To evaluate whether narrowing of internal carotid artery siphon (ICAS) may increase the risk of developing non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION). Totally 30 consecutive patients who had unilateral NAION and 30 gender-matched control subjects were recruited in the present study. The diameter of ICAS of all the participants were measured using head-and-neck computed tomographic angiography (CTA). Color doppler flow imaging (CDI) was used to measure the haemodynamics parameters of ICAS and short posterior ciliary arteries (SPCAs) in all subjects. Comparison of parameters between the NAION patients and controls as well as between the two sides within the patients were performed. The correlation between the diameter of ICAS and NAION was analyzed. A comparison of parameters between the affected side of the NAION patients and the controls, including the diameter of ICAS, the resistance index (RI) of ICAS, the blood flow velocities of SPCAs and RI of SPCAs, showed significantly difference ( <0.01), while there was no significant difference in terms of the mean blood flow velocity (Vm) of ICAS; Similar results were found while comparing all the measurements of the affected and unaffected side of patients ( for RI of SPCAs <0.05). No marked difference was detected in nearly all parameters except for RI of ICAS and SPCAs between the unaffected side of the NAION patients and the controls ( <0.05). The diameter of ICAS were significantly positive correlated with both peak systolic velocity (PSV) of SPCAs and end diastolic velocity (EDV) of SPCAs in patients with NAION ( =0.514, <0.01 and =0.418, <0.05, respectively). Narrowing of ICAS may increase the risk of developing NAION. Narrowing of ICAS may increase the risk of developing NAION. To identify the clinical features and treatment outcomes of endogenous endophthalmitis and investigate prognostic factors of poor visual outcome. The clinical records of all patients diagnosed with endogenous endophthalmitis between January 2007 to December 2018 in Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China were retrospectively reviewed. Thorough ophthalmological examination findings were recorded in the case note, including visual acuity testing, slit-lamp examination, indirect ophthalmoscopy and B-scan ultrasonography if media opacity precluded fundus viewing. A total of 18 eyes in 14 patients were identified. Bilateral involvement was noted in 4 patients (28.6%). Hepatobiliary sepsis was the source in 9 patients (64.3%). Culture of intraocular fluid was positive in 5 out of 18 eyes (27.8%). Mortality was noted in 2 patients (14.3%). Mean final visual acuity was 20/1500. Six out of 16 eyes had total loss of sight (37.5%) and 3 eyes required evisceration (18.8%). Multivariate linear regression revealed poor presenting visual acuity ( =0.031) and lack of fundus view due to vitritis ( =0.02) as prognostic factors of poor visual outcome. Visual outcome of endogenous endophthalmitis is poor. Poor presenting visual acuity and lack of fundus view predict poor visual outcome. High index of suspicion for endophthalmitis is important in sepsis patients with complaints of ocular symptoms. Ophthalmological screening is recommended in non-communicable patients with sepsis. Visual outcome of endogenous Klebsiella endophthalmitis is poor. Poor presenting visual acuity and lack of fundus view predict poor visual outcome. High index of suspicion for endophthalmitis is important in Klebsiella sepsis patients with complaints of ocular symptoms. Ophthalmological screening is recommended in non-communicable patients with Klebsiella sepsis. To observe the melanin change of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choroid in the convalescent stage of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH). A retrospective study was performed on 40 eyes of 20 patients in the convalescent stage of VKH. Fundus photography (FP), multi-spectral imaging (MSI), and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were performed. In the VKH convalescent stage, focal RPE melanin accumulation (FRMA) was detected in 34 eyes (85%) on MSI and in 7 eyes (17.5%) on FP. FRMA was limited to the previous retinal detachment area in all 28 eyes (FRMA was detected in 34 eyes on MSI, which were enrolled, and 6 eyes lacked data in the acute stage). Sunset-glow fundus was detected in 20 eyes (50%) on FP. The mean density of FRMA in a 1-mm-diameter circular area of the fovea was 0.04±0.07 on MSI, which was significantly correlated with sunset-glow fundus (ρ=0.467, =0.02). In the VKH convalescent stage, FRMA is derived from the RPE melanin change, and sunset-glow fundus is derived from the choroid melanin change. A higher density of FRMA in the fovea and sunset-glow fundus represents more serious depigmentation of melanin. In the VKH convalescent stage, FRMA is derived from the RPE melanin change, and sunset-glow fundus is derived from the choroid melanin change. A higher density of FRMA in the fovea and sunset-glow fundus represents more serious depigmentation of melanin. To study of corneal biomechanical properties and intraocular pressure (IOP) measured with Corvis Scheimpflug Technology (ST) in patients with childhood glaucoma (CG). Cross-sectional study in which 89 eyes were included 56 of them with CG. Only one eye per patient was included. The following variables were obtained from the clinical history and the ophthalmological examination age, sex, IOP, number of surgeries, and the cup/disc ratio (CDR). The following parameters were recorded using Corvis ST corrected by biomechanics IOP (bIOP), not corrected IOP (nctIOP), central corneal thickness (CCT), maximum concavity [radius, peak distance (PD) and deformation amplitude], applanation 1 and 2 (length and velocity). The mean age was 23±14.55 and 33±19.5 years old for the control group and CG group, respectively. Totally 36 were males and 53 were females. In the CG group, 7 patients were controlled only with medical treatment. Sixteen had at least one previous goniotomy, 19 had at least one trabeculectomy, and 11 had an Ahmed implant. A significant and positive intraclass correlation coefficient was found between Goldman IOP and the IOP measured by Corvis in both groups. No differences were found between the IOP measured with Corvis and Goldman using a student -test. Regarding biomechanical parameters, there were differences in the applanation length 2 (A-L2), in the applanation velocity 2 (A-V2) and in the PD. By sex, only the applanation length 1 (A-L1) was found to be different in control group. A positive and significant Pearson correlation was found between CDR and the A-L1. Corneal biomechanical properties have shown differences between CG and healthy subjects and also between men and women. Corneal biomechanical properties have shown differences between CG and healthy subjects and also between men and women.