The data on the suvival rate and growth performance of 107 poplar clones can help farmers and breeders to designing optimal schemes to increase timber yield and log assortment in poplar plantations. Raw data on tree structure parameters and branching traits can be used to evaluate the different performance of the clones, testing their different spacing and rotation requirement, and also designing innovative plantation schemes.A dataset of four draft genome sequences of Bifidobacterium strains is presented. All four genome assemblies are high-quality drafts characterized by high completeness and low contamination levels. GC content of the genomes varied in the range between 59.27% and 62.77%. Genome sequences were annotated for further functional and taxonomical analyses of the respective Bifidobacterium strains. Genetic determinants of probiotic capabilities, including the genes, related to utilization of human milk oligosaccharides and mucin, as well as the genes, encoding bile salt hydrolase were identified. The genome of B. bifidum VKPM=Ac-1784 has been shown to possess two bacteriocin gene clusters. The dataset expands knowledge on genomic diversity of probiotic strains of Bifidobacterium genus. The dataset is available under PRJNA656137 accession number in NCBI database and under zyv26t6x5r accession number in Mendeley Data repository.This is data on the microbial diversity in the floating cyanobacterial community and sediment samples from the lake Solenoe (Novosibirsk region, Russia) obtained by metagenomic methods. Such a detailed data of the microbial diversity of the Novosibirsk oblast lake ecosystem was carried out for the first time. The purpose of our work was to reveal microbial taxonomic diversity and abundance, metabolic pathways and new enzyme findings the studied lake ecosystem using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology and metagenomic analysis. The data was obtained using metagenomics DNA whole genome sequencing (WGS) on Illumina NextSeq and NovaSeq. The raw sequence data used for analysis is available in NCBI under the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) with the BioProjects and SRA accession numbers PRJNA493912 (SRR7943696), PRJNA493952 (SRR7943839) and PRJNA661775 (SRR12601635, SRR12601634, SRR12601633) corresponding to floating cyanobacterial community and sediment layers samples, respectively.The present article provides chemical, paleontological and mineralogical data obtained during an archaeometric characterization of 40 samples (33 pottery sherds, 5 clay samples, 1 sand sample and 1 red earth pigment) collected in the Via dei Sepolcri ceramic workshop in Pompeii, Italy. The workshop was still active during the 79 CE eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the archaeometric data obtained in our investigation reveal distinct differences between pottery and geological raw materials belonging to an early 'Phase 1' production (from the beginning of the 1st century CE to the 62 CE earthquake) and a subsequent 'Phase 2' production (from the 62 CE earthquake to the 79 CE eruption). These data inform the discussions and interpretations presented in the article entitled "A pottery workshop in Pompeii unveils new insights on the Roman ceramics crafting tradition and raw materials trade", edited by Grifa et al. [1].Since the launch of the InvestSmartâ„¢ initiative in 2014, the government agencies in Malaysia have been actively engaging community and university students via their outreach programs to promote investment literacy. Given this background, the state of the investment literacy of Malaysian undergraduates and their readiness to invest is intriguing. Therefore, this article offers a dataset of Malaysian undergraduates' readiness to invest and the role that investment literacy and social influence play in their readiness to invest. Using a non-probability sampling technique, 500 undergraduate students in Malaysia were engaged to participate voluntarily in this survey. Descriptive statistics are presented in this paper. The dataset provides insights into the current state of investment literacy among Malaysian undergraduates, the sources of information on stock investment, and the readiness of these undergraduates to participate in the stock market.The dataset describes regional brain c-Fos expression and a component of maternal nest building behavior ("straw carrying") in 5 late term pregnant rabbits that had been allowed to interact with straw (a nest building material) for a discrete period (30 min), during which repetitive straw carrying behavior was initiated. Animals were sacrificed for brain c-Fos immunoreactivity 1 h after straw was placed into their cage. Regional brain c-Fos expression Neuronal c-Fos expression is known to associate with a sustained increase in neuronal excitation above resting levels, primarily due to its induction in response to increased glutamatergic input and corresponding activation of the NMDA receptor. In practice, c-Fos expression is taken to be an indication of an increase in "neuronal activity". Importantly, there is a lag of approximately 20 to 30 min between the onset of the stimulus that caused increased excitation, and the initiation of neuronal c-Fos expression, and c-Fos has a cellular half-life of approximately 1 h. Thus, the pattern of brain c-Fos expression within a brain histological section represents a composite snapshot of "superimposed" regional activations that occurred within approximately 30 min to 2 h prior to sacrifice. Behavioral variables Behavioral variables included in the present dataset are those that reflect the repetitive nature of straw carrying (straw carrying cycle frequency), as well as individual subcomponents of this behavior (collecting straw, interacting with the nest site), and indicators of the "rigidity" of expression of these subcomponents across all cycle repetitions (standard deviations of time spent collecting straw, time spent interacting with nest site). Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with cluster rotation was applied in an exploratory manner in order to clarify correlational relationships between regional c-Fos expression and specific behavioral variables.