The aim of the work was to create a sensitive and fast immunochemical test for the detection of orthopoxviruses (OPXV) in the "point of care" format. This work presents the results of the comparative evaluation of a single-stage (rapid version) and two-stage protocol of dot-immunoassay based on plane protein array for detection of vaccinia virus (VACV), cowpoxvirus (CPXV) and ectromelia virus (ECTV) in viral culture materials with different degrees of purification. It has been established that rabbit polyclonal VACV-antibodies can be used in a one-stage dot-analysis, both as a capture agent immobilized on a substrate and as a detection reagent bound with colloidal gold particles. It is shown that the sensitivity of detection of OPXV is inversely related to the degree of purification of viruses. The one-stage variant of the dot-immunoassay allows reducing the analysis time to 40 minutes and increasing the detection sensitivity of all the studied orthopoxviruses in crude viral samples to a range of 104-103 PFU/r results allow the test to be used outside of laboratories. V.BACKGROUND In PACIFIC, durvalumab significantly improved progression-free and overall survival (PFS/OS) versus placebo, with manageable safety, in unresectable, Stage III NSCLC patients without progression after chemoradiotherapy (CRT). We report exploratory analyses of outcomes by tumour-cell (TC) PD-L1 expression. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients were randomised (21) to durvalumab 10 mg/kg intravenously every-2-weeks or placebo ≤12 months, stratified by age, sex and smoking history but not PD-L1 status. Where available, pre-CRT samples were tested for PD-L1 expression (immunohistochemistry) and scored at pre-specified (25%) and post-hoc (1%) TC cutoffs. Treatment-effect HRs were estimated from unstratified-Cox-proportional-hazards models (Kaplan-Meier-estimated medians). RESULTS 709/713 randomised patients received durvalumab (n=473) or placebo (n=236). 451 (63%) were PD-L1-evaluable 35%, 65%, 67%, 33%, and 32% had TC ≥25%, less then 25%, ≥1%, less then 1%, and 1-24%, respectively. As of 31-January-2019, med across all but TC less then 1%, for which limitations and wide HR CI preclude robust conclusions. Within the field of evolutionary biology, natural selection is often thought to favor traits that lead to individuals behaving as if they were maximizing their evolutionary fitness. The concept of the individual as a maximizer is also popular in behavioral psychology, especially when it comes to theories of operant learning. Here, the individual is taken to adapt its behavior to the local environment, such that the expected amount of reinforcer value is maximized. Whereas there is a considerable consensus concerning the formal properties of an evolutionary maximand ('fitness'), there is no generally accepted conceptualization of a corresponding behavioral maximand ('reinforcer value'). However, such theoretical clarification is crucial to the development and empirical testing of learning theories, since it is impossible to decide whether the concept of reinforcer maximization is adequate, as long as the maximand is not well defined. This paper presents a formal model of reinforcer value that is consistent with existing work on the nature of reinforcement and provides an explicit link between behavioral psychology and evolutionary biology. Applying the model to matching behavior, it is further demonstrated how the established link between reinforcer value and evolutionary fitness can be used to derive new hypotheses. V.Two experiments examined factors controlling human free-operant performance in relation to predictions based on the nature of bout-initiation and within-bout responding. Overall, responding was higher for a random ratio (RR) than a random interval (RI) schedule, with equal rates of reinforcement. Bout-initiation rates were not different across the two schedules, but within-bout rates were higher on the RR schedule. Response cost reduced overall rates of responding, but tended to suppress bout-initiation responding more than within-bout responding (Experiments 1 & 2). In contrast, reinforcement magnitude increased all forms of responding (Experiment 2). One explanation consistent with these effects is that bout-initiation responses are controlled by overall rates of reinforcement through their impact on the context (i.e. are stimulus-driven), but that within-bout responses are controlled by response reinforcement (i.e. are goal-directed). These current findings are discussed in the light of these theoretical suggestions. Amphibian cutaneous secretion has great potential for bioprospection and is a great tool in the development of bioproducts. Thus, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the comparative study of thechemical profile parotoid gland secretions from Rhaebo guttatus collected in two distinct regions of the Brazilian Amazon. For this, the chemical composition of six methanolic extracts of this species were analyzed by Liquid Chromatography in UV and MS Detection Ultra-Chromatography Systems (UFLC-DAD-micrOTOF). All obtained chromatograms presented two distinct regions; one referring to the more hydrophilic molecules (alkaloids), while the other refers to the more hydrophobic compounds (steroids). The steroid region resembles all samples, regardless of where they were collected. In the alkaloid region, there was a standardized variation for the samples from the southern Brazilian Amazon, but the same was not true for the samples collected in the Amazon-Cerrado transition region. Thus, the data suggest that the environment and diet of R. guttatus may be important in alkaloid production, but do not influence steroid content. These results add new information about the poison of the toad R. guttatus and raises new questions to be further investigated, thus contributing to the knowledge of the anuran fauna of the Brazilian Amazon. Sex hormones, such as testosterone and estrogens, play an essential role in regulating physiological and reproductive development throughout the lifetime of the individual. Although variation in levels of these hormones are observed throughout the distinct stages in life, significant deviations from reference ranges can result in detrimental effects to the individual. Alterations, by either an increase or decrease, in hormone levels are associated with physiological changes, decreased reproductive capabilities, and increased risk for diseases. Hormone therapies (HTs) and assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are commonly used to address these factors. In addition to these treatments, gender-affirming therapies, an iteration of HTs, are also a prominent treatment for transgender individuals. Considering that the effectiveness of these treatments relies on achieving therapeutic hormone levels, monitoring of hormones has served as a way of assessing therapeutic efficay. The need for reliable methods to achieve this task has led to great advancements in methods for evaluating hormone concentrations in biological matrices.