central sensitization and consider potential top-down as well as bottom-up drivers, in the context of a person-centered biopsychosocial approach. . Central sensitization is a pt.2020.0610.A 60-year-old woman with chronic atraumatic shoulder pain underwent arthroscopic biceps tenodesis. Upon presenting to the physical therapy clinic 7 days following surgery, she reported constant pain. Following the examination, the physical therapist reviewed the patient's postoperative radiographs and noted a comminuted but minimally displaced fracture of the right proximal humeral metaphysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(11)649. doi10.2519/jospt.2020.9497.Reproductive tract inflammation is considered an important cause of male infertility. Increased leukocytes in semen can produce many reactive oxygen species (ROS), which affect sperm function. The aim of this study is to identify the main source of ROS in seminal plasma and to assess the effect of ROS on leukocytes. Semen samples (n = 20) with leukocyte concentration >1 × 106 were collected from a male infertility clinic. This study mainly compares the sperm function parameters of the normal group and the semen white blood cell group >1 × 106. The results identified that ROS in semen was closely related to sperm function parameters, and CD45+ leucocytes were the main source of ROS. Compared with the control group, the concentration of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α was higher in the experimental group. Leukocytes in semen may regulate the secretion of ROS through the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. A considerable amount of ROS can upregulate the expression of IL-6 in leukocytes via the nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB) pathway.Versican is a large chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate proteoglycan belonging to the aggrecan/lectican family. In adults, this proteoglycan serves as a structural macromolecule of the extracellular matrix in the brain and large blood vessels. In contrast, versican is transiently expressed at high levels during development and under pathological conditions when the extracellular matrix dramatically changes, including in the inflammation and repair process. There are many reports showing the upregulation of versican in cancer, which correlates with cancer aggressiveness. Versican has four classical splice variants, and all the variants contain G1 and G3 domains at N- and C-termini, respectively. There are two glycosaminoglycan attachment domains CSα and CSβ. The largest V0 variant contains both CSα and CSβ, V1 contains CSβ, V2 contains CSα, and the shortest G3 variant has neither of them. Versican degradation is initiated by cleavage at a site in the CSβ domain by ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) proteinases. The N-terminal fragment containing the G1 domain has been reported to exert various biological functions, although its mechanisms of action have not yet been elucidated. In this review, we describe the role of versican in inflammation and cancer and also address the biological function of versikine. Admission to the pediatric ICU versus general pediatric floor for patients is a significant triage decision for emergency department physicians. Escalation of care within 24 hours of hospital admission is considered as a quality metric for pediatric E.R. There exists, however, a lack of data to show that such escalation leads to a poor outcome. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to compare outcomes of patients who required escalation of care within 24 hours of hospital admission to the pediatric ICU (cases) from 01/01 2015 to 02/28 2019 with those who were directly admitted from emergency department to the PICU (controls). A total of 327 cases were compared to 931 controls. Univariate and multivariable regression analysis was done to compare the length of stay and mortality data. Patients who required escalation of care were significantly younger (median age 1.9 years compared to 4.6 years for controls) and had lower severity of illness score (PIM 3). Cases had a much higher proportion of respircare. This measure should be considered while making patient disposition decisions in the emergency department.This article presents the Moral Sensitivity Inventory, a unique reading-free tool for evaluating the moral sensitivity of people with intellectual disability. Moral sensitivity, one of the four components of Rest's Four Component Model of Morality (1994), is thought to influence moral behavior. The Moral Sensitivity Inventory is intended for people aged 16-30 years with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities. The Moral Sensitivity Inventory is comprised of 10 stories with pictures illustrating the aspects of morality, which are grouped into six categories responsibility; respect for the common good and the property of other people; harming other people; seeking and seeing the good in others; conformance to principles and norms; understanding. The Moral Sensitivity Inventory identifies competences and gaps in moral sensitivity, which makes it a helpful tool for educating and social rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities. The overall reliability of the tool was .89 and the reliability of individual stories ranged from .