Single dose of EWH significantly increased the antioxidant ability compared with the placebo group (p  less then  0.05), and there was no significant difference between the groups in the oxidative stress test results on Study 1. Two-week intake of EWH significantly decreased mental fatigue compared with the placebo (p  less then  0.05). This study showed that ingesting EWH improved antioxidant capacity with a single dose and reduced mental fatigue after 2 weeks of ingestion. Trial Registration Japan Medical Association Center for Clinical Trials identifier; JMA-IIA00395 (Study1) and JMA-IIA00396 (Study2), both trials were retrospectively registered on 26 October, 2018. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of different treatment strategies and the potential prognostic factors of esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB). Between April1984 and December 2018, 138 patients with non-metastatic ENB were retrospectively analyzed. The treatment modalities mainly included surgery alone (n = 7), radiotherapy alone (n = 33), concurrent chemoradiotherapy (n = 17), surgery combined with current chemoradiotherapy (n = 32), and surgery plus radiotherapy (n = 49). The median follow-up time for the entire cohort was 61 months (range, 4-231 months). The 5-year overall survival (OS), locoregional failure-free survival (LRFFS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) rate were 69.6, 78.0 and 73.9%, respectively. Surgery combined with radiotherapy elicited superior survival results, and the combination of surgery and current chemoradiotherapy achieved the best prognoses for all patients, patients with advanced Kadish disease, patients receiving intensity modulated radiation therapy andsociated with inferior prognosis. Regarding the treatment modality, the optimal strategy remined surgery with radiotherapy-based multimodality treatment. The concurrent chemoradiotherapy may play a more beneficial role. Regulation of gene expression during embryo development on the basis of migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in vivo has been rarely studied due to limited cell number and the necessity to isolate PGCs from a large number of embryos. Moreover, little is known about the comprehensive dynamics of the transcriptome in chicken PGCs during early developmental stages. The current study investigated transcriptome dynamics of chicken PGCs at key developmental stages 4.5, 8 and 12days of embryo incubation. PGCs were collected, and RNA was isolated using a commercial kit for single cells. The isolated RNA was subjected to microarray analysis (Agilent Technologies). Between 8 and 12days of incubation, the highest number of genes was regulated. These data indicate that the most intense biological activity occurs between 8 and 12days of embryo development. Heat map showed a significant decrease in gene expression on day 8, while it increased on day 12. The development of a precise method to isolate bird PGCs as well as the method to isolate RNA from single cells isolated from one embryo allows for early molecular analysis and detection of transcriptome changes during embryonic development. Between 8 and 12 days of incubation, the highest number of genes was regulated. These data indicate that the most intense biological activity occurs between 8 and 12 days of embryo development. Heat map showed a significant decrease in gene expression on day 8, while it increased on day 12. The development of a precise method to isolate bird PGCs as well as the method to isolate RNA from single cells isolated from one embryo allows for early molecular analysis and detection of transcriptome changes during embryonic development.RNA methylation can reverse the methylation modification at the RNA level, which is an extremely important epigenetic modification. The function and mechanism of YTHDF2, as a reader of m6A modification, in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) have not been elucidated so far. This study aimed to investigate how YTHDF2 and miR-145 modulated EOC progression through m6A modification. It demonstrated that YTHDF2 was significantly upregulated in EOC tissues compared with normal ovarian tissues. Further functional studies confirmed that YTHDF2 significantly promoted the proliferation and migration of EOC cell lines and reduced the global 6-methyladenine (m6A) mRNA levels. Next, the expression levels of miR-145 and YTHDF2 were found to be inversely correlated in ovarian cancer tissues and cells, and YTHDF2 was the direct target gene of miR-145. A crucial crosstalk occurred between miR-145 and YTHDF2 via a double-negative feedback loop. The overexpression of YTHDF2 rescued miR-145-induced reduction of the proliferation and migration of EOC cells. Hence, YTHDF2 and miR-145, as two crucial m6A regulators, were involved in the progression of EOC by indirectly modulating m6A levels. The findings of this study on YTHDF2 and miR-145 might provide new insights into carcinogenesis and new potential therapeutic targets for EOC.The amygdala plays an important role in the emotional-affective aspects of behaviors and pain, but can also modulate sensory aspect of pain ("nociception"), likely through coupling to descending modulatory systems. Here we explored the functional coupling of the amygdala to spinal nociception. We found that pharmacological activation of neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) increased the activity of spinal dorsal horn neurons; and this effect was blocked by optogenetic silencing of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) positive CeA neurons. A kappa opioid receptor (KOR) agonist (U-69,593) was administered into the CeA by microdialysis. KOR was targeted because of their role in averse-affective behaviors through actions in limbic brain regions. Extracellular single-unit recordings were made of CeA neurons or spinal dorsal horn neurons in anesthetized transgenic Crh-Cre rats. Neurons responded more strongly to noxious than innocuous stimuli. U-69,593 increased the responses of CeA and spinal neurons to innocuous and noxious mechanical stimulation of peripheral tissues. The facilitatory effect of the agonist was blocked by optical silencing of CRF-CeA neurons though light activation of halorhodopsin expressed in these neurons by viral-vector. The CRF system in the amygdala has been implicated in aversiveness and pain modulation. The results suggest that the amygdala can modulate spinal nociceptive processing in a positive direction through CRF-CeA neurons and that KOR activation in the amygdala (CeA) has pro-nociceptive effects.