Design Verification because Basis for Developing DNA Nanotechnology Software. 1 C. Small-diameter anisotropic graphite fibers (S-AF3000) with a spiral-shaped wrinkle texture of the transverse section possess discharge capacities of 284.1 mAh∙g-1 at 0.1 C and 260.2 mAh∙g-1 at a high current density of 1 C. Meanwhile, the best capacity retention of the fibers is 101.6% over 100 cycles at 0.1 C. The results suggest that the disordered carbon layers in S-AF3000 can retain the structural integrity of fibers as anode material for lithium-ion batteries and thus obtain excellent cycle stability. In addition, larger crystalline sizes of fibers correspond to higher discharge capacity, and a smaller diameter is beneficial to the fast insertion and extraction of lithium-ion in fibers.Mass rearing of insects, used both as biological control agents and for food and feed, is receiving increasing attention. Efforts are being made to improve diets that are currently in use, and to identify alternative diets, as is the case with the predatory flower bug (Orius majusculus) and other heteropteran predators, due to the high costs of their current diet, the eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth (E. kuehniella). The assessment of alternative diets may include measurements of the predator's fitness-related traits (development time, weight, etc.), and biochemical analyses such as lipid and protein content in the diet and the insects. However, assessing diet quality via the predator's fitness-related traits is laborious, and biochemical composition is often difficult to relate to the measured traits. Isotope analysis, previously used for diet reconstruction studies, can also serve as a tool for the assessment of diet quality. Here, the variation in discrimination factors or isotope enrichment (Δ15N and Δ13C) indicates the difference in isotopic ratio between the insect and its diet. In this study, we investigated the link between Δ15N and diet quality in the predatory bug Orius majusculus. Three groups of bugs were fed different diets Ephestia kuehniella eggs, protein-rich Drosophila melanogaster and lipid-rich D. melanogaster. The isotopic enrichment and fitness-related measurements were assessed for each group. Results show a relation between Δ15N and fitness-related measurements, which conform to the idea that lower Δ15N indicates a higher diet quality.Surface functionalization of plastic parts has been studied and developed for several applications. However, demand for the development of reliable and profitable manufacturing strategies is still high. Here we develop and characterize a new process chain for the versatile and cost-effective production of sub-micron textured plastic parts using laser ablation. The study includes the generation of different sub-micron structures on the surface of a mold using femtosecond laser ablation and vario-thermal micro-injection molding. The manufactured parts and their surfaces are characterized in consideration of polymer replication and wetting behavior. The results of the static contact angle measurements show that replicated Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSSs) always increase the hydrophobicity of plastic parts. A maximum contact angle increase of 20% was found by optimizing the manufacturing thermal boundary conditions. The wetting behavior is linked to the transition from a Wenzel to Cassie-Baxter state, and is crucial in optimizing the injection molding cycle time.Using smart nanopesticide formulations based on nanomaterials can offer promising potential applications for decreasing pesticide residues and their effects on human health and the environment. In this study, a novel nanoformulation (NF) of thiamethoxam (TMX) was fabricated using the solvent evaporation method through loading TMX on cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) as the carrier. The synthesized TMX-CNCs was investigated through different techniques, such as Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results revealed that the loading efficiency and entrapment efficiency were 18.7% and 83.7 ± 1.8% for TMX, respectively. The prepared nanoformulation (TMX-CNCs) had a width of 7-14 nm and a length of 85-214 nm with a zeta potential of -23.6 ± 0.3 mV. The drug release behavior study exhibited that the release of TMX from TMX-loaded CNCs was good and sustained. Furthermore, bioassay results showed that the insecticidal activity of TMX-CNCs against Phenacoccus solenopsis was significantly superior to that of the technical and commercial formulation, as indicated by the lower LC50 value. The results indicate that the TMX nanoformulation has great potential for application in agriculture for pest control.Currently there is a strong demand for novel protective materials with efficient antibacterial properties. Nanocomposite materials loaded with photo-thermally active nanoparticles can offer promising opportunities due to the local increase of temperature upon near-infrared (NIR) light exposure capable of eradicating bacteria. In this work, we fabricated antibacterial films obtained by spraying on glass slides aqueous solutions of polymers, containing highly photo-thermally active gold nanostars (GNS) or Prussian Blue (PB) nanoparticles. Under NIR light irradiation with low intensities (0.35 W/cm2) these films demonstrated a pronounced photo-thermal effect ΔTmax up to 26.4 °C for the GNS-containing films and ΔTmax up to 45.8 °C for the PB-containing films. In the latter case, such a local temperature increase demonstrated a remarkable effect on a Gram-negative strain (P. aeruginosa) killing (84% of dead bacteria), and a promising effect on a Gram-positive strain (S. aureus) eradication (69% of dead bacteria). The fabricated films are promising prototypes for further development of lightweight surfaces with efficient antibacterial action that can be remotely activated on demand.Continuous use of allethrin has resulted in heavy environmental contamination and has raised public concern about its impact on human health, yet little is known about the kinetics and microbial degradation of this pesticide. This study reported the degradation kinetics in a novel fungal strain, Fusarium proliferatum CF2, isolated from contaminated agricultural fields. Strain CF2 utilized 50 mg·L-1 of allethrin as the sole carbon source for growth in minimal salt medium and tolerated high concentrations of allethrin of up to 1000 mg·L-1. The optimum degradation conditions for strain CF2 were determined to be a temperature of 26 °C and pH 6.0 using response surface methodology. Under optimum conditions, strain CF2 completely degraded allethrin within 144 hours. The degradation kinetics of allethrin followed first order reaction kinetics. Kinetics analysis showed that its half-life was substantially reduced by 507.1 hours, as compared to the uninoculated control. This study provides new insights into the microbial degradation of allethrin with fungal F.