Collectively, these results suggest that EBV-LMP1 enhances autophagy and promotes the viability of HL cells. Autophagic inhibition may be a potential therapeutic strategy for treating patients with HL, especially EBV-positive cases.Extracranial carotid artery aneurysms (ECAAs) are rare, with the etiology mainly classified as degeneration or dissection. Pseudoaneurysms in the region are even rarer and are seen following trauma, iatrogenic injury, or infection. We report a case of extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysm (pseudo-ECAA) with a rare clinical course and pathological features. A 58-year-old man presented with swelling and purpura on the left side of his neck after sneezing. Radiological examinations suggested a ruptured left common carotid artery aneurysm. The operative findings were consistent with a pseudoaneurysm. Pathological examination revealed disarrangement and degeneration of smooth muscle fibers in the media, in addition to scattered foci of mucoid accumulation and irregular-shaped cavitation in the medial extracellular matrix, raising the possibility of an intrinsic dysfunction of the vascular wall in the pathological process of pseudoaneurysm formation.Paenibacillus durus strain ATCC 35681T is a Gram-positive diazotroph that displayed capability of fixing nitrogen even in the presence of nitrate or ammonium. However, the nitrogen fixation activity was detected only at day 1 of growth when cultured in liquid nitrogen-enriched medium. The transcripts of all the nifH homologues were present throughout the 9-day study. When grown in nitrogen-depleted medium, nitrogenase activities occurred from day 1 until day 6 and the nifH transcripts were also present during the course of the study albeit at different levels. In both studies, the absence of nitrogen fixation activity regardless of the presence of the nifH transcripts raised the possibility of a post-transcriptional or post-translational regulation of the system. A putative SigA box sequence was found upstream of the transcription start site of nifB1, the first gene in the major nitrogen fixation cluster. The upstream region of nifB2 showed a promoter recognizable by SigE, a sigma factor normally involved in sporulation. Linac integrated cone beam CT (CBCT) scanners have become widespread tool for image guidance in radiotherapy. The current implementation uses constant imaging fluence across all the projection angles, which leads to anisotropic noise properties and suboptimal image quality for noncircular symmetric objects. Tube current modulation (TCM) is widely used in conventional CT. The purpose of this work was to implement TCM on a linac integrated CBCT scanner and evaluate its impact on image quality under varying scatter conditions and scatter correction strategies. We have implemented TCM on a nonclinical Elekta Versa HD linear accelerator with enhanced x-ray generator functionality including pulse width modulation. The pulse width was modulated using two Arduino programmable microcontrollers one placed on the kV arm to measure the projection angle and the other connected to the kV generator control board to vary x-ray pulse width as function of gantry angle and precalculated transmission. An in-house developed pthe amount of detected x-ray scatter. TCM has the potential to improve CBCT image quality, but this depends on the amount of detected x-ray scatter. To investigate the feasibility of using the high Z storage phosphor material BaFBrIEu in conjunction with the low Z storage phosphor material KClEu for simultaneous proton dose and linear energy transfer (LET) measurements by (a) measuring the fundamental optical and dosimetric properties of BaFBrIEu , (b) evaluating its compatibility in being readout simultaneously with KClEu dosimeters, and (c) modeling and validating its LET dependence under elevated proton LET irradiation. A commercial BaFBrIEu storage phosphor detector (Model ST-VI, Fujifilm) was characterized with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis to obtain its elemental composition. The dosimeters were irradiated using both a Mevion S250 proton therapy unit (at the center of a spread-out Bragg peak, SOBP) and a Varian Clinac iX linear accelerator with the latter being a low LET irradiation. The photostimulated luminescence (PSL) emission spectra, excitation spectra, and luminescent lifetimes of the detector were measments. BaFBr I Eu has shown equally excellent dosimetry performance as its low Z complement KClEu with distinctive LET dependence merely as a result of its higher Z . These promising results pave the way for future studies involving simultaneous proton dose and LET measurements using this novel approach. We have proven the feasibility of dual-storage phosphor proton dosimetry for simultaneous proton dose and LET measurements. BaFBr0.85 I0.15 Eu2+ has shown equally excellent dosimetry performance as its low Zeff complement KClEu2+ with distinctive LET dependence merely as a result of its higher Zeff . These promising results pave the way for future studies involving simultaneous proton dose and LET measurements using this novel approach. To propose a generic deep learning based medical image reconstruction model (named as SpiNet) that can enforce any Schatten p-norm regularization with 0<p≤2, where the p can be learnt (or fixed) based on the problem at hand. Model-based deep learning architecture for solving inverse problems consists of two parts, a deep learning based denoiser and an iterative data consistency solver. The former has either L2 norm or L1 norm enforced on it, which are convex and can be easily minimized. This work proposes a method to enforce any p norm on the noise prior where 0<p≤2. This is achieved by using Majorization-Minimization algorithm, which upper bounds the cost function with a convex function, thus can be easily minimized. The proposed SpiNet has the capability to work for a fixed p or it can learn p based on the data. The network was tested for solving the inverse problem of reconstructing magnetic resonance (MR) images from undersampled k space data and the results were compared with a popular model-based deep learning architecture MoDL which enforces L2 norm along with other compressive sensing-based algorithms.