This seeming discrepancy between theory and experiment can be resolved by considering the details of the actual electronic structure of the adsorbate layer. The presented results represent an exemplary showcase for the intricacy of interpreting STM images of complex molecular films. They are also further evidence for the potential of triptycenes as basic building blocks for generating well-defined layers with unusual structural motifs.Considering that pathological hallmarks are directly related to structural and chemical information of tumor, noninvasive, real-time, spatially resolved quantitative chemical imaging is significant for treatment decisions. The discovery of the transparency window of biological tissues and the advancement of near-infrared technology provide exciting prospects for in vivo imaging. Herein, an engineering apoferritin-conjugated cypate nanoprobe is fabricated for near-infrared photoacoustic imaging and fluorescence imaging in the first and second window. As the analogue of indocyanine green, dicarboxylic cypate is directly conjugated with the apoferritin molecules for forming assembly nanoprobes. Resulting from the intrinsic targeting and optical capacity of the nanoprobes, the triple near-infrared imaging can perform multimeasurements of the target analyte in real-time. This imaging methodology not only provides the structural background information of the tumor, each pixel also contains quantitative in situ information of the tumor. In particular, part of the absorbed light energy is released as heat energy in the near-infrared photoacoustic imaging process. The constructed triple near-infrared nanoprobes therefore naturally navigate the photothermal treatment plan of tumor and finally realize the efficient assistance of tumor photothermal ablation. The tumor metabolomics reveal that the nanoprobe-assisted tumor ablation has a potential mechanism toward glutamine- and phenylalanine-related metabolism perturbation and the disordered oxidative stress state. The tumor-specific bioconjugate nanoprobes hold great potential as a versatile theranostic platform for tumor imaging and therapy.Hydroxide-bridged FeIII4LnIII2 clusters having the general formula [Fe4Ln2(μ3-OH)2(mdea)6(SCN)2(NO3)2(H2O)2]·4H2O·2MeCN Ln = Y (1), Dy (2), mdea = N-methyldiethanolamine were synthesized and magnetically characterized. The thermal relaxation of the magnetization for 2 and the diluted FeIII4DyIIIYIII complex 3 (with and without applied field) has been analyzed. The diluted sample shows a dominant QTM at low temperatures that can be removed with a 0.15 T dc field. Both 2 and 3 show moderately high Ueff barriers and exhibit hysteresis loops until 5 K.Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (μPADs) have garnered significant interest as a promising analytical platform in the past decade. Compared with traditional microfluidics, μPADs present unique advantages, such as easy fabrication using established patterning methods, economical cost, ability to drive and manipulate flow without equipment, and capability of storing reagents for various applications. This Review aims to provide a comprehensive review of the field, highlighting fabrication methods available to date with their respective advantages and drawbacks, device designs and modifications to accommodate different assay needs, detection strategies, and the growing applications of μPADs. Finally, we discuss how the field needs to continue moving forward to realize its full potential.In calculations of relative free energy differences, the number of atoms of the initial and final states is rarely the same. This necessitates the introduction of dummy atoms. These placeholders interact with the physical system only by bonded energy terms. We investigate the conditions necessary so that the presence of dummy atoms does not influence the result of a relative free energy calculation. On the one hand, one has to ensure that dummy atoms only give a multiplicative contribution to the partition function so that their contribution cancels from double-free energy differences. On the other hand, the bonded terms used to attach a dummy atom (or group of dummy atoms) to the physical system have to maintain it in a well-defined position and orientation relative to the physical system. A detailed theoretical analysis of both aspects is provided, illustrated by 24 calculations of relative solvation free energy differences, for which all four legs of the underlying thermodynamic cycle were computed. Cycle closure (or lack thereof) was used as a sensitive indicator to probing the effects of dummy atom treatment on the resulting free energy differences. We find that a naive (but often practiced) treatment of dummy atoms results in errors of up to kBT when calculating the relative solvation free energy difference between two small solutes, such as methane and ammonia. While our analysis focuses on the so-called single topology approach to set up alchemical transformations, similar considerations apply to dual topology, at least many widely used variants thereof.We report semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) membranes prepared easily from a cross-linked network using poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with interpenetrated Nafion for both proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and proton-exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEMWE) applications. Thermal esterification between PAA and PVA induced three-dimensional cross-linking to improve mechanical toughness and reduce hydrogen crossover, while the hydrophilic nature of the PAA-PVA-based cross-linked matrix still enhanced the water uptake (WU) and hence conductivity of the Nafion penetrant. The semi-IPN membrane (NPP-95) composed of Nafion, PAA, and PVA with a ratio of 952.52.5 showed a hexagonal cylindrical morphology and improved thermal, mechanical, and dimensional stability compared to a recast Nafion membrane (re-Nafion). The membrane was also highly effective at managing water due to its low WU and high conductivity. Furthermore, its hydrogen permeability was 49.6% lower than that of re-Nafion under the actual fuel cell operating conditions (at 100% RH and 80 °C). NPP-95 exhibited significantly improved conductivity and PEMFC performance compared to re-Nafion with a current density of 1561 mA/cm2 at a potential of 0.6 V and a peak power density of 1179 mW/cm2. Furthermore, in the PEMWE performances, NPP-95 displayed about a 1.5-fold higher current density of 4310 mA/cm2 at 2.0 V and much lower ohmic resistance than re-Nafion between 60 and 80 °C.