Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS) is a new nosology in modern nephrology and oncohematology. MGRS is defined as kidney injury due to nephrotoxic monoclonal immunoglobulin produced by the B-cell line clone which does not reach the hematological criteria for specific treatment initiation. Monoclonal proteins pathological effects on kidney parenchyma result in irreversible decline of kidney function till the end stage renal disease that in line with the position of International Consensus of hematologists and nephrologists determinates critical necessity for clone specific treatment in patients with MGRS despite the absence of hematological indications for treatment initiation. Main challenge of MGRS in Russian Federation is an inaccessibility of an in-time diagnostic and appropriate treatment for the great majority of patients due to the following reasons 1) limited knowledge about the MGRS among hematologists and nephrologists; 2) lack of necessary diagnostic resources in most health-care facilities; 3) lack of approved clinical recommendations and medical economic standards for treatment of this pathological entity. Consensus document comprises the opinion of experts leading nephrologists and hematologists of Russian Federation on the problem of MGRS including the incoherence in nosology classification, diagnostics approach and rationale for clone specific treatment. Consensus document is based on conclusions and agreements reached during the conference of leading nephrologists and hematologists of Russia which was held in the framework of symposia Plasma cell dyscrasias and lymphoproliferative diseases modern approaches to therapy, 1516 of March 2019, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. The present Consensus is intended to define the principal practical steps to resolve the problem of MGRS in Russian Federation that are summarized as final clauses.Treatment programs for patients with acquired aplastic anemia include two main therapeutic options allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and combined immunosuppressive therapy (IST). However, combined IST remains the method of choice for most adult AA patients. This study included 120 AA patients who received IST at the National Research Center for Hematology in 20072016. The analysis was applied to 120 patients. Median age was 25 (1765) years, M/F 66/54, SAA/NSAA 66%/34%. Effectiveness of IST was carried out in 120 patients with AA. This group did not include 8 SAA patients who died during the first 3 months from the start of treatment from severe infectious complications (early deaths 6.2%) and 2 AA patients who dropped out of surveillance. The observation time was 55 (6120) months. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH clone) was detected in 67% of AA patients. The median PNH clone size (granulocytes) was 2.5 (0.0199.5)%. The treatment was according to the classical protocol of combined IST horse antithymocytic globulin and cyclosporin A. Most of patients (87%) responded to combined immunosuppressive therapy. To achieve a positive response, it was sufficient to conduct one course of ATG to 64% of patients, two courses of ATG 24% of patients and 2% of patients responded only after the third course of ATG. A positive response after the first course was obtained in 64% of patients included in the analysis. Most of the responding patients (93%) achieve a positive response after 36 months from the start of treatment. Therefore, the 3rd6th months after the first course of ATG in the absence of an answer to the first line of therapy can be considered the optimal time for the second course of ATG. This tactic allows to get an answer in another 58% of patients who did not respond to the first course of ATG. The probability of an overall 10-year survival rate was 90% (95% confidence interval 83.696.2).The agreement of experts of the Eurasian Association of Therapists (EAT) discusses pathogenesis and treatment of COVID-19. Modern data on the characteristics of cardiovascular, kidney, respiratory damage in SARS-infected CoV-2 are presented. The tactics of managing patients initially having cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, chronic kidney disease are discussed in detail. The article presents data on drug interaction of drugs.Dorsalgia is one of the most common skeletal muscle syndromes. Dorsalgia often develops in patients of older age groups with polymorbidity that requires the appointment of a large number of medications. In these conditions, the choice of effective and safe therapy is a difficult problem. Discusses management of a patient suffering dorsalgia with comorbidities, the risks of complications of therapy, possible safety treatment, in particular, through the use of combination therapy.The review presents an analysis of studies on the role of the intestinal microbiota and microbiome in lipid metabolism and the development of dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The role of the intestine as a metabolic organ with a multifactorial strain evolution, involved in lipid metabolism, cholesterol homeostasis and enterohepatic circulation is shown. The influence of microbial imbalance on the development of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis is considered. Special attention is paid to preventive therapy with hypolipidemic probiotics. It is shown that the use of probiotics with hypolipidemic properties and consisting of a mixture of such strains asLactobacillus plantarumCECT7527, CET7528 and CECT7529, mixtures ofLactobacillus acidophilusLa-5,Bifidobacterium lactisBB-12,Bifidobacterium animalis lactisBB-12 contribute to reducing the level of LDL-C, CCS, TG, are safe and well tolerated, can be used as an adjuvant non-drug therapy in combination with hypolipidemic drugs for dyslipidemia, multifocal atherosclerosis.The angle between theQRSandTvectors reflects the consistency or inconsistency of the processes of de- and repolarization of the ventricles of the heart and is considered one of the indicators of global electrical heterogeneity of myocardium. In recent years, the prognostic value of theQRS-Tangle has been demonstrated in relation to total and cardiovascular mortality, both in the population and in various groups of patients. The mechanisms of this phenomenon are not completely clear. The review analyses studies published over the past five years on the relationship between theQRS-Tangle and mortality, as well as coronary heart disease and heart failure. Possible mechanisms for increasing theQRS-Tangle are discussed. Data are given on the use of theQRS-Tangle in diagnostic and prognostic scales, including in combination with other indicators of global electrical heterogeneity of myocardium.