This study therefore recommends that midwives undergo training and retraining on immediate newborn care and there should be increased awareness and education on recent up to date practices of immediate newborn care. a bit above average of the midwives had good knowledge about immediate newborn care and some of the midwives still carry out obsolete practices that has been judge as non-beneficial and are not in line with recommendations of World Health Organization/UNICEF on immediate newborn care. This study therefore recommends that midwives undergo training and retraining on immediate newborn care and there should be increased awareness and education on recent up to date practices of immediate newborn care.The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. This pandemic is transforming the world and has posed exceptional challenges to health care delivery. Saudi Arabia has exerted unprecedented efforts and measures to fight the pandemic. Appreciating the value of primary health care during this crisis the family and community medicine department reorganized the services. We discuss the problems faced, solutions and lessons learned in the hope others may find it helpful.Breast cancer is the most frequent invasive cancer in women and the second cause of death by cancer in women after lung cancer. It causes metastases especially to bones, liver and lungs. Pancreatic metastases from a primary breast neoplasm are rare and unusual, occurring in less than 3% of the cases. There have been only 28 cases described in the literature. This paper adds one more case to the published literature. We present a case of pancreatic metastasis of the breast in a 64-year-old female and a discussion based on a review of the literature.Gallbladder agenesis (GA) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the absence of the gallbladder and cystic duct due to an anomaly in the embryonic development. It is commonly associated with other congenital abnormalities, and the isolated form is extremely rare. Its clinical presentation is variable. Actually, GA is more often incidentally diagnosed. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is considered to be the diagnosis method of choice since it avoids unnecessary and risky surgery in symptomatic patients. Here we report the case of a radiologically incidentally discovered gallbladder agenesis in a 68-year-old patient. stroke survivors are at risk of malnutrition due to inadequate dietary intake, as a result of neurological disorders causing dysphagia, depression and impaired ability to self-feed. There is paucity of information on nutritional status of stroke survivors after discharge from hospital care, hence, this study sought to determine the nutritional risk markers among stroke out-patients at the Neurology Clinic of Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. a cross-sectional study was conducted among 106 stroke survivors at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Nutritional status of stroke survivors was assessed, using body mass index (BMI) and mid upper arm circumference (MUAC). Biochemical and haematological nutrition indicators including total serum protein, serum albumin, total lymphocyte count, uric acid and haemoglobin were also determined. Independent t-test and ANOVA were used to test differences between mean values. the mean age of study participants was 58.47±14.2 years, with 56% being females. Overall, 96 (88.7%) of the participants had malnutrition, of whom 66 (68.8%) were undernourished, while 30 (31.2%) had overnutrition. It was also found that 38.7% of the participants were anaemic, based on haemoglobin levels. Using mean BMI, stroke survivors who had been discharged over five years were significantly overweight (p = 0.010). there was high level of malnutrition among stroke out-patients in this study. The most common nutrition-related problem in the stroke survivors studied was anaemia. Findings from this study suggest the need for nutrition intervention strategies to address the high burden of malnutrition among the stroke survivors. there was high level of malnutrition among stroke out-patients in this study. The most common nutrition-related problem in the stroke survivors studied was anaemia. Findings from this study suggest the need for nutrition intervention strategies to address the high burden of malnutrition among the stroke survivors.Hypermetabolic conditions with nutrition deficiencies are common in patients with extensive burns. Balanced nutrition status is required to achieve adequate wound healing. Mental disorder, which tended to make a patient uncooperative, complicates the management. We report the case of a 35-year-old man with schizophrenia who suffered full- and partial-thickness burns in approximately 38% of total body surface area due to attempted suicide. The patient was hospitalized for 66 days and underwent multiple surgeries. His body mass index (BMI) was continuously low. Tissue injuries provoked inflammatory responses that contributed to metabolic disarrangement, meanwhile the presence of psychiatric disorder complicated the means of nutrition assessment and therapy needed to compensate for the high nutrition demand during the treatment period. Nutrition support should be assessed and adjusted continuously.Choroidal nevi are frequent, asymptomatic, usually easy-to-diagnose lesions. They can cause macular syndrome in patients with choridal degeneration or neovascularization. In doubtful cases, the combination of different diagnostic means, such as clinical examination, ultrasound, fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green (ICG) can help to correct the diagnosis. We here report the case of a female patient with atypical choroidal lesion, in whom multimodal imaging allowed to retain the diagnosis of achromic choroidal nevus complicated by choroidal neovascularization.The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has rapidly spread in Africa, with a total of 474,592 confirmed cases by 11th July 2020. Consequently, all policy makers and health workers urgently need to be trained and to access the most credible information to contain and mitigate its impact. While the need for rapid training and information dissemination has increased, most of Africa is implementing public health social and physical distancing measures. Responding to this context requires broad partnerships and innovative virtual approaches to disseminate new insights, share best practices, and create networked communities of practice for all teach, and all learn. The World Health Organization (WHO)-Africa region, in collaboration with the Extension for Community Health Outcome (ECHO) Institute at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC), the West Africa college of nurses and the East Central and Southern Africa college of physicians, private professional associations, academia and other partners has embarked on a virtual training programme to support the containment of COVID-19.