Therefore, general practitioners should have medical humanistic education. The general practice education system in the developed countries in Europe and America is relatively mature, and the medical humanistic quality education of general practitioners is explored early. On the other hand, in mainland China, general practice starts late and develops slowly, and the medical humanistic quality of general practitioners is not sufficiently paid attention to. Currently, there are still many problems to be further addressed and resolved.[This corrects the article .].Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been accepted as a rapid, accurate, and less labor-intensive method in the identification of microorganisms in clinical laboratories. However, there is limited data on systematic evaluation of its effectiveness in the identification of phylogenetically closely-related yeast species. In this study, we evaluated two commercially available MALDI-TOF systems, Autof MS 1000 and Vitek MS, for the identification of yeasts within closely-related species complexes. A total of 1,228 yeast isolates, representing 14 different species of five species complexes, including 479 of Candida parapsilosis complex, 323 of Candida albicans complex, 95 of Candida glabrata complex, 16 of Candida haemulonii complex (including two Candida auris), and 315 of Cryptococcus neoformans complex, collected under the National China Hospital Invasive Fungal Surveillance Net (CHIF-NET) program, were studied. Autof MS 1000 and Vitek MS systems correctly identified 99.2% and 89.2% of the isolates, with major error rate of 0.4% versus 1.6%, and minor error rate of 0.1% versus 3.5%, respectively. The proportion of isolates accurately identified by Autof MS 1000 and Vitek MS per each yeast complex, respectively, was as follows; C. albicans complex, 99.4% vs 96.3%; C. parapsilosis complex, 99.0% vs 79.1%; C glabrata complex, 98.9% vs 94.7%; C. haemulonii complex, 100% vs 93.8%; and C. neoformans, 99.4% vs 95.2%. Overall, Autof MS 1000 exhibited good capacity in yeast identification while Vitek MS had lower identification accuracy, especially in the identification of less common species within phylogenetically closely-related species complexes.The human salivary microbiota includes hundreds of bacterial species. Alterations in gut microbiota have been explored in Celiac Disease (CD), but fewer studies investigated the characteristics of salivary microbiome in these patients, despite the potential implications in its pathogenesis. Indeed, some recent studies suggested that the partial digestion of gluten proteins by some bacteria may affect the array of gluten peptides reaching the gut and the way by which those are presented to the intestinal immune system. The available clinical studies investigating the salivary microbiota in children and adults, are insufficient to make any reliable conclusion, even though some bacterial species/phyla differences have been reported between celiac patients and controls. However, the salivary microbiome could correlate better with the duodenal microbiota, than the fecal one. Therefore, further clinical studies on salivary microbiome by different and independent research groups and including different populations, are advisable in order to explore the usefulness of the salivary microbiome analysis and understand some aspects of CD pathogenesis with potential clinical and practical implications.Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is the most fatal form of disease leishmaniasis. To date, there are no effective prophylactic measures and therapeutics available against VL. Recently, new immunotherapy-based approaches have been established for the management of VL. Cytokines, which are predominantly produced by helper T cells (Th) and macrophages, have received great attention that could be an effective immunotherapeutic approach for the treatment of human VL. Cytokines play a key role in forming the host immune response and in managing the formation of protective and non-protective immunities during infection. Furthermore, immune response mediated through different cytokines varies from different host or animal models. Various cytokines viz. IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-12, and TNF-α play an important role during protection, while some other cytokines viz. IL-10, IL-6, IL-17, TGF-β, and others are associated with disease progression. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge of cytokine response and their interaction with various immune cells is very crucial to determine appropriate immunotherapies for VL. Here, we have discussed the role of cytokines involved in VL disease progression or host protection in different animal models and humans that will determine the clinical outcome of VL and open the path for the development of rapid and accurate diagnostic tools as well as therapeutic interventions against VL.The severity of toxoplasmosis depends on a combination of host and parasite factors. Among them, the Toxoplasma strain causing the infection is an important determinant of the disease outcome. Type 2 strains dominate in Europe, whereas in North America type 2, followed by type 3 and 12 strains are commonly isolated from wildlife and patients. To identify the strain type a person is infected with, serological typing provides a promising alternative to the often risky and not always possible biopsy-based DNA methods of genotyping. However, despite recent advances in serotyping, improvements in the sensitivity and specificity are still needed, and it does not yet discriminate among the major Toxoplasma lineages infecting people. Moreover, since infections caused by non-1/2/3 strains have been associated with more severe disease, the ability to identify these is critical. In the present study we investigated the diagnostic potential of an ELISA-based assay using 28 immunogenic Toxoplasma peptides derived from a recent large-scale peptide array screen. Our results show that a discrete number of peptides, derived from Toxoplasma dense granule proteins (GRA3, GRA5, GRA6, and GRA7) was sufficient to discriminate among archetypal strains that infect mice and humans. The assay specifically relies on ratios that compare individual serum reactivities against GRA-specific polymorphic peptide variants in order to determine a "reactivity fingerprint" for each of the major strains. Importantly, nonarchetypal strains that possess a unique combination of alleles, different from types 1/2/3, showed either a non-reactive, or different combinatorial, mixed serum reactivity signature that was diagnostic in its own right, and that can be used to identify these strains. Of note, we identified a distinct "HG11/12" reactivity pattern using the GRA6 peptides that is able to distinguish HG11/12 from archetypal North American/European strain infections.