This strategy, using both the exponential and the Hill BMD model families, was found to produce robust, visually intuitive, and similarly-ordered genotoxic potency rankings for 17 compounds across the BSCL2-GFP, RTKN-GFP and BTG2-GFP ToxTracker endpoints. Eleven compounds were similarly assessed using data from the in vivo micronucleus assay. Cross-systems genotoxic potency correlations for the eight matched compounds demonstrated in vitro - in vivo correlation, albeit with marked scatter across compounds. No evidence for distinct differences in the sensitivity of the three ToxTracker endpoints was found. The presented analyses show that quantitative potency determinations from in vitro data enable more than just qualitative screening and hazard identification in genetic toxicology.Impairments in early visual face perception are well documented in patients with schizophrenia. Specifically, event-related potential (ERP) research in patients with schizophrenia has demonstrated deficits in early sensory processing of stimulus properties (P1 component) and the structural encoding of faces (N170 component). However, it is not well understood if similar impairments are present in individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis (ie, those in the putative prodromal stage of the illness). Thus, it is unknown if face perception deficits are the result of illness onset or are present in the high-risk period for the illness. The present study used the ERP technique to examine neural activation when viewing facial emotion expressions and objects in 44 CHR and 47 control adolescents and young adults (N = 91). P1 amplitude was similar across groups, indicating that early sensory processing impairments did not substantially contribute to face perception deficits in CHR youth. CHR youth exhibited reduced N170 amplitude compared to controls when viewing faces but not objects, implicating a specific deficit in the structural enco