The MgO effect on the cecal acetic acid concentration was less when administered at ZT12 than at ZT0. In conclusion, this study suggests that MgO affects cecal SCFA and microbiota during inulin feeding, and the effect on acetic acid concentration is time-dependent.Bacteria from the genus Marinobacter are ubiquitous throughout the worlds' oceans as "opportunitrophs" capable of surviving a wide range of conditions, including colonization of surfaces of marine snow and algae. To prevent too many bacteria from occupying this ecological niche simultaneously, some sort of population dependent control must be operative. Here, we show that while Marinobacter do not produce or utilize an acylhomoserine lactone (AHL)-based quorum sensing system, "sibling" colonies of many species of Marinobacter exhibit a form of non-lethal chemical communication that prevents colonies from overrunning each other's niche space. Evidence suggests that this inhibition is the result of a loss in motility for cells at the colony interfaces. Although not the signal itself, we have identified a protein, glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase, that is enriched in the inhibition zone between the spreading colonies that may be part of the overall response.Obesity is considered a risk factor for peri- and postoperative complications. Little is known about this risk in overweight living kidney donors. The aim of this study was to assess if anthropometric body measures and/or surgical determinants are associated with an increased incidence of peri- and postoperative complications after nephrectomy. We included 776 living kidney donors who donated between 2008 and 2018 at the University Medical Center Groningen. Prenephrectomy measures of body composition were body mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA), waist circumference, weight, and waist-hip ratio. Incidence and severity of peri- and postoperative complications were assessed using the Comprehensive Complication Index. Mean donor age was 53 ± 11 years; 382 (49%) were male, and mean BMI at donor screening was 26.2 ± 3.41 kg/m2. In total, 77 donors (10%) experienced peri- and postoperative complications following donor nephrectomy. Male sex was significantly associated with fewer surgical complications (OR 0.59, 0.37-0.96 95%CI, p = 0.03) in binomial logistic regression analyses. Older age (OR 1.03, 1.01-1.05 95%CI, p = 0.02) and a longer duration of surgery (OR 1.01, 1.00-1.01 95%CI, p = 0.02) were significantly associated with more surgical complications in binomial logistic regression analyses. Multinomial logistic regression analyses did not identify any prenephrectomy measure of body composition associated with a higher risk of surgical complications. This study shows that higher prenephrectomy BMI and other anthropometric measures of body composition are not significantly associated with peri- and postoperative complications following living donor nephrectomy.Objectives Dental problems occur widely in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and may increase comorbidities. Root canal therapy (RCT) is a common procedure for advanced decayed caries with pulp inflammation and root canals. However, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients are considered to have a higher risk of potentially life-threatening infections after treatment and might fail to receive satisfactory dental care such as RCT. We investigated whether appropriate intervention for dental problems had a potential impact among dialysis patients. Design Men and women who began maintenance dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2015, in Taiwan (total 12,454 patients) were enrolled in this study. Participants were followed up from the first reported dialysis date to the date of death or end of dialysis by December 31, 2015. Setting Data collection was conducted in Taiwan. Results A total of 2633 and 9821 patients were classified into the RCT and non-RCT groups, respectively. From the data of Taiwan's National Health Insurance, a total of 5,092,734 teeth received RCT from 2000 to 2015. Then, a total of 12,454 patients were followed within the 16 years, and 4030 patients passed away. The results showed that members of the non-RCT group (34.93%) had a higher mortality rate than those of the RCT group (22.79%; p = 0.001). The multivariate-adjusted hazard ratio for the risk of death was 0.69 (RCT vs. non-RCT; p = 0.001). Conclusions This study suggested that patients who had received RCT had a relatively lower risk of death among dialysis patients. Infectious diseases had a significant role in mortality among dialysis patients with non-RCT. Appropriate interventions for dental problems may increase survival among dialysis patients. Abbreviations CKD = chronic kidney disease, ESRD = end-stage renal disease, RCT = root canal therapy.(1) Background An important aspect of dog ownership is providing veterinary care. However, features of dog ownership differ across demographic groups and these may influence veterinary client decision making and behavior. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate relationships between American dog owner characteristics and willingness to seek veterinary care. (2) Methods A total of 858 dog owners completed an online questionnaire asking participants to rate their level of likelihood to seek veterinary care for different medical conditions, answer supplemental questions about their previous veterinary barriers, and indicate barriers that prevent them from seeking veterinary care. (3) Results Dog owners did not differ by demographics in their willingness to seek veterinary care. However, dog owner demographic groups varied in their relationship with their dog(s), previous behaviors accessing veterinary care, and barriers that make seeking veterinary care challenging. (4) Conclusions Education, outreach and community-based veterinary medicine efforts should allocate resources to underserved communities identified within the context that they are affected by barriers to obtaining veterinary care for their dog(s).Timber volume is an important asset, not only as an ecological component, but also as a key source of present and future revenues, which requires precise estimates. We used the Trimble TX8 survey-grade terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) to create a detailed 3D point cloud for extracting total tree height and diameter at breast height (1.3 m; DBH). We compared two different methods to accurately estimate total tree heights the first method was based on a modified version of the local maxima algorithm for treetop detection, "HTTD", and for the second method we used the centers of stem cross-sections at stump height (30 cm), "HTSP". DBH was estimated by a computationally robust algebraic circle-fitting algorithm through hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). This study aimed to assess the accuracy of these descriptors for evaluating total stem volume by comparing the results with the reference tree measurements. The difference between the estimated total stem volume from HTTD and measured stems was 2.732 m3 for European oak and 2.