Introduction This is the 37th Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' (AAPCC) National Poison Data System (NPDS). As of 1 January, 2019, all 55 of the nation's poison centers (PCs) uploaded case data automatically to NPDS. The upload interval was 6.52 [6.12, 8.68] (median [25%, 75%]) minutes, creating a near real-time national exposure and information database and surveillance system.Methods We analyzed the case data tabulating specific indices from NPDS. The methodology was similar to that of previous years. Where changes were introduced, the differences are identified. Cases with medical outcomes of death were evaluated by a team of medical and clinical toxicologist reviewers using an ordinal scale of 1-6 to assess the Relative Contribution to Fatality (RCF) of the exposure.Results In 2019, 2,573,180 closed encounters were logged by NPDS 2,148,141 human exposures, 68,711 animal exposures, 351,163 information requests, 5,078 human confirmed nonexposures. Total encounters showed ammercial product), and the identification and tracking of significant public health events. NPDS is a model system for the near real-time surveillance of national and global public health.Vultures play an important role in our ecosystem by filtering out bacteria and viruses harmful to humans (e.g., rabies, botulism). However, many vultures remain in human care due to skill deficits and behavioral excesses, which can be treated using behavior-management practices that rely on effective (often edible) reinforcers. The current study replicated the forced-choice or paired-stimulus preference assessment with five birds of prey. Across all vultures, participants displayed a preference for animal (e.g., meat) over nonanimal stimuli (e.g., fruit), and mice meat was the most preferred edible for 4 of the 5 vultures. The application of this methodology to birds of prey might allow rehabilitators, conservationists, and