We have reported that cytoskeletal proteins such as desmin and vimentin are expressed on the surface of muscle, mesenchymal and cancer cells, and possess N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine (β-GlcNAc) residue-binding properties. https://www.selleckchem.com/btk.html As cell-recognizable β-GlcNAc residue-bearing biopolymer, we prepared glycoconjugates (SF-GlcNAc) composed of silk fibroin (SF) and monosaccharide N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) by chemical modification using cyanuric chloride. The covalent immobilization of GlcNAc into SF was assessed by 1H-NMR measurements. The 1H-NMR spectrum of SF-GlcNAc conjugates showed new peaks attributed to the methyl protons of the N-acetyl group in GlcNAc, and the integration of these peaks revealed that the GlcNAc content in the conjugates was 9 wt%. The existence of β-GlcNAc residues in SF-GlcNAc was examined by the criteria using lectins such as wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Addition of WGA to SF-GlcNAc solution caused an increase in the turbidity of the solution due to lectin-mediated aggregation. Solid-phase lectin binding assay based on the biotin-avidin interaction showed that biotinylated succinylated WGA bound more strongly onto SF-GlcNAc conjugate-coated wells compared to SF-coated well. Following the establishment of the existence of β-GlcNAc residues in SF-GlcNAc, the interaction of SF-GlcNAc with desmin was examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using anti-desmin antibody. The stronger binding of desmin was observed for SF-GlcNAc conjugate-coated wells compared to SF-coated wells. The use of SF-GlcNAc conjugates as a substrate for culturing desmin-expressing human cardiac myocytes demonstrated an increase in the numbers of attached cells and proliferating cells on the conjugate-coated wells compared to SF-coated wells. These results suggest that the immobilization of monosaccharide GlcNAc is a useful method for the versatile functionalization of SF as an application in tissue engineering.As a structural analog of graphene and boron nitride, hexagonal boron carbonitride nanosheets (BCNNSs) are supposed to be a potential drug deliverer. In the present work, an improved solid-state reaction method combined with ultrasonic exfoliating was reported for preparing BCNNSs. Vapor-solid (VS) mechanism was proposed to be responsible for the formation of BCNNSs. The BCNNSs were further modified by DSPE-mPEG-5000 to improve their dispersion in aqueous solution. It was found that the BCNNSs-PEG nanocomplex could be efficiently taken in by MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells evidenced by inverted fluorescence microscopy. The PEGylated BCNNSs showed an outstanding ability to load paclitaxel through π-π interaction and hydrophobic interaction, and BCNNSs-PEG-loaded paclitaxel presented higher cytotoxicity in comparison with free paclitaxel. BCNNSs may become a promising candidate for delivering paclitaxel and other hydrophobic drugs.Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted considerable attentions in the area of molecular imaging, targeted therapy and diagnosis. The UCNPs synthesized by conventional methods are usually hydrophobic and require additional surface modification to give them water solubility and biocompatibility. Herein, we designed a simple and convenient strategy for the direct synthesis of water-soluble and biocompatible lanthanum-doped UCNPs through a one-pot reaction without further purification and screening. The doping amount of lanthanide can be adjusted by simply changing the proportion of precursor in the reaction solution. The resulting water-soluble UCNPs possess excellent colloidal stability in physiological media. Under 980 nm excitation, NaGdF4Yb3+/Er3+ and NaGdF4Yb3+/Tm3+ nanoparticles exhibited a dominant green emission band (4S3/2→4I15/2) of Er3+ and a dominant blue emission band (1G4→3H6) of Tm3+, respectively. Toxic response was not observed with concentration up to 50 mg/L. The hemolysis to rabbit red blood cells was less than 2% in the concentration up to 20 mg/L. The NaGdF4Yb3+/Er3+ nanoparticles exhibited a high r1 relaxivity of 4.7 mM-1s-1, demonstrating that the water-soluble and biocompatible UCNPs can be efficient T1 contrast agents. The in vivo results show that UCNPs exhibit excellent T1-weighted imaging and fluorescence imaging abilities simultaneously, and can be used as a versatile promising theranostic nanoplatform. Is live birth of patients with excessive slow (no blastocyst on day 5) and fast mitotic rate (full blastocyst development on day 4) comparable to a matched control standard (blastocyst formation on day 5)? In this retrospective matched (age and anti-Müllerian hormone [AMH]) case-control study rates of fertilization, blastulation, implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth were compared in couples with male factor indication, prolonged embryo culture and fresh single morula and blastocyst transfer. The rates of implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth in the slow-developing group were significantly (P < 0.001) lower (17.6%, 13.7%, and 11.8%, respectively) compared with the fast (58.5%, 52.5%, 47.5%) and normal growing counterparts (51.5%, 42.6%, 39.6%). No differences in neonatal outcome could be observed between the three groups. Sex ratio in the fast-growing group was not different from the other cohorts. Extremely slow development, as assessed by the absence of blastulation on day 5, is a negative predictor of pregnancy and live birth. In contrast, the fear that extremely fast-growing embryos may represent an aneuploid cohort of embryos is unsubstantiated. Day-4 full blastocysts can preferentially be considered for transfer. Extremely slow development, as assessed by the absence of blastulation on day 5, is a negative predictor of pregnancy and live birth. In contrast, the fear that extremely fast-growing embryos may represent an aneuploid cohort of embryos is unsubstantiated. Day-4 full blastocysts can preferentially be considered for transfer. Can premature luteinization of granulosa cells (PLGC) act as a novel parameter of premature luteinization and affect IVF outcomes? In this retrospective cohort study, infertile patients undergoing fresh IVF cycles between January 2006 and December 2016 at the Reproductive Medicine Center in Tongji Hospital were included. A total of 42,468 cycles were conducted. Propensity score matching was carried out to match the baseline characteristics, and participants were assigned to the PLGC group and control group. The main outcomes were pregnancy rate and live birth rate. Patient characteristics and clinical outcomes were compared before and after matching. In general, the fate of oocytes in the PLGC group was much worse than those in the control group after matching, including metaphase II rate, two-pronuclei rate, available embryo rate, blastocyst formation rate, high-quality blastocyst rate, pregnancy rate, implantation rate and live birth rate. Among those potential risk factors, gonadotrophin duration, oestradiol and progesterone on HCG day were positively associated with the occurrence of PLGC in the multivariate logistic regression model, with gonadotrophin dosage negatively related.