Chronic HCV (CHC) infection is the only chronic viral infection for which curative treatments have been discovered. These direct acting antiviral (DAA) agents target specific steps in the viral replication cycle with remarkable efficacy and result in sustained virologic response (SVR) or cure in high (>95%) proportions of patients. These treatments became available 6-7 years ago and it is estimated that their real impact on HCV related morbidity, including outcomes such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), will not be known for the next decade or so. The immune system of a chronically infected patient is severely dysregulated and questions remain regarding the immune system's capacity in limiting liver pathology in a cured individual. Another important consequence of impaired immunity in patients cleared of HCV with DAA will be the inability to generate protective immunity against possible re-infection, necessitating retreatments or developing a prophylactic vaccine. Thus, the impact of viral clearance on restoring immune homeostasis is being investigated by many groups. Among the important questions that need to be answered are how much the immune system normalizes with cure, how long after viral clearance this recalibration occurs, what are the consequences of persisting immune defects for protection from re-infection in vulnerable populations, and does viral clearance reduce liver pathology and the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in individuals cured with these agents. Here, we review the recent literature that describes the defects present in various lymphocyte populations in a CHC patient and their status after viral clearance using DAA treatments.A new biosourced composite foam (AF, associating foamed alginate matrix and orange peel filler) is successfully tested for fire-retardant properties. This material having similar thermal insulating properties and density than fire-retardant polyurethane foam (FR-PUF, a commercial product) shows promising enhanced properties for flame retardancy, as assessed by different methods such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC) and a newly designed apparatus called RAPACES for investigating large-scale samples. All these methods confirm the promising properties of this alternative material in terms of fire protection (pHRR, THR, EHC, time-to-ignition, flame duration or production of residue), especially for heat flux not exceeding 50 kW m-2. At higher heat flux (i.e., 75 kW m-2), flame retardant properties tend to decrease but maintain at a higher level than FR-PUF. The investigation of the effect of AF thickness shows that the critical thickness (CT) is close to 1.5-1.7 cm heat diffusion and material combustion are limited to the CT layer that protects the underlying layers from combustion. A multiplicity of factors can explain this behavior, such as (a) negligible heat conduction, (b) low heat of combustion, (c) charring formation, and (d) water release. Water being released from underlying layers, dilutes the gases emitted during the combustion of superficial layers and promotes the flame extinction. Fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, topiramate, and venlafaxine have previously shown efficacy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One prior study using US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical records data to compare these agents found no differences in symptom reduction in clinical practice. The current study addresses several weaknesses in that study, including limited standardization of treatment duration, inability to account for prior treatment receipt, use of an outdated symptomatic assessment for PTSD, and lack of functional outcome. A total of 834 VA outpatients were identified with DSM-5 clinical diagnoses of PTSD between October 2016 and March 2018 who initiated one of the medications and met prespecified criteria for treatment duration and dose, combined with baseline and endpoint DSM-5 PTSD Checklist (PCL-5) measurements. Twelve-week acute-phase changes in PCL-5 score and remission of PTSD symptoms were compared among patients receiving the different medications, as was use of acutine clinical practice, but this finding requires further study. Regardless of the agent chosen, medication cessation during the continuation phase is associated with a higher risk of acute psychiatric care use. Evaluate the effect of varying the droplet size of microspheres charged with thyme essential oil (TEO-MS) on their swelling (Sw), release rate (%RR) and invitro antifungal activity against sp. TEO-MS obtained by ionic gelation were characterised through SEM microscopy and X-ray microtomography. Their Sw and RR% were evaluated at simulated fish-gastrointestinal conditions using gravimetric and spectrophotometric techniques. For all evaluated droplet sizes (  ≥ 0.05), TEO was heterogeneously distributed inside of the MS and TEO-MS experimented agglomeration and sphericity loss after the drying process. Under gastric conditions, the acid pH (2.9) limited the Sw (50-100%) of TEO-MS, generating a low RR% (14-18%). Contrary, the slightly alkaline intestinal pH (8.1) favoured the Sw (∼3.2 to 3.8 times) and therefore the RR% (42-63%). TEO-MS (5-100 mg/mL) presented antifungal capacity onto sp. after the simulated fish digestion, being the small droplet size once the most effective. TEO-MS (5-100 mg/mL) presented antifungal capacity onto Saprolegnia sp. after the simulated fish digestion, being the small droplet size once the most effective. Neonatal hearing screening in France involves confirmation by a childhood hearing expert centre in case of suspected hearing loss. Although click-evoked air-conduction auditory brainstem responses (AC-ABR) are the gold standard in France, there are no guidelines for bone-conduction ABRs (BC-ABR). The present study assessed the interest of associating click-evoked BC- and AC-ABRs for diagnostic confirmation in neonatal hearing screening. A retrospective study included 59 infant ears with conductive hearing loss referred to the centre of Lyon, France. Objective hearing thresholds were compared between click-evoked BC- and AC-ABRs on a method previously validated in a normal-hearing population. There was a significant difference in mean threshold between AC-ABR (53.27±1.189 dBnHL) and BC-ABR (28.1±0.935 dBnHL) (P<0.001). AC thresholds ranged from 40 to 60 dBnHL while BC thresholds exceeded 40 dBnHL in only 9 ears. Using BC-ABRs could reduce the false-positive rate in neonatal bilateral permanent hearing loss screening, in complement to AC-ABRs using the same stimulus.