Bacterial microcompartments (MCPs) are widespread protein-based organelles composed of metabolic enzymes encapsulated within a protein shell. The function of MCPs is to optimize metabolic pathways by confining toxic and/or volatile pathway intermediates. A major class of MCPs, known as glycyl radical MCPs has only been partially characterized. Here, we show that uropathogenic Escherichia coli CFT073 uses a glycyl radical MCP for 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) fermentation. Bioinformatic analyses identified a large gene cluster (named grp for [underln]g[/underln]lycyl [underln]r[/underln]adical [underln]p[/underln]ropanediol) that encodes homologs of a glycyl radical diol dehydratase, other 1,2-PD catabolic enzymes and MCP shell proteins. Growth studies showed that E. coli CFT073 grows on 1,2-PD under anaerobic conditions but not under aerobic conditions. All nineteen grp genes were individually deleted and 8/19 were required for 1,2-PD fermentation. Electron microscopy and genetic studies showed that a bacterial MComprehensive genetic analysis of the genes involved. Studies suggest significant functional differences between the glycyl radical MCP of E. coli CFT073 and better-studied MCPs. They also provide a foundation for building a deeper general understanding of glycyl radical MCPs in an organism where sophisticated genetic methods are available. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.In bacterial populations, quorum sensing (QS) systems participate in the regulation of specialization processes and regulate collective behaviors that mediate interactions and allow survival of the species. In Gram-positive bacteria, QS systems of the RRNPP family consist of intracellular receptors and their cognate signaling peptides. Two of these receptors, Rap and NprR, have regained attention in Bacillus subtilis and the Bacillus cereus group. Some Rap proteins, such as RapH and Rap60, are multifunctional and/or redundant in functions, linking the specialization processes of sporulation and competence, as well as global expression changes in the transition phase in B. subtilis NprR, an evolutionary intermediate between Rap and RRNPP transcriptional activators, is a bi-functional regulator that modulates sporulation initiation and activates nutrient scavenging genes. In this review we discuss how these receptors switch between functions and connect distinct signaling pathways. Based on structural evidence, we propose that RapH and Rap60 should be considered moonlighting proteins. Additionally, we analyze an evolutionary and ecological perspective to understand the multifunctionality and functional redundancy of these regulators in both Bacillus and non-Bacillus Firmicutes. Understanding the mechanistic, structural, ecological and evolutionary basis for multifunctionality and redundancy of these QS systems, is a key step for achieving the development of innovative technologies for health and agriculture. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.Cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP) is a recently identified bacterial second messenger that regulates biological processes. In this study, we found that inactivation of two c-di-AMP phosphodiesterases (PDEs), GdpP and PgpH, resulted in accumulation of 3.8 folds higher c-di-AMP levels than the parental strain Sterne in Bacillus anthracis and inhibited bacterial growth. Moreover, c-di-AMP accumulation decreased bacterial toxin expression, increased sensitivity to osmotic stress and detergent, and attenuated virulence in both C57BL/6J and A/J mice. Complementation of the PDE mutant with a plasmid carrying gdpP or pgpH in trans from a Pspac promoter restored bacterial growth, virulence factors expression, and resistant to detergent. Our results indicate that c-di-AMP is a pleiotropic signaling molecule in B. anthracis that is important for host-pathogen interaction.ImportanceAnthrax is an ancient and deadly disease caused by the spore-forming bacterial pathogen Bacillus anthracis. Vegetative cells of this species produce anthrax toxin proteins and S layer components during infection of mammalian hosts. So far, how the expression of these virulence factors is regulated remains largely unknown. Our results suggest that elevated c-di-AMP levels inhibit bacterial growth, reduce expression of S layer components and anthracis toxins as well as reduce virulence in a mouse model of disease. These results indicate that c-di-AMP signaling plays crucial roles in B. anthracis biology and disease. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.The host restricts the availability of zinc to prevent infection. To overcome this defense, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa rely on zincophore-dependent zinc importers. Synthesis of the zincophore staphylopine by S. aureus and its import are both necessary for the bacterium to cause infection. In this study, we sought to elucidate how loss of zincophore efflux impacts bacterial resistance to host-imposed zinc starvation. In culture and during infection, mutants lacking CntE, the staphylopine efflux pump, were more sensitive to zinc starvation imposed by the metal-binding immune effector calprotectin than those lacking the ability to import staphylopine. However, disruption of staphylopine synthesis reversed the enhanced sensitivity phenotype of the ΔcntE mutant to calprotectin, indicating that intracellular toxicity of staphylopine is more detrimental than the impaired ability to acquire zinc. Unexpectedly, intracellular accumulation of staphylopine does not increase the expression of metal importers or alter cellular metal concentrations, suggesting that, contrary to prevailing models, the toxicity associated with staphylopine is not strictly due to intracellular chelation of metals. As P. aeruginosa and other pathogens produce zincophores with similar chemistry, our observations on the crucial importance of zincophore efflux are likely to be broadly relevant.Importance Staphylococcus aureus and many other bacterial pathogens rely on metal-binding small molecules to obtain the essential metal zinc during infection. In this study, we reveal that export of these small molecules is critical for overcoming host-imposed metal starvation during infection and prevents toxicity due to accumulation of the metal-binding molecule within the cell. Surprisingly, we found that intracellular toxicity of the molecule is not due to chelation of cellular metals. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.