Finally, this review discusses the challenges and directions of inorganic nanoparticles in potential clinical translation of anti-atherosclerosis in future. We believe this review will enable readers to systematically understand the progress of the inorganic nanoparticle-based imaging and therapy of atherosclerosis and therefore promote the further development of anti-atherosclerosis.Objectives The role of the cardiovascular system in the development of seasickness remains uncertain. Material and methods Overall, 18 healthy students (10 males and 8 females) aged 18-24 years volunteered in the project, spending 2-7 h on life rafts. The cardiovascular system was examined with impedance cardiography. Susceptibility and symptoms of seasickness were evaluated by the (VAS), ranging 0-10, was used to assess nausea, dizziness and mood. The parameters were assessed at 2 time points. Results Differences in the heart rate (HR), the thoracic fluid content index (TFCI), the stroke index (SI) and the Heather index (HI) before launching the life rafts and after leaving them were observed (78.6, 20.8, 55.6 and 15.9 vs. 70.1, 19.7, 60.5 and 17.9, with p-values of 0.002, less then 0.001, 0.003 and 0.004, respectively). Females reacted with changes in SI and HR more vividly, whereas males regulated more HI and TFCI. In addition, HR correlated significantly with the central and peripheral symptoms in MSAQ,t J Occup Med Environ Health. 2020;33(4)467-77.Objectives The study examined the extent and prevalence of perceived indoor environment-related (IE-related) symptoms environmental complaints and psychosocial work environmental factors in Finnish office, school and health care environments. Material and methods The data were collected from non-industrial workplaces (N = 455) in 2011-2012 and 2015-2017 using the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's in office, school and health care environments. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2020;33(4)479-95.Objective Sedentarism rates are increasing at school age, and it is necessary to know how it affects both rural and urban contexts. The present study aimed to identify whether the place of residence, rural or urban, influenced the level of physical activity that schoolchildren had in Primary Education and in Secondary Education. Methods A longitudinal study was carried out using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) for data collection. The sample consisted of 542 students (272 boys and 270 girls), aged between 11 and 13 years, who were interviewed at two different times during the sixth year of primary education, and later in the first year of secondary education. A descriptive analysis of the items and final score of the PAQ-C in the rural and urban environment were carried out in both educational periods and an ANCOVA analysis of the final score; The association between the level of physical activity and the variables used was studied through corrected typified residuals and Cramer's V. The effect size was calculated. Results The results obtained confirmed that there are significant differences in the course variable (f=63,757; p0.05) when the sex variable was controlled (f=27,325; p less then 0.001; η2=0.025). Conclusions The transition to Secondary Education implies the increase of a sedentary lifestyle, both in rural and urban areas.BACKGROUND A growing body of evidence suggests that in the face of life adversity, threats, or other major stressful events, resilience is more conducive to individual adaptation and growth. MATERIAL AND METHODS The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and the Chinese Perceived Stress Scale were used to evaluate the resilience and perceived stress of 600 medical staff members from the radiology departments in 32 public hospitals in Sichuan Province, China, respectively. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze factors related to resilience. RESULTS The total resilience score was 65.76±17.26, wherein the toughness dimension score was 33.61±9.52, the strength dimension score was 21.25±5.50, and the optimism dimension score was 10.91±3.15. There was a significant negative correlation between perceived stress and resilience (r=-0.635, P less then 0.001). According to multivariate analysis, the total perceived stress score (ß=-1.318, P less then 0.001), gender (ß=-4.738, P less then 0.001), knowledge of COVID-19 (ß=2.884, P=0.043), knowledge of COVID-19 protective measures (ß=3.260, P=0.042), and availability of adequate protective materials (ß=-1.268, P=0.039) were independent influencing factors for resilience. CONCLUSIONS The resilience level of the medical staff in the radiology departments during the outbreak of COVID-19 was generally low, particularly regarding toughness. More attention should be paid to resilience influence factors such as high perceived stress, female gender, lack of understanding of COVID-19 and protective measures, and lack of protective materials, and targeted interventions should be undertaken to improve the resilience level of the medical staff in the radiology departments during the outbreak of COVID-19.Background There is a lack of studies on adjustment to upper limb prosthesis with large representative samples that would compare different prosthesis types and use standardised outcome measures. Hence, we wanted to assess satisfaction with, and level of adjustment to, an upper-limb prosthesis among people after an upper limb amputation in our country. Material and methods We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study. The TAPES-R questionnaire was mailed to 431 patients identified from electronic health records at national specialist outpatient clinics for rehabilitation of people after upper limb amputation. Results 191 patients (44%) responded and were subsequently ascertained to be a representative sample of the population of upper limb amputees in our country. Univariate analyses and multiple regression models indicated that, on average, overall satisfaction is lower among those who have received their current prosthesis more recently, women might be more satisfied with prosthesis than men, above-elbow amputees experience more activity restrictions than those with amputation at a lower level, patients with amputated fingers or palm are more satisfied with the prosthesis than others, and so are those who had amputation following an accident as compared to other reasons. Conclusion We reliably identified some systematic factors, but it is individual factors and experience that largely determine adjustment to and satisfaction with a prosthesis following an upper limb amputation.