4mm [±6.7] and 59.8mm [±8.1], p<0.001). There were no differences in the frequencies of death from any cause, re-hospitalization for any cause, stroke, or thromboembolic events. Compared to women with PPCM-noHTN, women with PPCM-PE had a greater likelihood of left ventricular recovery (LVEF≥50%) (adjusted OR 2.08 95% CI 1.21-3.57) and an adverse neonatal outcome (composite of termination, miscarriage, low birth weight or neonatal death) (adjusted OR 2.84 95% CI 1.66-4.87). Differences exist in phenotype, recovery of cardiac function and neonatal outcomes according to hypertensive status in women with PPCM. Differences exist in phenotype, recovery of cardiac function and neonatal outcomes according to hypertensive status in women with PPCM. Monitoring the transcutaneous permeation of exogenous molecules using conventional techniques generally requires long pre-analytical preparation or labelling of samples. However, Raman spectroscopy is a label-free and non-destructive method which provides spatial distribution of tracked actives in skin. The aim of our study was to prove the interest of Raman imaging coupled with multivariate curve resolution alternating least square (MCR-ALS) analysis in monitoring retinol penetration into frozen and living human skin. After topical treatment of skin samples by free or encapsulated retinol, thin cross sections were analysed by Raman imaging (up to 100µm depth). Mann-Whitney test was used to identify retinol spectroscopic markers in skin. MCR-ALS was used to estimate retinol contribution in Raman spectral images. Heat maps were constructed to compare the distribution of free and encapsulated retinol in skin models. We identified the bands at 1158, 1196 and 1591cm as specific features for monitoring retinol in skin. Moreover, our MCR-ALS results showed an improvement of retinol penetration (up to 30µm depth) with the encapsulated form as well as storage reservoir formation in stratum corneum, for each skin model. Finally, greater retinol penetration into living skin was observed. This study shows a proof of concept for the evaluation of retinol penetration in skin using Raman imaging coupled with MCR-ALS. This concept needs to be validated on more subjects to include inter-individual variability but also other factors affecting skin permeation (age, sex, pH, etc). Our study can be extended to other actives. This study shows a proof of concept for the evaluation of retinol penetration in skin using Raman imaging coupled with MCR-ALS. This concept needs to be validated on more subjects to include inter-individual variability but also other factors affecting skin permeation (age, sex, pH, etc). Our study can be extended to other actives.Invited for the cover of this issue is the group of Takahiro Muraoka at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and collaborators. The image depicts nanofiber formation of an amphiphilic peptide with a central alkylene chain that shows non-cell adhesive properties. Read the full text of the article at 10.1002/chem.202100739.C2 H2 /CO2 separation is a highly challenging process as a consequence of their similar physicochemical properties. In this work we have explored, by static and dynamic gas sorption techniques and computational modelling, the suitability of a series of two isoreticular robust Ni(II)pyrazolate-based MOFs, bearing alkyne moieties on the ligand backbones, for C2 H2 /CO2 separation. The results are consistent with high adsorption capacity and selectivity of the essayed systems towards C2 H2 molecules. Furthermore, a post-synthetic treatment with KOH ethanolic solution gives rise to linker vacancy defects and incorporation of extraframework potassium ions. Creation of defects is responsible for increased adsorption capacity for both gases, however, strong interactions of the cluster basic sites and extraframework potassium cations with CO2 molecules are responsible for a lowering of C2 H2 over CO2 selectivity.Children with low-grade gliomas have excellent long-term survival outcomes. The development of therapies targeted to the driver mutations along the Mitogen Activated Protein (MAP) kinase signalling pathway are providing long-term stability for many patients with these tumours. Given the frequency of these tumours residing within or near the suprasellar region, our patients commonly suffer from hormone deficiencies. In Australia, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme currently restricts growth hormone therapy to patients who are not being actively treated for cancer, including those receiving targeted therapies. This viewpoint hopes to facilitate an important discussion amongst our colleagues as to whether this should be changed to allow growth hormone to become available to children on chronic tumour suppressive therapy.Invited for the cover of this issue is the Ferdi Karadas and Ekmel Ozbay groups at Bilkent University and co-workers. The image presents an utopic city in Iron Age, which is powered by an iron photosensitizer that bridges semiconductor buildings (TiO2 nanowires) and the catalyst (cobalt site). Read the full text of the article at 10.1002/chem.202100654. The COVID-19 pandemic forced hospitals in the United States to adjust policy and procedure in order to provide safe care and prevent the spread of disease. At the beginning of the pandemic, media and case reports described pressure for medical interventions, visitor restrictions, separation from newborns, and an increase in patient demand for community birth (home and birth center). The purpose of this study was to describe birth experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic centering the birthing person's perspective. A survey was e-mailed to users of the Ovia Pregnancy app reaching a national convenience sample who gave birth between March 1, 2020, and June 11, 2020. Survey topics included birth location, the Mothers on Respect index, and open-ended questions capturing patient perspectives on the pandemic's effect on their birth experiences. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/odq.html Differences were assessed based on state-level COVID rate and by race. Content analysis was performed to analyze open-ended responses. Respondents from highly impacted COVID-19 states more frequently changed or considered changing their birth location.