The SWB-HL is a 10-item self-report measure of SWB that shows good reliability and validity when used by older adults with hearing loss and reveals improved SWB following the use of hearing aids.The ability to sustain a coherent narrative about experiences of trauma and loss is a prominent feature of secure-autonomous attachment states of mind as assessed in narrative tasks such as the Adult Attachment Interview. The current study examines the clinical application of the concepts of narrative coherence and discourse segregation within a therapeutic intervention for whole families. Bumps in the Road is a family drawing task, which aims to facilitate the co-construction of family narratives about adversities such as trauma, loss and hardship. The technique aims to increase the family's narrative coherence about such challenging events. The paper first presents a description of the task itself together with the discourse theories of defensive processing of adverse events. The study also presents pilot quantitative findings from 19 parents on the psychometric properties of a coding system of the families' discourses in undertaking the task and the therapist's techniques in administering the task. The predictive association of coding of the narratives were examined as predictors of change in internalising and externalising symptoms in the referred child, using the Child Behaviour Checklist. Findings showed that therapist competence in administration of the task did significantly predict the magnitude of treatment efficacy. The current study is the first presentation of this novel therapeutic task and sets a platform for further research on the use of narrative tasks and the formal coding of discourse in therapeutic work with children and families.Incremental product innovation is achieved by finding and solving problems of existing products. The importance of customer requirements reflects the severity of existing product problems, which points out the direction for incremental product innovation. In this research, the calculation process of customer requirement importance mainly includes three steps. Firstly, from the perspective of customers, the improvement gap analytical method is used to obtain the improvement and original importance of customer requirements by measuring customer perceived satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Secondly, from the perspective of industry experts, an improved interval grey number ranking method is proposed to calculate the basic importance of customer requirements, which can deal with the inadequate problem of the data provided by experts due to the limited number of experts. Finally, a multi-dimensional vector cosine method, which avoids the interference of subjectivity of importance weight calculation to the final importance, is proposed to integrate the importance data provided by customers and experts. A case of a water purifier is considered to illustrate the validity of the proposed process. This research improves existing calculation methods and proposes an integrated calculation process from three dimensions to calculate the final importance of customer requirements effectively.Scientific reports notified that the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has raised an unprecedented mental health emergency worldwide. Abrupt changes in daily routine, environmental constraints, adopted home confinement measures, and uncertainty about a date for returning to usual activities can potentially affect mental health and sports activities in athletes. Hence, we designed a cross-sectional study with a within-subjects design to investigate the impact of the pandemic on mental health, mood states, and life satisfaction of elite athletes. During the three phases of home confinement (April 14-24, n = 525), reopening (May 9-19, n = 464), and current semi-lockdown (July 20-31, n = 428), elite athletes voluntarily responded to an online survey. The self-report questionnaire was prepared to collect demographic and epidemiological variables of interest and the COVID-19-related information. All participants also completed the Profile of Mood State (POMS), General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The main result is that the training rate, mental health, life satisfaction, and positive mood have decreased during the home confinement period as compared with the reopening and semi-lockdown phases. However, the need for psychosocial services has increased during the pandemic period. The present study provides the first preliminary evidence that home confinement conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic might have negatively influenced elite athlete's mood state, mental health, and life satisfaction, as well as training rates. Monitoring the psychological parameters of elite athletes and developing strategies to improve their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic should be on the agenda. Next studies, therefore, seem reasonable to focus on active interventions for athletes during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.A recent meta-analysis has demonstrated that positive affective variables (PAVs) partially mediate physical activity (PA) interventions. However, the effectiveness of each intervention technique on PAVs and PA is still unknown. Thus, this meta-analytic review included two primary objectives (1) to summarize intervention effects on PA and PAVs; (2) to examine each behavior change technique's effectiveness in modifying PAVs and PA. Following PRISMA protocols, we had searched five electronic databases by April 1, 2020. The random-effect model in the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 3 was adopted to perform these meta-analytic analyses. The search identified 1,742 articles, and 37 studies (49 datasets) met our inclusion criteria. Finally, inferential statistics yielded that the utilization of "teach to use prompts/cues," "facilitate social comparison," and "provide information on consequences of behavior in general" had positive effects on PA or PAVs outcomes; the utilization of "barrier identification/problem solving" and "plan social support/social change" negatively affected on PA or PAVs outcomes. However, there was considerable heterogeneity in the findings. Nonetheless, this paper has considerable implications for guiding future comparative intervention studies to achieve more reliable outcomes.