The conditional reprogramming cell culture method was developed to facilitate growth of senescence-prone normal and neoplastic epithelial cells, and involves co-culture with irradiated fibroblasts and the addition of a small molecule Rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitor. The aim of this study was to determine whether this approach would facilitate the culture of compact low grade gliomas. We attempted to culture 4 pilocytic astrocytomas, 2 gangliogliomas, 2 myxopapillary ependymomas, 2 anaplastic gliomas, 2 difficult-to-classify low grade neuroepithelial tumors, a desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, and an anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma using a modified conditional reprogramming cell culture approach. Conditional reprogramming resulted in robust increases in growth for a majority of these tumors, with fibroblast conditioned media and ROCK inhibition both required. Switching cultures to standard serum containing media, or serum free neurosphere conditions, with or without ROCK inhibition, resulted in the establishment of long-term culture and in vivo models.Protein phosphatases (PPs) and protein kinases (PKs) regulate numerous developmental, defense, and phytohormone signaling processes in plants. However, the underlying regulatory mechanism governing biosynthesis of specialized metabolites, such as alkaloids, by the combined effects of PPs and PKs, is insufficiently understood. Here, we report the characterization of a group B protein phosphatase type 2C, NtPP2C2b, that likely acts upstream of the NICOTINE2 locus APETALA 2/Ethylene Response Factors (AP2/ERFs), to regulate nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco. Similar to the nicotine pathway genes, NtPP2C2b is highly expressed in roots and induced by jasmonic acid (JA). Overexpression of NtPP2C2b in transgenic hairy roots or stable transgenic tobacco plants repressed nicotine pathway gene expression and reduced nicotine accumulation. Additionally, transient overexpression of NtPP2C2b, together with the NtERF221, repressed transactivation of the quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase promoter in tobacco cells. We further demonstrate that the JA-responsive tobacco mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 4 interacts with NtPP2C2b in yeast and plant cells. Conditional overexpression of NtMPK4 in tobacco hairy roots up-regulated nicotine pathway gene expression and increased nicotine accumulation. Our findings suggest that a previously uncharacterized PP-PK module acts to modulate alkaloid biosynthesis, highlighting the importance of post-translational control in the biosynthesis of specialized plant metabolites.Obesity contributes 65-75% of the risk for human primary (essential) hypertension which is a major driver of cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Kidney dysfunction, associated with increased renal sodium reabsorption and compensatory glomerular hyperfiltration, plays a key role in initiating obesity-hypertension and target organ injury. Mediators of kidney dysfunction and increased blood pressure include 1) elevated renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA); 2) increased antinatriuretic hormones such as angiotensin II and aldosterone; 3) relative deficiency of natriuretic hormones; 4) renal compression by fat in and around the kidneys; 5) activation of innate and adaptive immune cells that invade tissues throughout the body, producing inflammatory cytokines/chemokines that contribute to vascular and target organ injury, and exacerbate hypertension. These neurohormonal, renal, and inflammatory mechanisms of obesity-hypertension are interdependent. For example, excess adiposity increases the adipocyte-derived cytokine leptin which increases RSNA by stimulating the central nervous system proopiomelanocortin-melanocortin 4 receptor pathway. Excess visceral, perirenal and renal sinus fat compress the kidneys which, along with increased RSNA, contribute to renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activation, although obesity may also activate mineralocorticoid receptors independent of aldosterone. Prolonged obesity, hypertension, metabolic abnormalities, and inflammation cause progressive renal injury, making hypertension more resistant to therapy and often requiring multiple antihypertensive drugs and concurrent treatment of dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, diabetes, and inflammation. More effective anti-obesity drugs are needed to prevent the cascade of cardiorenal, metabolic, and immune disorders that threaten to overwhelm health care systems as obesity prevalence continues to increase. Prior to carrying out clinical trials, it is important to assess the health status of the study participants to be able to interpret subsequent changes that may be related to the effects of the treatments during the follow-up of patients. This study presents the clinical, haematological and biochemical profiles of podoconiosis patients prior to their involvement in the PodoLEDoxy clinical trial. All lower limb lymphoedema patients visiting the centre were screened and a podoconiosis diagnosis was based on clinical manifestation and detailed medical history. Patients who satisfied the eligibility criteria were enrolled in the study and their demographic data, vital signs and medical history were collected followed by biochemical and haematological examinations. Of the 222 participants enrolled in the study, 55.4% and 41.4% had either stage 3 or 2 podoconiosis as their highest stages, respectively. On physical examination, gastritis (46%) and poor vision (2.7%) were the most prevalent health issues identified. The majority of haematological and biochemical values were within the normal range except for mean platelet volume (47.7%), plateletcrit (58.1%), platelet distribution width (66.2%), mean corpuscular volume (67.6%) and red cell distribution width-standard deviation (79.3%), where >40% of the study participants had values out of the normal. The clinical, haematological and biochemical profiles of the study participants were largely within the normal range except for certain haematological parameters that might be worth investigating. The clinical, haematological and biochemical profiles of the study participants were largely within the normal range except for certain haematological parameters that might be worth investigating.