Heart regeneration requires cardiomyocyte proliferation. It is thought that formation of polyploid nuclei establishes a barrier for cardiomyocyte proliferation, but the mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that the nuclear lamina filament Lamin B2 (Lmnb2), whose expression decreases in mice after birth, is essential for nuclear envelope breakdown prior to progression to metaphase and subsequent division. Inactivating Lmnb2 decreased metaphase progression, which led to formation of polyploid cardiomyocyte nuclei in neonatal mice, which, in turn, decreased myocardial regeneration. Increasing Lmnb2 expression promoted cardiomyocyte M-phase progression and cytokinesis and improved indicators of myocardial regeneration in neonatal mice. Inactivating LMNB2 in human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes reduced karyokinesis and increased formation of polyploid nuclei. In primary cardiomyocytes from human infants with heart disease, modifying LMNB2 expression correspondingly altered metaphase progression and ploidy of daughter nuclei. In conclusion, Lmnb2 expression is essential for karyokinesis in mammalian cardiomyocytes and heart regeneration. The fusion of digits or toes, syndactyly, can be part of complex syndromes, including van der Woude syndrome. A subset of van der Woude cases is caused by dominant-negative mutations in the epithelial transcription factor Grainyhead like-3 (GRHL3), and Grhl3-/-mice have soft-tissue syndactyly. Although impaired interdigital cell death of mesenchymal cells causes syndactyly in multiple genetic mutants, Grhl3-/- embryos had normal interdigital cell death, suggesting alternative mechanisms for syndactyly. We found that in digit separation, the overlying epidermis forms a migrating interdigital epithelial tongue (IET) when the epithelium invaginates to separate the digits. Normally, the non-adhesive surface periderm allows the IET to bifurcate as the digits separate. In contrast, in Grhl3-/- embryos, the IET moves normally between the digits but fails to bifurcate because of abnormal adhesion of the periderm. Our study identifies epidermal developmental processes required for digit separation. Inflammation triggered by infection or cellular necrosis is initiated by a battery of pattern-recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors or IL-1 family receptors. Diverse forms of cell stress, such as ER stress or mitochondrial stress, can also promote inflammatory responses that contribute to the chronic inflammation observed in cancer, obesity, and other conditions. However, the molecular mechanisms of cell-stress-induced inflammation are poorly understood. Here, we show that ER stress initiated NF-κB activation and inflammation through transcriptional upregulation and ligand-independent activation of TRAIL receptors. ER-stress-induced TRAIL receptor activation resulted in caspase-8/FADD/RIPK1-dependent NF-κB activation and inflammatory cytokine production. Silencing or deletion of TRAIL receptors, or their downstream effectors caspase-8, FADD, or RIPK1, suppressed ER-stress-induced inflammation. Furthermore, chemotherapeutic stress-induced inflammatory responses were blunted in DR5/TRAIL-R null animals. We propose that, upon ER stress, TRAIL receptors serve as "stress-associated molecular patterns (SAMPs)" coupling ER stress to NF-κB-dependent inflammation. Eukaryotic genomes are organized within the nucleus through interactions with inner nuclear membrane (INM) proteins. How chromatin tethering to the INM is controlled in interphase and how this process contributes to subsequent mitotic nuclear envelope (NE) remodeling remains unclear. We have probed these fundamental questions using the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces japonicus, which breaks and reforms the NE during mitosis. We show that attachments between heterochromatin and the transmembrane Lem2-Nur1 complex at the INM are remodeled in interphase by the ESCRT-III/Vps4 machinery. Failure of ESCRT-III/Vps4 to release Lem2-Nur1 from heterochromatin leads to persistent association of chromosomes with the INM throughout mitosis. At mitotic exit, such trapping of Lem2-Nur1 on heterochromatin prevents it from re-establishing nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization. Our work identifies the Lem2-Nur1 complex as a substrate for the nuclear ESCRT machinery and explains how the dynamic tethering of chromosomes to the INM is linked to the establishment of nuclear compartmentalization. Skin homeostasis is orchestrated by dozens of cell types that together direct stem cell renewal, lineage commitment, and differentiation. Here, we use single-cell RNA sequencing and single-molecule RNA FISH to provide a systematic molecular atlas of full-thickness skin, determining gene expression profiles and spatial locations that define 56 cell types and states during hair growth and rest. These findings reveal how the outer root sheath (ORS) and inner hair follicle layers coordinate hair production. We found that the ORS is composed of two intermingling but transcriptionally distinct cell types with differing capacities for interactions with stromal cell types. Inner layer cells branch from transcriptionally uncommitted progenitors, and each lineage differentiation passes through an intermediate state. We also provide an online tool to explore this comprehensive skin cell atlas, including epithelial and stromal cells such as fibroblasts, vascular, and immune cells, to spur further discoveries in skin biology. Quiescence is a fundamental property that maintains hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) potency throughout life. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/nedometinib.html Quiescent HSCs are thought to rely on glycolysis for their energy, but the overall metabolic properties of HSCs remain elusive. Using combined approaches, including single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), we show that mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) distinguishes quiescent from cycling-primed HSCs. We found that primed, but not quiescent, HSCs relied readily on glycolysis. Notably, in vivo inhibition of glycolysis enhanced the competitive repopulation ability of primed HSCs. We further show that HSC quiescence is maintained by an abundance of large lysosomes. Repression of lysosomal activation in HSCs led to further enlargement of lysosomes while suppressing glucose uptake. This also induced increased lysosomal sequestration of mitochondria and enhanced the competitive repopulation ability of primed HSCs by over 90-fold in vivo. These findings show that restraining lysosomal activity preserves HSC quiescence and potency and may be therapeutically relevant.