No difference was seen in the accumulation of Texas red-labeled nanoparticles in the brain, heart, liver, and spleen between PAH and normal rats. However, a significant area of nanoparticles was detected in the lungs of PAH rats. ONONS effectively ameliorated PAH, with selective delivery to the damaged lung.Methotrexate (MTX) is a common first-line treatment for new-onset rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, MTX is ineffective for 30-40% of patients and there is no way to know which patients might benefit. Here, we built statistical models based on serum lipid levels measured at two time-points (pre-treatment and following 4 weeks on-drug) to investigate if MTX response (by 6 months) could be predicted. Patients about to commence MTX treatment for the first time were selected from the Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication Study (RAMS). Patients were categorised as good or non-responders following 6 months on-drug using EULAR response criteria. Serum lipids were measured using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and supervised machine learning methods (including regularized regression, support vector machine and random forest) were used to predict EULAR response. Models including lipid levels were compared to models including clinical covariates alone. The best performing classifier including lipid levels (assessed at 4 weeks) was constructed using regularized regression (ROC AUC 0.61 ± 0.02). However, the clinical covariate based model outperformed the classifier including lipid levels when either pre- or on-treatment time-points were investigated (ROC AUC 0.68 ± 0.02). Pre- or early-treatment serum lipid profiles are unlikely to inform classification of MTX response by 6 months with performance adequate for use in RA clinical management.Flood early warning systems (FLEWSs) contribute remarkably to reducing economic and life losses during a flood. The theory of critical slowing down (CSD) has been successfully used as a generic indicator of early warning signals in various fields. A new tool called persistent homology (PH) was recently introduced for data analysis. PH employs a qualitative approach to assess a data set and provide new information on the topological features of the data set. In the present paper, we propose the use of PH as a preprocessing step to achieve a FLEWS through CSD. We test our proposal on water level data of the Kelantan River, which tends to flood nearly every year. The results suggest that the new information obtained by PH exhibits CSD and, therefore, can be used as a signal for a FLEWS. Further analysis of the signal, we manage to establish an early warning signal for ten of the twelve flood events recorded in the river; the two other events are detected on the first day of the flood. Finally, we compare our results with those of a FLEWS constructed directly from water level data and find that FLEWS via PH creates fewer false alarms than the conventional technique.Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare malignancy, with the unique geographical and ethnically characteristics of distribution. Gene chip and bioinformatics have been employed to reveal regulatory mechanisms in current functional genomics. However, a practical solution addressing the unresolved aspects of microarray data processing and analysis have been long pursuit. This study developed a new method to improve the accuracy of identifying key biomarkers, namely Unit Gamma Measurement (UGM), accounting for multiple hypotheses test statistics distribution, which could reduce the dependency problem. Three mRNA expression profile of NPC were selected to feed UGM. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified with UGM and hub genes were derived from them to explore their association with NPC using functional enrichment and pathway analysis. 47 potential DEGs were identified by UGM from the 3 selected datasets, and affluent in cysteine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity, cilium movement, extracellular exosome etc. also participate in ECM-receptor interaction, chemical carcinogenesis, TNF signaling pathway, small cell lung cancer and mismatch repair pathway. Down-regulation of CAPS and WFDC2 can prolongation of the overall survival periods in the patients. ARMC4, SERPINB3, MUC4 etc. have a close relationship with NPC. The UGM is a practical method to identify NPC-associated genes and biomarkers.Bacteria synthesize guanosine tetra- and penta phosphate (commonly referred to as (p)ppGpp) in response to environmental stresses. (p)ppGpp reprograms cell physiology and is essential for stress survival, virulence and antibiotic tolerance. Proteins of the RSH superfamily (RelA/SpoT Homologues) are ubiquitously distributed and hydrolyze or synthesize (p)ppGpp. Structural studies have suggested that the shift between hydrolysis and synthesis is governed by conformational antagonism between the two active sites in RSHs. RelA proteins of γ-proteobacteria exclusively synthesize (p)ppGpp and encode an inactive pseudo-hydrolase domain. Escherichia coli RelA synthesizes (p)ppGpp in response to amino acid starvation with cognate uncharged tRNA at the ribosomal A-site, however, mechanistic details to the regulation of the enzymatic activity remain elusive. Here, we show a role of the enzymatically inactive hydrolase domain in modulating the activity of the synthetase domain of RelA. Using mutagenesis screening and functional studies, we identify a loop region (residues 114-130) in the hydrolase domain, which controls the synthetase activity. We show that a synthetase-inactive loop mutant of RelA is not affected for tRNA binding, but binds the ribosome less efficiently than wild type RelA. Our data support the model that the hydrolase domain acts as a molecular switch to regulate the synthetase activity.Bodies have continuous reticular networks, comprising collagens, elastin, glycosaminoglycans, and other extracellular matrix components, through all tissues and organs. Fibrous coverings of nerves and blood vessels create structural continuity beyond organ boundaries. We recently validated fluid flow through human fibrous tissues, though whether these interstitial spaces are continuous through the body or discontinuous, confined within individual organs, remains unclear. Here we show evidence for continuity of interstitial spaces using two approaches. Non-biological particles (tattoo pigment, colloidal silver) were tracked within colon and skin interstitial spaces and into adjacent fascia. Hyaluronic acid, a macromolecular component of interstitial spaces, was also visualized. Both techniques demonstrate interstitial continuity within and between organs including within perineurium and vascular adventitia traversing organs and the spaces between them. We suggest that there is a body-wide network of fluid-filled interstitial spaces that has significant implications for molecular signaling, cell trafficking, and the spread of malignant and infectious disease.