A total of 27 unique resident-case encounters with 16 individual trainees occurred over three annual implementations. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Temsirolimus.html Scores on the 360-degree assessment of communication skills showed that residents overwhelmingly underassessed their skills compared to other rater groups. Among 18 responses on the post-OSCE survey, the majority (77%) found the experience useful to their education and felt that the feedback from the SPs was helpful (61%) and the case portrayals were realistic (89%). We implemented simulated cases for assessment and formative feedback on communication skills for child neurology residents. We provide a blueprint to develop this educational activity in other programs. We implemented simulated cases for assessment and formative feedback on communication skills for child neurology residents. We provide a blueprint to develop this educational activity in other programs. Emergency medicine (EM) physicians serve at the frontline of disasters in our communities. The 2016 Model of Clinical Practice according to the American Board of EM identifies disaster management as an integral task of EM physicians. We described a low-cost and feasible tabletop exercise to implement such training for EM residents. The exercise took place during 2 hours of resident didactic time. A lecture introduced the incident command system (ICS) and triage concepts, followed by a tabletop scenario with a map of a disaster scene or emergency department. Facilitators presented situational prompts of tasks for residents to address during the exercise. These exposed residents to challenges in disaster scenarios, such as surge and limited resources. The exercise concluded with a debrief and short lecture reviewing scenario-specific topics and challenges. Residents completed an online pre- and postexercise assessment, evaluating knowledge and perceptions of disaster scenario management. Eighteen residents participated in this exercise. The response rates to the pre- and postsurvey were 76% and 72% respectively. Using a Mann Whitney U test, no statistically significant difference was demonstrated on the medical knowledge component of the survey. There was, however, a statistically significant increase in perceived confidence of the residents' ability to manage disaster incidents. We developed a simple exercise that is an easily adaptable and practical option for introduction to disaster preparedness training. These concepts are difficult to teach and assess among learners, however it remains an important component of education for EM physicians-in-training. We developed a simple exercise that is an easily adaptable and practical option for introduction to disaster preparedness training. These concepts are difficult to teach and assess among learners, however it remains an important component of education for EM physicians-in-training. Residents have been known to report a lack of self-efficacy in their ability to provide care for limited English proficiency (LEP) patients. Interpreters must be utilized to help navigate these patient encounters, but many institutions do not have a curriculum focused on utilizing interpreters effectively. We created a 3-hour workshop for physician learners working with the pediatric population. It included a panel discussion, best-practices presentation, video demonstration, observing scenarios, and pre- and postworkshop objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs). The first OSCE introduced learners to a scenario (4-day-old with jaundice with an LEP parent) where interpreter use was imperative. The second OSCE allowed learners to perform another case (12-year-old with an abscess with an LEP parent) and practice newly obtained skills from the workshop. Both OSCEs were scored using a 16-item yes/no checklist. All pediatric residents filled out an eight-item survey to evaluate the workshop; a subset of that group performed the pre- and postworkshop OSCEs. Forty pediatric residents attended the workshop and completed the survey. The workshop was well received, with the majority of residents stating they would change their current interpreter usage practices. Ten pediatric residents performed the pre- and postworkshop OSCEs; all improved their scores. The workshop was effective in improving how residents navigated LEP encounters. It is applicable to learners of all levels who want to improve their communication skills to provide better care for LEP patients and can be tailored to fit the needs of a specific institution. The workshop was effective in improving how residents navigated LEP encounters. It is applicable to learners of all levels who want to improve their communication skills to provide better care for LEP patients and can be tailored to fit the needs of a specific institution. Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, medical education has moved online, tasking medical educators with developing virtual learning experiences. This is particularly challenging for less-represented disciplines, such as ophthalmology. We designed a red eye clinical reasoning case for preclinical medical students, which can be delivered virtually, using video conference software. We developed a 90-minute red eye/clinical reasoning workshop for which prereading was assigned to students. We then delivered a virtual development session to nonophthalmologist copreceptors and provided a session faculty guide. The entire first-year medical student class (No. = 140) participated in one of four identical workshops, which included virtual small- and large-group discussions. Students completed a knowledge pre- and posttest, and an optional session postsurvey. Knowledge gains from pretest (No. = 94) to posttest (No. = 73) were statistically significant ( < .05), with average scores improving from 57% to 70%. Ovfor virtual design of other curricular content. The transition into clinical anesthesiology is a challenging period that requires swift acquisition of clinical knowledge and procedural skills. Senior residents are in a prime position to help their junior colleagues into the operating room environment due to their ability to relate from personal experience. We created a workshop for enhancing peer apprenticeship during this transition. The workshop consisted of PowerPoint didactics interspersed with small-group practice sessions. Surveys were administered pre-, post-, 1-week post-, and 1-month postworkshop. The primary outcome was pre-post improvement in the proportion of residents prepared to be a trainer. Secondary outcomes included pre- to 1-week postworkshop improvement, pre-postworkshop change in knowledge of learning theory concepts, and pre-postworkshop change in first-year clinical anesthesiology perceptions of trainers. Of residents, 12 of 43 (28%) eligible to be resident trainers attended the workshop. The proportion of residents who felt prepared increased from 75% preworkshop to 100% postworkshop and remained at 93% at 1 week.