Thirty-three autistic and 30 typically developing participants were interviewed about their memory for two videos depicting criminal events. Clip segments of one video were 'scrambled', disrupting the event's narrative structure; the other video was watched intact. Although both autistic and non-autistic witnesses recalled fewer details with less accuracy from the scrambled video, Witness-Aimed First Account interviews resulted in more detailed and accurate recall from both autistic and non-autistic witnesses, for both scrambled and unscrambled videos. The Witness-Aimed First Account technique may be a useful tool to improve witnesses' accounts within a legally appropriate, non-leading framework.Adults on the autism spectrum experience high rates of anxiety and depression, and may be particularly vulnerable to difficult and traumatic life experiences, which may contribute to the development and maintenance of these conditions. Resilience is an increasingly popular concept in research, which describes the ability to 'bounce back' following difficult emotional experiences, and the flexibility to adapt to stressful and demanding situations. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale has been used predominantly in studies involving non-autistic adults to measure resilience. While resilience is a potentially important concept for autistic adults, the suitability of the 10-item version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale for use with adults on the spectrum has not yet been studied. In this short report, we investigate whether the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 is a valid measure to use with this population, and its relationship with other measures of mental well- or ill-being. Participants were 95 autistic adults with a mean age of 44 (63% female) who completed measures of resilience, autism symptoms, depression, anxiety and mental wellbeing. Overall, the findings indicate that the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 may be reliably used with autistic adults to measure trait resilience, which is associated with positive wellbeing and may serve as a protective factor from negative mental wellbeing. Future studies may use the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 to investigate resilience as a protective factor from negative mental health outcomes in response to traumatic and adverse emotional events for which autistic individuals may be particularly susceptible.Youth with autism spectrum disorder often exhibit symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder; however, it can be difficult for parents and clinicians to tell the difference between the restricted and repetitive behaviors often seen in autism spectrum disorder and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This difficulty in distinguishing symptoms may arise from the fact that these symptoms appear the same to observers but are typically differentiated based on whether the motivation for the behavior is to reduce stress (restricted and repetitive behaviors) or whether the behavior itself is stressful (obsessive-compulsive disorder). It is important to know the difference between these two symptoms as it may impact the treatment prescribed. The goal of this study was to better determine the difference between restricted and repetitive behaviors and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in youth with autism spectrum disorder. It was found that although parents and clinicians had trouble differentiating between the two, the children were able to provide insight as to their own motivations for behavior, and thus whether they were restricted and repetitive behaviors or symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It was also found that children may actually have subjective negative experiences when engaging in restricted and repetitive behaviors, which complicates their classification. These results provide guidance for better understanding, distinguishing, and ultimately treating obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior in youth with autism spectrum disorder.In this study, we examined parental reflective functioning using the Parental Developmental Interview when parents were talking about their interactions with their child with autism versus the child's typically developing siblings. Our sample included 30 parents who had a child between the ages of 3 and 18 years with a clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and at least one typically developing child. Findings indicated that parents exhibited significantly higher reflective functioning when interacting with their child with autism spectrum disorder versus the typically developing siblings, and the difference was moderated by parental self-efficacy.Controlling how proteins are immobilized (e.g., controlling their orientation and conformation) is essential for developing and optimizing the performance of in vitro protein-binding devices, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Characterizing the identity, orientation, etc., of proteins in complex mixtures of immobilized proteins requires a multitechnique approach. The focus of this work was to control and characterize the orientation of protein G B1, an immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody-binding domain of protein G, on well-defined surfaces and to measure the effect of protein G B1 orientation on IgG antibody binding. The surface sensitivity of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) was used to distinguish between different proteins and their orientation on both flat and nanoparticle gold surfaces by monitoring intensity changes of characteristic amino acid mass fragments. Amino acids distributed asymmetrically were used to calculate peak intensity ratios from ToF-SIMS data to determine the orientation of protein G B1 cysteine mutants covalently attached to a maleimide surface. To study the effect of protein orientation on antibody binding, multilayer protein films on flat gold surfaces were formed by binding IgG to the immobilized protein G B1 films. Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis revealed that coverage and orientation affected the antibody-binding process. At high protein G B1 coverage, the cysteine mutant immobilized in an end-on orientation with the C-terminus exposed bound 443 ng/cm2 of whole IgG (H + L) antibodies. In comparison, the high coverage cysteine mutant immobilized in an end-on orientation with the N-terminus exposed did not bind detectable amounts of whole IgG (H + L) antibodies.