Estuarine sediments are important sites for the interception, processing, and retention of organic matter, prior to its export to the coastal oceans. Stimulated microbial co-metabolism (priming) potentially increases export of refractory organic matter through increased production of hydrolytic enzymes. Using the microphytobenthos community to directly introduce a pulse of labile carbon into sediment, we traced a priming effect and assessed the decomposition and export of preexisting organic matter. We show enhanced efflux of preexisting carbon from intertidal sediments enriched with water column nutrients. Nutrient enrichment increased production of labile microphytobenthos carbon, which stimulated degradation of previously unavailable organic matter and led to increased liberation of "old" (6855 ± 120 years BP) refractory carbon as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). These enhanced DOC effluxes occurred at a scale that decreases estimates for global organic carbon burial in coastal systems and should be considered as an impact of eutrophication on estuarine carbon budgets.Studies evaluating the mechanisms underpinning the biomagnification of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a globally prevalent group of regulated persistent organic pollutants, commonly couple chemical and stable isotope analyses to identify bioaccumulation pathways. Due to analytical costs constraining the scope, sample size, and range of congeners analyzed, and variation in methodologies preventing cross-study syntheses, how PCBs biomagnify at food web, regional, and global scales remains uncertain. To overcome these constraints, we compiled diet (stable isotopes) data and lipid-normalized concentrations of sum total PCB (PCBST), seven indicator PCB congeners, and their sum (PCB∑7). Our analyses revealed that the number of congeners analyzed, region, and class most strongly predicted PCBST, while similarly, region, class, and feeding location best predicted PCB∑7 and all seven congeners. We also discovered that PCBST, PCB∑7, and the seven indicator congeners all occur in higher concentrations in freshwater than marine ecosystems but are more likely to biomagnify in the latter. Moreover, although the seven congeners vary in their propensity to biomagnify, their trophic magnification factors are all generally greater in the Atlantic than the Pacific. Thus, novel insights regarding PCB biomagnification across taxonomic, food webs, regional, and global scales can be gleaned by leveraging existing data to overcome analytical constraints.To accurately assess the behavior and toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), it is essential to understand their subcellular distribution and biotransformation. We combined both nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) and electron microscopy to investigate the subcellular localization of Ag and in situ chemical distribution in the oyster larvae Crassostrea angulata after exposure to isotopically enriched 109AgNPs. Oyster larvae directly ingested particulate Ag, and in vivo dissolution of AgNPs occurred. The results collectively showed that AgNPs were much less bioavailable than Ag+, and the intracellular Ag was mainly originated from the soluble Ag, especially those dissolved from the ingested AgNPs. AgNPs absorbed on the cell membranes continued to release Ag ions, forming inorganic Ag-S complexes extracellularly, while Ag-organosulfur complexes were predominantly formed intracellularly. The internalized Ag could bind to the sulfur-rich molecules (S-donors) in the cytosol and/or be sequestered in the lysosomes of velum, esophagus, and stomach cells, as well as in the digestive vacuoles of digestive cells, which could act as a detoxification pathway for the oyster larvae. Ag was also occasionally incorporated into the phosphate granules, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Our work provided definite evidence for the partial sulfidation of AgNPs after interaction with oyster larvae and shed new light on the bioavailability and fate of nanoparticles in marine environment.Poorly crystalline iron(III) (hydr)oxide nanoparticles are ubiquitous in environmental systems and play a crucial role in controlling the fate and transport of contaminants. Yet, the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters, e.g., the effective interfacial (α') and apparent activation (E a ) energies, of iron(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation on earth-abundant mineral surfaces have not been determined, which hinders an accurate prediction of iron(III) (hydr)oxide formation and its interactions with other toxic or reactive ions. Here, for the first time, we report experimentally obtained α' and E a for iron(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation on quartz mineral surfaces by employing a flow-through, time-resolved grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). GISAXS enabled the in situ detection of iron(III) (hydr)oxide nucleation rates under different supersaturations (σ, achieved by varying pH 3.3-3.6) and temperatures (12-35 °C). By quantitative analyses based on classical nucleation theory, α' was obtained to be 34.6 mJ/m2 and E a was quantified as 32.8 kJ/mol. The fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained here will advance our fundamental understanding of the surface chemistry and nucleation behavior of iron(III) (hydr)oxides in subsurface and water treatment systems as well as their effects on the fate and transport of pollutants in natural and engineered water systems. The in situ flow-through GISAXS method can also be adapted to quantify thermodynamic and kinetic parameters at interfaces for many important solid-liquid environmental systems.The adverse effects of ambient particulate matter (PM) on human health have been well demonstrated, but the underlying properties responsible for its toxicity are still unclear. We hypothesized that particulate radioactivity, which is due to the attachment of radioactive nuclides on particle surfaces, may be responsible for part of PM toxicity. We measured the gross α- and β-activities for daily PM2.5 and PM10 filters collected at the Harvard Supersite in downtown Boston from 2005 to 2006 and calculated the radioactivities at the time of air sampling retrospectively based on a previously established formula. We examined the relationship between different radioactivities and compared our measurements to those measured at the Boston EPA RadNet Station. The results showed that the majority of PM10 radioactivity is associated with that of PM2.5 samples for both α-activity (98%) and β-activity (83%). A strong linear relationship was observed between the α- and β-activities for both PM2.5 [slope = 0.47 (±0.03); p-value less then 0.